Discussion List
Groovy: Essbase Error(0) Invalid member nameHi all, I am trying to retrieve the date from a combination using DataGridDefinitionBuilder and extract year, month and day from it. The approach might be a bit long but…
Is there a way to get the last executed date of a Business RuleSummary: Need to execute BR if the last run of this BR has exceeded 6 days, hence how to find a BR's last execution date? Content (please ensure you mask any confidentia…
How to print or use substitution variables in Groovy for ASO cubeSummary: I had a requirement where I need to extract data from ASO cube montly, I created Sub Var in ASO cube for period and year trying to call those in groovy but scri…
Groovy Script to return a value of an intersection selected from a SmartList in a formSummary: We have a requirement to have a planning form that based on the Pay Table, Grade and Step selected in the columns, the Salary should prepopulate. The Salary amo…
Any examples of createEpmColumnCsvWriterSummary: Does anyone have an example of Groovy code using createEpmColumnCsvWriter? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I'm trying to create a…
Allow multiple selections to display on form Rows?Hi, we use a User Variable called "ProductSelector" to allow the user to make a selection from high up the hierarchy, and then in the Rows on the from we specify ILvl0De…
Planning PBCS: Intercompany Elimination best PracticesSummary: Developing in Planning an Intercompany Elimination process. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi, We are developing an intercompany…
hide rows in a pbcs formHello Experts! I have a form that I would like to supress rows that contains "almost" zero. I click on option supress missing / zero rows but in my example doesn't work …
How to display an arraylist in popup using groovy scriptSummary: Display an array list in popup using groovy script Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello guys In a data form i'm entering startda…
Is there any possibility to retain Audit history data for two years in EPBCS?In Current EPBCS Audit, Maximum of 180 days audit data is only present. Can we increase this to One or Two years? Through EPM Automate command we see data can be exporte…
How to display dates range between two specified dates using groovy scriptHi all, In a form I am enterting Start date and End date. My requirement is to display the dates from Start date to end date which i have entered in Form using groovy sc…
Not able to read data using Groovy Data Grid Definition BuildersSummary: Hello Experts, our requirement is to read the smart list data from the grid and for that we have created grid using the "Grid Definition Builders". below is the…
How to troubleshoot Crossjoin in Groovy (ASO) - and if NonEmptyTuple is possible to useSummary: Struggling to find what could be missing/wrong in a Groovy ASO Script leveraging Crossjoin Also wondering if NonEmptyTuple can be leveraged Content (required): …
Evaluating selected row member on form...lookup an alternative value and display on another formI have a form with an action menu that evaluates the project in a row and opens another form and uses this member in the page dimension. This works without issue. Howeve…
Forms 2.0 & Groovy throwVetoException not showing error messageHi - We are doing some validation of user entry before we run calculations on a form. We have been using Forms 2.0. When the validation fails and throwVetoException is c…
Retrieving Base currency tagged to an Entity in EPBCS using groovyHi all, I am trying to retrieve Base currency tagged to level 0 entities in EPBCS application using groovy. As shown in the below image, for the respective level 0 entit…
Error in Groovy Script while calling Change Status for ApprovalSummary: Hello Experts, I am trying to call change status via groovy script by building the connection through other web services functionality in PBCS. Below is the err…
Groovy doesnt recognise StringasNumber RTPSummary: Hi There, I am trying to convert a script into Groovy, which returns an audit stamp for the time, date and the user when the rule was ran. While everything is w…
Essbase variables are slower than direct referenceHi All, Can some one examine my two scripts carefully and help me understand why using Essbase variable is slower than direct reference of the cross dimension. Please no…
Delete data except shared memberHello experts, I have an account dimension (dense dimension) that I have a hierarchy with 1000 members, this hierarchy has shared members and store members. I would like…
Groovy script to extract all level data of BSO cubeSummary: Hi All, We have a custom cube and we would like to extract all level in a specified csv file format , (any other groovy function will be helpful) Cube cube = op…
Groovy Rule Fails Validation getDataGridBuilderSummary: I am walking through the Oracle tutorial on Groovy using their sample code and provided Snapshot. When I try to validate the sample code, I am getting an error:…
PBCS DATACOPY expected behavior.Hi Guis, Can someone please confirm below cases are as expected with DATACOPY command. case #1: SET COPYMISSINGBLOCK OFF; Source has block but copy intersection has #Mis…
Need to have a pop-up message based on which continuing the groovy rule or not in a data formSummary: Hi, We are facing the following challenge: There is a data form where users can change a certain amount. Once they save, a groovy rule runs to address an associ…
Is there a way to insert a Delay in PipelineSummary: Ability to have an xx amount seconds delay in between actions in Pipeline Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We are wanting to perfo…
Rest of Year Period MemberSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I'd like to create a ROY (rest of year) member in my period dimension. It should be first forecas…
Clearing of partial data failed ASO cube with groovySummary: Clearing of partial data failed: Syntax error in input MDX query Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): hi all, trying to clear partial …
What's New in 20.08?Summary ... some exciting stuff, as usual!Content Okay, so I'm about a week late with this post this month. I hope you haven't been having withdrawals, pacing your home …