Combining Expressions using AND OR statements
I am hoping someone can assist me. I created a report (definition attached).
I am wondering how I could combine the Update and New columns together.
For example:
Column 1 (sums how many updated incidents are more than 10 hours old since the time it was updated)
sum(if(incidents.status_id=8 & date_diff(sysdate(), incidents.updated)<3600*$sl10, 1,0))
Column 2 (sums how many new incidents are more than 10 hours old since the time it was created)
sum(if(incidents.status_id=1 & date_diff(sysdate(), incidents.created)<3600*$sl10, 1,0))
I would like to combine these two into one column to show how many updated or new incidents are more than 10 hours old from the time created or updated.