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PR Requisition Approval Rule Deployment Error POR-2010772

edited May 6, 2021 10:23AM in Self Service Procurement 8 comments


PR Requisition Approval Rule Deployment Error POR-2010772



We are getting below error message while trying to deploy approval rules in PR. After checking below oracle SQL Query has been ran however no data came up.

And it's now really difficult to find the actual user who is inactive since we have multiple rules defined in the system.

Is there any other way wherein we could able to find it.


PRC:POR:Error When Deploying Rules on Approvals UI for Requisitions (POR-2010772) (Doc ID 2349246.1)


select action_id, task.task_key, part.participant_key, rul.display_rule_name,
act.action_number, act.action_code, act.route_using_code, act.user_type_code,

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