Content Management
Discussion List
Does Oracle Learning support HTML5 files?Summary: Does Oracle Learning support HTML5 files? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicab…
Notifications not being received for observation checklistsSummary: We have been testing observation checklists however the observer is not receiving a notification. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information):…
Sync Instructor-Led Training: process ran before enabling FND_LANGUAGE profile optionSummary: Hello, What happens if the process Sync Instructor-Led Training ran before enabling FND_LANGUAGE profile option? Do all the invitation not receive by learners a…
How to restrict create course, offering, classroom, instructor from a Human resource specialist roleSummary: Dear Team, We want to restrict create course, offering, classroom, instructor from a Human resource specialist role & want to give only view access to course, o…
External SCORM Content from Kaplearn & Secure Code Warrior running outside OCLSummary: Kaplearn & Secure Code Warrior provide specific courses that cannot be imported into Oracle Cloud Learning How to incorporate the results from 3rd party provide…
Fields on the learningrecord.dat fileSummary: Fields on the learningrecord.dat file Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello We are using the LearningRecord.dat file to load data…
Request for partecipation phase Beta Oracle - UdemyHi Community! We are writing cause We would like to partecipate to the beta phase of the implementation of the connector between Oracle and Udemy. Can you please indicat…
Restrict learning catalog items by department learning specialistsSummary: We have different departments within an organisation, and we need to restrict the learning content per department. The ask is that only the learning specialists…
Need to capture individual feedback responses of multiple instructors in one offeringSummary Need to capture individual feedback responses of multiple instructors in one offering for the instructors dashboardContent Need a solution for a below usecase in…
Many Courses not visible on ESS redwood 'Search' pageSummary: There are many courses not visible to learners when they are trying to search in the ESS Redwood 'Search' page. The count of the learning items on the 'Search' …
Edit Offering ContentSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): With activity sequencing enabled, I cannot edit the content to change it within the new activity …
24D: Issue with Self-Paced Learning Embedded Content ReconciliationSummary: We are testing set up of 24D Self-Paced Learning Items. We’ve observed that embedded content (web links or PDF documents, for example) that is later updated by …
Manage default access individually for OfferingsSummary: Is there a way to setup the default access rules individually at Offering level. We are aware that the offerings inherit the default access rules from their par…
Issue with uploading online contentSummary: Our learning administrators are trying to upload SCORM 1.2 and SCORM 2004 courses in learning content. They are unable to do the upload because of the warning "…
How to capture OLC training Completion timeHi Team, The client requirement is to have the training completion time captured for PDF content. As based on time of the training & assessment done by learner, users wi…
Access to learning items based on legal employerSummary: We have a requirement where learner should access courses based on their legal entity. Foe example: Learner whose legal employer is XYZ should access courses cr…
E-Learning CertificationSummary: Dear Experts, I have created e-learning content in Rise 360 and need a custom course completion certificate. I don't want learners to receive the default certif…
How not to tack an activity as completed, when it belongs to a new offerSummary: How not to tack an activity as completed, when it belongs to a new offer Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi, we created two diffe…
offering content not working in cloned instanceSummary: we have configured offering content dev1 instance it is working absolutely fine. Dev2 cloned from Dev1 instance - after cloning offerings contents are not worki…
Migration to enable sequencingSummary: Hi Experts , I was trying to migrate so that I can enable sequencing . However I am not getting the option of Migrate catalog and active assignments for sequenc…
Child Process in Warning - Sync Microsoft Calendar for Instructor-Led Training processSummary: Unable to process child job , error : Access Forbidden: Required API Permission(s) Missing in Application Content (please ensure you mask any confidential infor…
How to end date a course - Basically Update the Publish end Date?Summary How to end date a course - Basically Update the Publish end DateContent Hi I have few coursed which i need to end date using HDL. I have used both effective end …
When we refresh Pods we lose our Testing employees - any suggestions on how to proceed?Summary: Currently we have "Test" employee's setup in one of our Dev Pods - but when we do a refresh from Production to another Pod, we lose our testing user accounts. I…
Filling job requisitionsSummary: We have a lot of older job requisitions which have never been moved to Filled (various reasons) we want to "tidy up" the requisitions to ensure that old ones ar…
Where the content is physically uploaded ?Summary: Where the content is physically uploaded in oracle learning catalog resources Content (required): We have a requirement to migrate all the content ( PDF,SCORM,W…
Is SCORM 1.2 and 2004 content supported in IOS devices? (MAC, iPhone, iPad etc.)Summary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets t…
Can anyone provide me the HDL for updating course which has DFF valueSummary: We have some 700 Courses where we need to add the values to field like minimum expected Effort and few DFF field as well like Learning Item Additional Attribute…
Loading Questionnaire with existing questionsSummary: We need to include questions which are already existing in the system while uploading questionnaire via HDL / HSDL ( creating custom spreadsheet loader template…
Hide Browse Tab in Employee Redwood LearningSummary: Hide Browse Tab in Redwood Learning Content (required): Hello Good Day!, I would like to ask if there's a way to hide the Browse Tab in the Redwood Learning in …