FinApHoldApproval Workflow- How to route to Cost Center?
We want to use the FinApHoldApproval workflow to route certain holds to the cost center approvers. In the FinApInvoiceApproval workflow, the cost center is defined as "Invoice Distribution.Cost Center Segment" but this is not valid within FinApHoldApproval workflow. I get an error message when I use it and try to save the FinApHoldApproval workflow.
What application role can be used to route invoice holds to the cost center? By using "5000050_UCSD_WF_APPROVER_JOB" we have been able to send the invoice hold to the specific cost center/ financial unit approver "5000050" but we are looking for the general role to replace 5000050 so that the workflow picks up on whoever the cost center/ financial unit approver is depending on the invoice.