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Filter by year

edited Apr 25, 2018 4:12PM in Reporting & Analytics for B2C Service 2 comments



I'd like to offer my users the ability to filter incidents by the year the incident was created.  I've figured out how to create a calculated field that shows just the year of that date, and how to use that field to create a relative filter by year.  But this filter is not intuitive to my users and they have to do math to get it to work - for example, want to see incidents from 1996? um... 2018-1996 = 22, type in 22, oh yeah, gotta remember the "-" sign.

I'd rather let them simply type in the year they are interested in either as a  single year or a between, or give them a pick list with check boxes for each year that exists in the incidents table.

Howdy, Stranger!

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