Fusion Project reporting
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R13.x FSCM BI Cloud Adapter BI View Object to Database Lineage Mapping SpreadsheetSummary This posting includes R13 FSCM BI Cloud Adapter BI view object to database lineage mapping. Content This spreadsheet is published by Oracle BI Cloud Adapter Deve…Rashmi M-Oracle 45.4K views 128 comments 30 points Most recent by Dave Kekish Reporting and Analytics for ERP
Project Adjustment Costs Error Exception DetailsSummary: I wanted to build a report which illustrates all the error-ed Cost Transactions ( Expenditure Item Costs ). In Costs dashboard, I have 1800+ error-ed transactio…
How can we get the Project information in subject areas 'Fixed Assets - Asset Transactions Real TimeSummary: Hello Team, I am using this subject area to get the asset transactional details. But unfortunately, I am unable to get all the details such as Project informati…Suhitha K-Oracle 16 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Nidhi Chhajed Reporting and Analytics for ERP
Which table contains future budget period amount details?Summary: Hi Experts, We need to retrieve budget amount, actual amount and commitment amount for future budget periods for a report, these are the fields we see in the be…
SQL for OTBI Analysis historyContent Does anyone know if there is a seeded report/analysis or SQL to pull the history of all OTBI analyses? We have a lot of old OTBI analyses that were created by fo…Mike Burnett 108 views 12 comments 4 points Most recent by Praveen Kumar Akkala-Oracle Reporting and Analytics for ERP
Hyperlinking PO Number, AP Invoice Number on BI Publisher reportsSummary Hyperlinking PO Number, AP Invoice Number on BI Publisher reportsContent We have a BI Publisher report where we are showing Project profitability and showing all…User_2025-01-28-19-49-26-512 342 views 19 comments 2 points Most recent by alexey.shtrakhov Reporting and Analytics for ERP
Budget Override Request NotificationSummary: How to customize Budget Override Request Notification Data Model to enhance the Notification? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Cur…
Need SQL Query for Project Custom ReportSummary: Hi Please help us to answer the table and the column for this project budget information (all project not specific project): Version Status Project Number Task …Awal 23 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Andreea Versanu-Oracle Reporting and Analytics for ERP
When using smartview for the projects Essbase cluster how to display description instead of IdsWhen using smartview for the projects Essbase cluster how to display Tasks_Dimensions or Resource_Dimensions with their description instead of their IDs There is no clea…Ivan Olivera-Oracle 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Cristian Bilibou-Oracle Reporting and Analytics for ERP
I cannot see bursting enabled in batch scheduler in FRSSummary: I cannot see bursting enabled in batch scheduler in FRS Content (required): I created a batch and added two reports. Next I created a batch scheduler and added …ShitalRamteke 1 view 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Carlos Suarez Lopes Reporting and Analytics for ERP
Tables to get the Project Budget by monthSummary: Can anyone help me with the details of the tables that have Project budget in PPM. I am looking for the budget data by month. Building a custom BIP report. Cont…
Sql query or Table name for Classify Organizations under Manage Project Organization ClassificationSummary: Hi Team, We need a table or query to get the flag columns for Classify Organizations under Manage Project Organization Classification Attached the screenshot fo…
Unable to find the table and column in which "Grouped construction in progress" flag at project ExpContent Hi All, I am able to find the "Grouped Construction in Progress" flag at project expenditure level. please find the navigation attached. I'm unable to find the f…
Extra blank page in the output from BI Publisher RTF template due to using page break to get multiBI Publisher - RTF Template Report Output - Extra Blank Page is getting generated at the end of the Output.Srini_Venkat 24 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by Shankar-Oracle Reporting and Analytics for ERP
Query to fetch project and Time card entries(OTL)Summary: Hi Team, We need a table where the project number and time card entires details or SQL query Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We n…
OTBI Analysis to get a value from the latest project budget versionI have created an OTBI analysis that shows values from the original budget version , but I want to compare it with the same values of the latest budget version, but when…Mohamed Abdelbar 5 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by Cristian Bilibou-Oracle Project Management
Group Project Tasks by Task NameSummary Group Project Tasks by Task NameContent We have a standardized work breakdown structure and would like to compare costs for the same task across projects, right …Prasanna Reka-OC 38 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Cindi Jacobsen Reporting and Analytics for ERP
How to we call multiple Standard Packages in Data ModelSummary: As part of our requirement we need club two standard FA report columns. Two report called two different Standard Default Packages and in Report triggers also. C…Sarala B-Oracle 26 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by Cristian Bilibou-Oracle Reporting and Analytics for ERP
OTBI Bad Performance- After Adding Accounting Class Code - Subledger Accounting - Journals Real TimeSummary: Using subject area Subledger Accounting - Journals Real Time, for example looking at source: Projects with a filter on natural account/concatenated segment and …Rich Merkel 3 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Cristian Bilibou-Oracle Reporting and Analytics for ERP
How to print "All" value in the output if BIP report is run for all parameter valuesHello Oracle Gurus, I have a requirement where the user is running the report with all parameter values. The parameter is Source. Currently if the user runs the report f…ShitalRamteke 465 views 8 comments 1 point Most recent by Sachin Dharmik Reporting and Analytics for ERP
SQL for Project Events InvoiceSummary: Trying to get the approved Invoices only and I am getting incorrect values. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Code Snippet (add any…
Table or SQL queries for getting Project number along witht Expense report number ?Summary: Hi Team, Can anyone please let us know the table or SQL queries for getting Project number along witht Expense report number ?. Need to connect table PJF_PROJEC…
TIP: Relative deep links / drilldowns on BIP report. Relative deeplink path.Summary: You can use this trick to make your deeplinks working without instance hardcoding and make them working also on email templates and e.g. excel extracts. Content…alexey.shtrakhov 87 views 3 comments 3 points Most recent by alexey.shtrakhov Reporting and Analytics for ERP
Reporting subledger modules to GL with transaction detailSummary: We're looking for a report that provides information from subledgers into the GL in an Excel like format. For example, we need the project number, expenditure t…Kristen Shimkus 42 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Rich Merkel Reporting and Analytics for ERP
job which populates invoices into the fixed asset moduleSummary: Would like to know which job populates invoice data into the fixed asset module. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We're missing so…
R13: Project Portfolio Management Cloud OTBI: Subject Areas to Database Tables Mapping SpreadsheetSummary The spreadsheet provides a mapping of the BI Subject Area columns to source database tables and columns. It also has the View Object (VO) names for each column. …Noelle Bartlam-Oracle 5.1K views 24 comments 5 points Most recent by Prosenjeet Bit Reporting and Analytics for ERP
Get Recipients from the Analysis as Task Owners from Project Subject AreaSummary: Cannot set dynamic recipients of an email with analysis. The standard functionality should be available using an Agent. The agent was setup for an analysis done…Dejan Begovic 2 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Andreea Versanu-Oracle Reporting and Analytics for ERP
Project Resource varianceI have created an analysis that reflects the variance of actual cost to the budget at resource level and also the variance of the same cost but related to the whole proj…Mohamed Abdelbar 2 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Cristian Bilibou-Oracle Reporting and Analytics for ERP
Allocation percentage for resources in the projectSummary: Hi everyone, We're looking to gather details on project resources, specifically allocation percentages. It's important that these resources are currently assign…
Why OTBI report output file in excel is not showing morethan 25000 recordsSummary: Is there any OTBI Developer can help me resolve this issue. If the output excel file of AD PO ALL PURCHASE ORDERS Report is morethan 25003 records it is skippin…