Report of 2 survey questions in one survey
Hi community,
I am having an issue here and I tried a lot of different stuff but unfortunately I cant get it running - hope you guys can help!
We have a survey in palce with multiple questions, one of it is a open text question.
I try to build a report (either with 2 levels or report linking) that shows the following:
- Report 1 is showing the Answer Options from question A and how ofter each option was selected - This is quite easy and I was able to get these numbers
- Report 2 is a drilldown (or link) that shows the free text answer but only for the option selected in answer A within the same survey - This is kind of tricky and I tried different ways. I ended up having the q_session_id but then the count did in report 1 did not work any more as all options (no matter if selected or not) have a q_session_id