Setting up PO Approvals in BPM with a condition related to Change Orders
We have a requirement as below:
If Change Order exists on PO and Change Order Amount < Ordered Amount then route to Approver A
If Change Order exists on PO and Change Order Amount > Ordered Amount then route to Approver B
If Change Order not exists on PO then route to Approver C
I am trying to use below rule for condition 1:
PurchasingDocumentHeader.isChangeOrder is "Yes" and
PurchasingDocumentHeader.documentCurrencyDocTotalChange is less than PurchasingDocumentHeader.documentCurrencyOrdered
Approval - Approver A
below rule for condition 3:
PurchasingDocumentHeader.isChangeOrder is "No"
Approval - Approver C
But it is not working, it is not identifying the Change Order and change Amount. Could you please help the condition in this case.