Discussion List
What's New in 19.11?Summary ... let's find out!Content Is it me or did this month fly by? It's time to check in on the latest developments in EPM Planning but, as always, I assume you've al…
Grab the current user name and store in PlanningContent Hi guys has anyone come up with a way to grab the current user logged in and store their name as a value in a text account? Hypothetically the process would run …
Export Job Console is not capturing Smart PushSummary When we download the Job Console via REST API, we can see records for Data Map, but not Smart Push, even though Smart Push shows on the Job Console in the UICont…
What's New in 19.12?Summary ...last one of the year!Content Here we are again and for the last time this year (BTW, pet peeve, this isn't the last time in the decade... decade ends 31-Dec-2…
Using Groovy to integrate data between differrent PBCS applicationsSummary Is it possible to use groovy to integrate data between PBCS applications?Content We are planning to migrate several Planning applications from on-premise to the …
Planning in EPM Cloud: Free hands-on Groovy training in San Francisco BaySummary Planning in EPM Cloud: Free hands-on Groovy training in San Francisco BayContent The San Francisco ODTUG / Oracle EPM Meet-up group is sponsoring a free hands-on…
Groovy Script with RTP variables fails to launchSummary Groovy Script with RTP variables fails to launchContent I am able to successfully validate and deploy the rule created with Groovy script having three (3) RTP va…User_2025-02-06-00-01-50-884 317 views 12 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-05-11-54-50-101 Planning
Groovy script in ASOContent Hi Gurus, Can anyone help me with a sample Groovy script for ASO cube. I am using the below one as sample. Though in the job console it shows completed, I do not…
Random Groovy error "A method called by the script failed on line..."Content I have a groovy script that uses rest api to call a business rule then is suppose to check the run status until the business rule completes. It appears to fail r…
trouble passing multiple RTP's in Rest api Business rule executionContent Thanks to Manfredi's help I have code to execute a business rule using a Rest call. It works beautifully for a business rule that has one RTP. I'm having trouble…
Copy SnapShot from Production to Test Instance using GroovyContent Hi, I am trying to copy the snapshot using Groovy from the EPBCS production enviornemnt to EPBCS Test Enviornment. The Process is running without any error but i…