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Workforce Compensation - Hide Manage Budget Task for Custom Role
Hello experts,
we are facing an issue regarding the request of hiding in workforce compensation, in the act as proxy manager page, the icon manage budget task should only be visible to some roles.
Other roles, that still have the roles of acting as proxy manage should not see the icon "Manage Budget".
We saw from the documentation : Fusion Workforce Compensation:How to Hide Manage Budgets task? that this is possible through a customization with an EL on the page (eg.
#{!(sessionScope.isLLM=='N' and sessionScope.proxyUser!=null) and #{!securityContext.userInRole['ORA_PER_HUMAN_RESOURCE_SPECIALIST_JOB']}
Anyway it seems that by applying this EL to the manage budget task, through page composer, it triggers all the task that are in the same position in the other page (eg. by proxying with a manager that does not have Manage Budget as first task).