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Number of responses by Survey question - Last 6 months

edited Jun 26, 2015 10:22AM in Reporting & Analytics for B2C Service 1 comment



Summary:I want to show the distinct values for a survey question in first Column ,and then in remaining columns we want to show number of responses based on survey question in particular months(last 6months).

For example:

Survey Question

Q1: Vechicles (choices : Bicycle,bike,car)

and survey responses are submitted.


Bicycle - Number of responses in april is 5,Number of responses in march is 10,number of responses feb-15

bike -number of responses in april month is 20,no of response in march is 25,(upto last 6 months)

car-number of responses in april is 35,(upto last 6 months)

Desired Report

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