BPM rules Account and Cost center Combination
BPM rules Account and Cost center CombinationContent
How to setup BPM rules based on Account and Cost center Combination if we have 10 Accounts and 10 Cost Centers combination. do I need to write ten BPM rules OR one condition with OR or AND condition to meet my requirement. User uses any combination from these accounts/Cost center combination.
Apart from above below cases, how to achieve below ones:
Business case 1: Natural account: 10000 to 10005 and Cost Center 100 to 105 < 10 M (Approval Group A)
Business case 1: Natural account: 10000 to 10005 and Cost Center 100 to 105 > 10 M (Approval Group
Business case 2: Natural account: 20000 to 20005 and Cost Center 200 to 205 < 10 M (Approval Group C)