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Reporting and Analytics for SCM
Discussion List
The supply plan tables could be printed in BI report?Summary: Hello, I have a custom table for supply planning, I need a BI report to print data generated into the table for the 3 measures per period while is filtering by …
How can I add suggested start date of a maintenance program generated work order to an OTBI report.?Summary: I am trying to add the suggested start data of a work order to an OTBI report. Work orders that are created by maintenance programs have a suggested start date.…
Supplier Statement ReportSummary: Any OTBI or Seeded Supplier Statement Summary & Details report including transactions details and opening closing balances. Content (required): Any OTBI or Seed…
Delete master and transaction data related to one LE from an instance (Oracle Fusion Cloud Apps).We have implemented multiple legal entities across different countries in a SaaS instance. The client now wants to split these entities into two different SaaS instances…
Field in OTBI subject area to differentiate Purchase Order schedules which are FirmedWe are creating an Analysis and need an Identifier in Purchase Order Schedule to get the schedules which are Firmed ( Purchase Order schedule → Details → Actions → Firm)…
Capacity / Resources Requirement calculation for Phantom subassembliesSummary: Hello All, How is Capacity / Resources Requirement calculated for Phantom subassemblies in constraint supply chain planning? supply planning doesn't calculate p…
User Should access all Inv Org for the OTBI reports If user is having access for 1 Inventory OrgSummary: Hello We have created an on-hand report for the business, but we need that few user with access with only 1 or few inventory org should also be able to view the…
Requisition Report errors when filtering to one BUWe have a Requisition Approved Status report that runs a report for approved Reqs for our 3 Business Units, Report runs fine when ALL BUs are selected or even 2 BUs. But…
Backend tables for Receipt Accounting DistributionsSummary: I need backend tables for the screen Receipt Accounting Distributions (Supply Chain Execution>Receipt Accounting> Receipt Accounting Distributions). I found tha…
I am trying to connect this table cst_layer_costs unit_cost with this table INV_MATERIAL_TXNSSummary: I am doing transaction stock movement report I am struggle with unit_cost column which I am taking the column from this table cst_layer_costs try to connect it …
Requisition Unprocessed daysSummary: Difference between OTBI Requisition- Unprocessed days in Line detail and Unprocessed days in the Line folder Content (please ensure you mask any confidential in…
Database table to get the min and max quantity for Replenishment plan type item in oracle fusionSummary: Hi all, please let us know Database table which stores min and max quantity for Replenishment plan type item in oracle fusion Content (please ensure you mask an…
I need sql query for Consumed Allocation in GOP Review Supply AllocationSummary: I need sql query for Consumed Allocation in GOP Review Supply Allocation to create a BIP report Content (required): Business requirement to prepare a report tha…
Can we change the PO PDF Report Output name?Summary: Hi All, The requirement is to change the PO PDF report output name. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version …
Need SQL query to extract Agreements and the assigned Requisitioning Business unit namesSummary: Purchase agreements with assigned Requisitioning Business unit names extract Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information):Need SQL query to ext…
Work Definition view only- secondary quantity is updatableSummary: Created custom view only manufacturing engineer role which is working fine, except secondary quantity for operation items (input material / ingredient) is edita…
BICC DFF extract sales order header and linesNeed to extract Sales order header and line data from tables DOO_HEADERS_ALL and DOO_Lines_ALL. I am able to get this using BICC extract into UCM server. But DFF columns…
Usage of Prompt's "contains any" for both upper case and lower caseSummary: Usage of Prompt's "contains any" for both upper case and lower case Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi Experts, I am using subjec…
Is it possible to create or move the DFF fields under Product & Servies Tab in Supplier PageSummary: Business requirement is to create or move the existing Dff fields under Product & Servies Tab in Supplier Page. Please find the below screenshot for more detail…
Invoking REST API/SOAP in BIP for Fetching available to reserve and available to transactHi Team, We need to retrieve available to reserve and available to transact , but we've observed discrepancies when querying through SQL. Our goal is to achieve this via…
Prompt LOV restriction in OTBI according to user Business unit data accessSummary: We are trying to restrict the prompt LOV which returns BU names that currency configured in the system. But we want that when a particular user will try to run …
Work Definition Comparison reportSummary: Is there any existing report available to get below details? Work Definition Comparison report if not, what table I need to refer for this comparison? Content (…
Item "Where Used" report in Oracle fusionSummary: Item "Where Used" report in Oracle fusion I want to prepare the data which tells this Item is used in all different work definition and its parent name. In EBS …
Not seeing 'Create Infotiles' button in sandbox and edit pagesSummary: Not seeing 'Create Infotiles' button in sandbox and edit pages Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Created a sandbox 'Page Template C…
Query to get PO Change History details which have Been Purged.Summary: There is a requirement by the business to fetch the details of the archived history for POs Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): To re…
Terms & Conditions in PO PDFSummary: Hi Fellow Developers, The requirement is to host Terms and Conditions file in Oracle cloud and it should be printed as hyper link in PO PDF. when ever a Supplie…
Tables/View for Item and Asset Category to PO categoriesSummary: Tables/View for Item and Asset Category to PO categories Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi Experts, Would like to reach out to y…
sending email for bursting not workingHi . I create the Bursting process for an user. In the first step i created the query bursting in the data model : In particulary the parameters for my the Bursting quer…
Supplier Address Level Tax Classification CodeSummary: We are trying to determine the Tax classification code field at Supplier Address level in OTBI analysis Content (please ensure you mask any confidential informa…
how to get data for destination location in Transfer order?I need destination location for transfer order. how to get that? which table i used to join with to get location name?