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Programmatic Copy SR using Smart Actions


Trigger Copy SR using a Button

Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information):

We have a requirement to create a button called 'Copy SR' which when clicked will perform the Copy SR action

We tried implementing this requirement by calling the SDA-CopyServiceRequest-serviceRequests Smart Action using a web service call

const response = await Actions.callRest(executionContext, {
endpoint: 'oracle_cx_serviceUI:serviceRequests/do_executeAction_serviceRequests-smartActions',
contentType: 'application/',
uriParams: {
'serviceRequests_Id': <srNumber>,
'serviceRequests_smartActions_Id': <smartActionId>,

We got the error "Cannot execute UI based Action : SDA-CopyServiceRequest-serviceRequests" when we ran the API

We then used the below API call

Howdy, Stranger!

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