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Incident Queue Handle Time

edited Jul 1, 2015 4:02PM in Reporting & Analytics for B2C Service 3 comments


I need to get stats on how long a ticket was in a particular Incident Queue. I need to see the total time it was in the queue (considering it may have transitioned in/out of queue several times), just the servicing time (i.e. exclude "Waiting" status type) and also see abs/rel times.

incident performance intervals suggest I use Interval 10 Queued-to-Dequeued to get total time a ticket was in a particular queue. So that's where I'm starting. It looks like report 94 Queue Performance will work and I can just add this interval. However, in Report 94 when I look at the definition for Total Handle Time the formula has intv_type = 10 already, but the text description makes it seem like the total life of the ticket. See next two paragraphs:

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