Payment accounting Company segment Vs Invoices Company Segment
Payment accounting Company segment Vs Invoices Company Segment
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What setup/configuration is required to replicate the company segment from the invoice distribution to the company segment on the payment cash account.
Invoice distribution Accounting Segment (Company-Department-Account-Intercompany)
Invoice amount - 100,000
Invoice Accounting
125-000-93321-000 = 30,000 DR - Expense
150-000-93321-000 = 60,000 DR
161-000-93321-000 = 10,000 DR
125-000-44221-000 = 30,000 CR - Liability
150-000-44221-000 = 60,000 CR
161-000-44221-000 = 10,000 CR
Payment Accounting - Currently
125-000-44221-000 = 30,000 DR - Liability
150-000-44221-000 = 60,000 DR
161-000-44221-000 = 10,000 DR
300-000-11104-000 = 100,000 Cr - Cash