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Groovy Validation based on other columnHi, Please need help with below. I want to make "Departure Date" read-only if "New Pos Status" != 2. The below scripts runs without error but doesn't perform the expecte…
I'm looking for a groovy method to update a member in the layout of the formHi everyone, In order to automate the load of metadata from EDMCS to a PBCS application, we want to delete some members in a specific alternative hierarchy. The issue is…
One If Statement Condition Not Working While Other Is -Both Same POVSummary: I am not able to figure out why the highlighted section of the below if statement is not working. The if above it is working fine and they are at the same "No Y…
Readonly cell based on smartlist (Create from member) via Groovy scriptSummary: Read-only cell based on smartlist via Groovy script Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Our requirement is to do cell read only based…
Groovy Validation on Single ColumnThe below groovy scripts is applied on the whole grid whereas I just wanted to apply for one column i.e. "Person FTE". Kindly, need help with the correcting this syntax.…
Update Member Alias by end userHi, I am looking for an option where an end user (not admin) can update the alias of a member. I have explored couple of options: > EPM Automate doesn't have any such co…
Using groovy to set substitution variables for non admin usersSummary: Content (required): I've written a groovy script to set substitution variable values using the standard method: operation.application.setSubstitutionVariableVal…
Groovy - Issue passing environment variable to calc script templateSummary Environment variable defined in groovy script is not passing over to calc script templateContent Hello, We are defining an environment variable in our groovy tem…
Call Data Export job via groovy scriptHi, I have defined a data export job in the application. Is there any way we can trigger this data export job via groovy script? Thanks in advance.
Add Different parents in List of getEvaluatedMembers in GroovyHello experts, I have a doubt developing a groovy script. I need to get a list of Cebes but in this case I need to take different parents at the same time. I'm using thi…
Using [[PlanningFunctions.getIdForString("text")]] within a calc script in a groovy scriptHello, I am trying to save some data into a Text field using the PlanningFucntions.getIdForString within a Calc script, that is nested within a Groovy script. I have bee…
Business Rule/Groovy Scripting to remove data in ASO with runtime promptSummary: Is there a way to run a clear script in an aso cube with the user selecting variables (runtime prompt) - e.g. for Version members? Content (please ensure you ma…
groovy data grid multi dimensional mapping possible?I use DataGridDefinitionBuilder to power the data movement from one plan type to another and use a Map variable to do some member replacements. It works great but now I …
EPBCS Enabled modules - Projects - Flexi Dim2 not working for relative LEV 0Summary: EPBCS Enabled modules - Projects - Flexi Dim2 not working for relative LEV 0 and works only with No Member for Flexi Dim2 Content (please ensure you mask any co…
how can i extract the text value from a account stored as text via groovy?I need to retrieve the text info from a cell stored as text. But this code only retrieves values 0. What am i doing wrong? // Get the grid from the operation DataGrid cu…
Unable to retrieve data from open REST APISummary: Unable to retrieve data from an open REST API into EPM using groovy rules. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi! I am trying to imp…
I can't seem to change the background color on a form in a smartlist cell, from a groovy scriptSummary: I am trying to change the cell background color from a groovy script. when I run the script, there are no errors, but the color doesn't change. Content (please …
CreateSmartPush not pushing the dataSummary: I need to calculate values using dynamic calc parents of multiple sparse dimensions (credit = sum(debits). I have tried the HYBRIDBSOINCALCSCRIPT setting but it…
SmartPush with Groovy failed and very slow. Error Threshold: 500000Hello experts, I have a form with moreless 400 rows, and user should inform these 400 rows with different values. in Rows I have four dimensions with different combinati…
FCCS : executeCalcScript(java.lang.String) is not allowed RuleSummary: Groovy function to executeCalcScript is not working in FCCS Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): getting below error while trying to e…
how to run REST API ADD_USERS_TO_GROUPGroovy is undoubtedly a wonderful tool, it has allowed me to run jobs through REST API export and import data, metadata, security, mass rename members, form operations a…
Groovy to get all the jobid's running under pipelineSummary: Hi Experts, We are exploring how to get all job's under running parent pipeline job For example Pipeline has 4 dlrs , want to get job'id of each process using J…
Groovy-Randomly receiving "The form GroovyDataGrid_# is invalid" error that works perfectly on rerunSummary: We have rules that will occasionally fail with the above error but work perfectly when rerun with no changes. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential i…
Metadata Integration between EPM Cloud ApplicationsSummary: How to integrate metadata between EPM Cloud Applications? How to transfer metadata files to other EPM applications? Content (required): Hi all, between two EPM …
How to get the name of the item in a smartlist entryHello everyone, Because of the security of the Cost Centre dimension, we need to create a smart list entry that contains all the cost centers in Cost Centre dimension by…
Groovy - how to print real-time log message in job console?Summary: Hi, I have a Groovy rule with long-running processes, for example the process needs to be iterate through 100 times for different combinations. I need to watch …
Required a code in groovy so that if the first BR is running second BR should wait for the first BRWe are using the export and import method as we need to manipulate the file because of the mapping of dimension between two cubes.Data has been doubling when we are runn…
How to schedule to run the report and send it via email?Hello everyone, I want to schedule to run a report in EPBCS and send it via email. Is there any function that can help with this requirement? I tried to find it in the J…
Groovy setSuppressMissingSuppressesZero never workSummary: Hi, With a groovy rule to build a grid like below for reading data FlexibleDataGridDefinitionBuilder gdb = cube.flexibleDataGridDefinitionBuilder() gdb.setSuppr…
Not able to retrieve smart list values from datagrid.datacellSummary: Hello, we need to retrieve smart list values from a grid. The smart list has entry ID of 1,2,3 and corresponding label and Names. we need to retrieve the name h…