24 hour SLA excluding weekends
I currently have a report that uses the below expression to return the number of incidents that were not processed within 24 hours.
count (if(incidents.last_resp IS NULL & date_diff(sysdate(), incidents.updated)> 86400 | incidents.last_resp is NOT NULL & incidents.last_resp>incidents.updated & date_diff(incidents.last_resp, incidents.updated) > 86400 | incidents.last_resp IS NOT NULL & incidents.last_resp<incidents.updated & incidents.status_id = 'Resolved' & date_diff(incidents.last_resp, incidents.created) > 86400 | incidents.last_resp IS NOT NULL & incidents.last_resp<incidents.updated & incidents.status_id != 'Resolved' &date_diff(sysdate(),incidents.updated)> 86400 , incidents.ref_no))
However, the call center now does not work weekends and would like to modify the report to "freeze" activity on the weekends (specifically, not having the clock tick on Saturdays and Sundays as there are no agents there to count time against).