Content Management
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Child Process in Warning - Sync Microsoft Calendar for Instructor-Led Training processSummary: Unable to process child job , error : Access Forbidden: Required API Permission(s) Missing in Application Content (please ensure you mask any confidential infor…
How to end date a course - Basically Update the Publish end Date?Summary How to end date a course - Basically Update the Publish end DateContent Hi I have few coursed which i need to end date using HDL. I have used both effective end …
When we refresh Pods we lose our Testing employees - any suggestions on how to proceed?Summary: Currently we have "Test" employee's setup in one of our Dev Pods - but when we do a refresh from Production to another Pod, we lose our testing user accounts. I…
Filling job requisitionsSummary: We have a lot of older job requisitions which have never been moved to Filled (various reasons) we want to "tidy up" the requisitions to ensure that old ones ar…
Where the content is physically uploaded ?Summary: Where the content is physically uploaded in oracle learning catalog resources Content (required): We have a requirement to migrate all the content ( PDF,SCORM,W…
Is SCORM 1.2 and 2004 content supported in IOS devices? (MAC, iPhone, iPad etc.)Summary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets t…
Can anyone provide me the HDL for updating course which has DFF valueSummary: We have some 700 Courses where we need to add the values to field like minimum expected Effort and few DFF field as well like Learning Item Additional Attribute…
Loading Questionnaire with existing questionsSummary: We need to include questions which are already existing in the system while uploading questionnaire via HDL / HSDL ( creating custom spreadsheet loader template…
Hide Browse Tab in Employee Redwood LearningSummary: Hide Browse Tab in Redwood Learning Content (required): Hello Good Day!, I would like to ask if there's a way to hide the Browse Tab in the Redwood Learning in …
Data format recommendations for HDL loaders for Non-Catalog learn itemsSummary: Data format recommendations for HDL loaders for Non-Catalog learn items. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello We are wanting to …
Learning integrates with ERPContent Hello Experts. We are trying to us Oracle Learning Cloud to control budget of courses and suppliers etc. There is need for it to have some legal steps internally…
Customisation of content seeded learn alertsSummary: We have requirement to Customise of content all the seeded learn alerts. If any one has implemented this can you please share the best approach to achieve the r…
What does Library Cover Art refer to in the Content Type list on the Content tab?Summary: When searching for specific content items, there is an option in the dropdown menu for Library Cover Art. What is this referring to? Content (required) Should w…
How to extract SCORM contentSummary: Content (required): Is it possible to extract SCORM content that has been already uploaded to Learning Cloud? We have a case where the source file is not longer…
How to reassign a completed course for rehires using learning initiativeSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): When a pending worker is about to start their employment, they currently receive a course to comp…
Redwood 24D: Managing Self-Paced Learning Redwood ExperienceSummary: Hello, I understood that the new feature Managing Self-Paced Learning Redwood Experience is linked to DIGITAL LEARNING, does it mean that digital learning will …
Unable to Access Learning in Spotlight/Public Info - Error ice-cream coneSummary: We had an employee who was assigned our Learning Specialist Role - However, we recently removed the Hiring Manager role from them and it has appeared to cause t…
Unable to customize the "Overall Decision" section in the Observation ChecklistsSummary: Hi Team, We are implementing the Observation Checklists concept in the system. The customer is asking to remove/hide the "Overall Decision" section as per requi…
What Roles and Privileges give access to Learning Transcripts only?Summary: Trying to create a Learning role that allows access to the Transcripts only - no other roles that a typical Learning Specialist would inquire. Content (please e…
How to remove the 'price' field from the overview of the course details?Hi everyone, I need to remove the 'price' field from the overview of the course details because the employee should not be able to see it (see the attachment). It is pos…
Where we can find related materials when we add Instructors, classrooms and Training suppliersSummary: Where we can find related materials when we add Instructors, classrooms and Training supplier. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi…
Applying new Default Assignment Rules after it has been assigned to the learners?Summary: Hello, community, We just received a new requirement from the course owner: They want us to apply a "2-year expiry" rule for a series of courses. About 200 empl…
Learning completion shows data from prior completion rather than latest completionI have courses that have a yearly retraining assignment. When the people are going back in to take the training, some of them show completion information from last year.…
How to export SCORM file from OLCHi, we want to export about twenty SCORM files from our Learning Module content area. I found this guide but I am not sure I understand where to start. I am going under …
'Save and Close' button while viewing completed contents changed to 'Done'?When viewing already completed e-learning content, the top right option has changed from 'Save and Close' to 'Done'. This is claimed by one of our customers. While we ar…
How to set up a learning initiative that looks at pending workers and specializationSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): There is a business requirement to set up a learning initiative that should look at which user is…
Do learners need to click Save and Close in order for the completion to be recorded?Users are simply "x" out of the course after they see they have received completion, but their completion is not being recorded until they go back in and click Save and …
Start Date and End Date Calendars are not showing for the Learning Specialist RoleSummary: Hi Team, The Custom Learning Specialists Role employee is trying to load the contents in the content section, unfortunately, they were not able to see the calen…
How courses without content are completedSummary: We have courses in Oracle Learning Cloud (OLC) that do not contain any content and are completed outside the system. How can we upload certificates for these co…