Need information on Recurring billing sales order lines
Need information on recurring billing creation processes.Content
I need few information for sales order recurring billing process:
Sales order creation date: 1-Dec-2020
Contract start date- for the recurring bill line starts on 7-Dec-2020
Billing frequency - daily .
Billing period: 12 days
Recurring billing options defined as:
Rec. Bill start date: 8-Dec-2020.
Rec. Bill End date:19-Dec-2020 (After 12 days).
Invoice Start date: 8-Dec-2020.
This is just a generic case. frequency can vary as per business need.
Information Required :
1. On the sales order line, even after providing billing frequency and periods, i am not able to see "Amount for each period". It is blank. I expected, the amount for each period would have been the amount for entire line divided by the periods for billing. Need the logic on how "Amount for each period is derived?