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Order Management
Discussion List
System AlertContent Hi i need system send alert to user when order line status change from waiting shipping to waiting billing Thanks
Adding subscription usage details at sales order line levelSummary Adding subscription usage details at sales order line levelContent Hi All, Based on the OM Cloud user and implementation guide we can add the subscription at the…
Sales Order originated from Internal Material Transfer failed to be submitted due to Null value in PContent Order transformationA user-defined validation failed for the following reason: Sales order submit failed because fulfillment line does not include payment terms.…
R12 vs Fusion ConfiguratorSummary Where do we get R12 versus Fusion Configurator differences?Content Where do we get R12 versus Fusion Configurator differences?
Shipping errors post pick release and post Pick confirmSummary ping errors post Pick Release and post Pick ConfirmContent Hi All, Can you let me know the list of errors, post Pick Release and post Pick Confirm and resolution…
Blanket Sales Agreement - supported?Summary Blanket Sales Agreement - supported?Content Hi, I would like to know if Blanket Sales agreement can be created in fusion OM and can we generates order releases a…
Item Substitution for KitSummary Item Substitution for KitContent Customer has a requirement to do substitute the components in the Kit during the order entry. Please let me know if there is a f…
Sales Order Creation Rest API : Bill and Ship To sectionsSummary How to pouplate Bill and Ship To data in Payload ?Content Hello, In order to collect all data needed to build a rest API sales order creation payload, I need to …
Credit Check at Ship-Confirm LevelSummary Credit Check at Ship-Confirm LevelContent Hello OM Cloud Gurus, We have a requirement where in the credit check should run at Ship-confirm level in OM Cloud. Any…
Apply Hold dynamically (out of UI)Summary How We can apply Hold order (having status Draft ) using webservice or any bussiness rules.Content HI, How We can apply Hold order (having status Draft ) using w…
Add related items automatically in sales orderSummary In sales order if an item is added and its quantity is greater than 10 then 2 more related items should add automaticallyContent Hello, Our client is in trading …
Transfer price for material Transfer between inventory org in same business unitSummary Transfer price for material Transfer between inventory org in same business unitContent hi, Can we define transfer price for IMT between inventory org in same bu…
Need Webservice to hold the Fulfillment lineSummary Need Webservice to hold the Fulfillment lineContent Hi, I am looking for a webservice which can hold the fulfillment lines. Can anyone let me know if such webser…
sales orders are not progressing in to awaiting billing.Summary sales orders are not progressing in to awaiting billing.Content Hi sales orders status got stuck in picked status not moving to awaiting billing even ship confir…
Uploading of Sales Order Lines by End UserSummary Uploading of Sales Order Lines by End UserContent We are looking for an option where end user ( sales rep) can uplaod sales order lines via simple excel or csv f…
Webservice Payload for Change OrderSummary Webservice payload for change order to update quantityContent I have a requirement to update and cancel the order through an integration. I know there is only on…
Calculate Tax at SO levelSummary Tax is not calculated when order is saved, price or submitted even though tax code is set on customer and item. Is there any additional set-up needed in order to…
Another user request is being processed. (DOO - 2685434) Details: Try again when the user request stSummary Facing an error in OM CloudContent Hi All, We are facing the below error in OM Cloud. "Another user request is being processed. (DOO - 2685434) Details: Try agai…
Unable to manually schedule a order orchestration fulfillment lineSummary Unable to manually schedule a order orchestration fulfillment lineContent Unable to manually schedule a order orchestration fulfillment line. Marked as manually …
Can I sell a Partial Kit?Summary Can I sell a Partial Kit?Content Hi, Please let me know if there is functionality to sell partial Kit, Use Case: * Kit Item - TAKIT * A - QTY 3 * B - QTY 4 * C -…
Invoice Generation / Sales OrderContent Good afternoon, I'm testing Oracle sales Cloud. And I can not generate the invoice from order management. The SO status is awaiting billing and I do not know whi…
SCM Data Lineage for 19D releaseSummary Data LineageContent Hi, Do we have the Data Lineage, Subject Area, Report list document for 19D release for Fusion SCM (Order Management and Procurement)? -Senth…
Configurator Modeling Walk ThroughSummary An end-to-end, introductory walk through of the Configurator modeling process with a working example.
Create Orchestration(Test Back to Back) for Back to Back Order( Copy from Standard). Add processingSummary Create Orchestration(Test Back to Back) for Back to Back Order( Copy from Standard). Add processing constraints, if "Test Back to Back" and Warehouse is blank, i…
How Global Order Promising Cloud Sources Supply for Your OrdersSummary Read this whitepaper to understand the business rules that Global Order Promising Cloud uses to select a supply source to fulfill each order, as well as the opti…
The mechanism of Schedule ship date calculation without ATPSummary The mechanism of Schedule ship date calculation without ATPContent Hi Experts, I don't understand how system calculate schedule ship date automatically without A…
Error while Refreshing SnapshotSummary Error while Refreshing SnapshotContent Hi All, I am facing one issue, There is one item as purchased item which is attached in option class and its imported in t…
Workspace ReleasedSummary How to End date a Workspace which has already been releasedContent We have created a workspace for writing rules for a model, released it , Rules are reflecting …
Credit Limit calculation for Credit CheckSummary Credit Limit calculation for Credit CheckContent Could someone let me know what all elements are considered for the Credit Check process? 1. AR Balance 2. Shippe…
Import Maps for Sales Order ImportSummary We are looking for alternative to the current FBDI templateContent Can you please let us know if there a ETA on the availability of using Import Maps for Sales O…