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@COUNT WITH SKIPNONE AND @XRANGE unexpected behaviourHello everyone, I am using the @COUNT to calculate the count for the number of months from Jun-FY22 to Sep-F23 : OFS_Calculated= @COUNT(skipnone, @XRANGE( FY22->Jun,FY23…
How to do a Top Down Forecast in Bottom Up AppSummary: Content (required): We currently have all our forecasting as bottom up. I was recently asked to do out years at a high level account and entity rollups. What is…
Zoom In Bottom Level Freezes ExcelSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): In our relationship dimension, we have approximately 7518 members. They are currently organized i…
ASO SmartView retrieval time is much slower than BSOSummary: We have a SmartView ad hoc sheet with 30,000 rows of data, while BSO cube took around 2.5 mins but ASO took around 6 mins for retrieval. For ASO outline, No mem…
Unable to run a ruleset from RulesSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I'm trying to run a ruleset from Rules in the Tools section of Navigator (screenshot 1 below). Ho…
Non-Groovy: Transfer of Member into Smart Lists created from MembersHello everyone, I have a smart list called TransactionCompany created by @ILvl0Descendants(TransactionCompany) member. And I have a dimension called "Company". Now, I wa…
Export TDATASEG in cloudSummary: We are performing multiple data loads and earlier in the Datamanagement on primise we can take TDATAGEG table from SQL in case if we want to trace back any issu…
Notification about "Security Policy for OCI Console"Summary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Last month, the CFO of my company received an email about "Security Policy for OCI Console". He s…
FUTA Member Formulas Needs to Run Twice to WorkSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I have the below member formula for FUTA. It is kicked off by a business rule, and below is the s…
Using PBCS Cloud, how to use the REST API to Get the attachment after executing a jobSummary: Using PBCS Cloud, how to use the REST API to Get the attachment after executing a job from Application > Overview > Export Data. I see the job execution & can m…
pipeline from groovySummary: Is there any way to call pipeline from groovy apart from REST API? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version y…
Is there any way to expand the current limitation in Reports for only sending emails up to 10 MB?Summary: In Reports, when executing a bursting definition there is a size restriction of only 10 MB. Is there any way this can be expanded? Content (please ensure you ma…
EPM Rulescript - DataCopy FunctionHello, I have a rulescript that copies a version to another version for our Budgeting Process which first sits in "Department Requested" tab and changes the status of th…
SET CREATEBLOCKONEQ does not open the blockHello everyone, I wrote a business rule with SET CREATEBLOCKONEQ to open the block. But it showed strange behavior. I fix from FY25 to FY28, BUT it did not open the bloc…
ESSG_ERR_Operationfailed error after clicking on save in data formSummary: We are getting the ESSG_ERR_OPERATIONFAILED error after clicking on the save button of the form. There is no information available in error to know what is caus…
PBCS - how to burst multiple different reports to a single email as you could in FRIn the financial reports explore repository you could create a document holding several reports for batching. We currently batch about 10-15 reports into a single email …
ASO Clear data at Parent LevelSummary: In BSO we have a rule to clear some Account level 0 members data at Period parent member level [All Yrs], while the Period level 0 members [FY25], [FY26] etc… k…
What is "Include BegBal as Time Period" in Scenario dimension properties?Hello everyone, I am using PBCS and have one question about "Include BegBal as Time Period" under Scenario dimension properties: Is there any document to explain this pr…
ASO Time Balance aggregation not as expectedSummary: In BSO cube, there is accounts aggregated value based on time balance = First, Skip Value = Missing by having Period dimension member [Jan] rollup to [Q1] and t…
Delete members/shared memebers using Operation Field in metadata import fileHi all , We are using PBCS version 25.01.31. We are trying to delete members in the entity dimension through the operation column "Delete Level 0/Delete Descendants" com…
Edited Data Forms cannot be saved due to a threshold error.Summary: Edited Data Forms cannot be saved due to a threshold error. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I tried to edit and save a Data Form …
Calculation for Employee that Terms Mid-MonthSummary: In our Workforce cube/module, is it possible to calculate partial month data for an employee that terms mid-month Content (please ensure you mask any confidenti…
cube refresh in pipelineTrying to create a Cube Refresh job in the Pipeline but facing below error 2024-04-02 11:29:36,906 INFO [AIF]: Process ID : 296 2024-04-02 11:29:36,906 INFO [AIF]: Job N…
What is the best practice for removing old employees workforce without losing the data?Summary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I am looking for a good way to remove old employees from workforce so that we don't keep growing …
Epm agent Integration for Oracle JD Edwars and Oracle PBCSSummary: Integration data Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I need to integrate pbcs standard release 25.01.31 with jde release and …
Dynamic Member formula not working in Hybrid BSOSummary: Dynamic Member formula not working in Hybrid BSO. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi, I have added a member formula for a retaine…
Smart View for Google SheetsSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Is there any impact to turning on the Smart View for Google Sheets option? How different is it to…
info about calculation manger related to latest feb release.with February release the web interface of Oracle will change a lot! in particular Calculation Manager is accessible from “rule” tab. From our knowledge users should not…
PBCS jobs getting stuck at drill through step in DMSummary: PBCS jobs is getting stuck at drill through(Create drill region HPL_DRILL_REGIONS) step in DM and kept on running until we cancelled the job and changed the dri…
Reports: How to share a prompt?Hi, With Reports in PBCS, if I have two grids, how do I share a prompt, so that the user selects a member and it applies to both grids? The member is on the grid. Grid 1…