Discussion List
How do we change the Observer Type?Summary: We have a special profile that was built for us called an Educator. These are individuals that are not managers but do live education for learners in their unit…
“Customer Connect: HCM - Oracle Learning: New Features in Release 23C”Summary: I was attending the event on july 24th “Customer Connect: HCM - Oracle Learning: New Features in Release 23C” and I have a question. The facilitator indicated t…
Why does Offering say voluntary when I assign a Course as RequiredSummary: When we assign a course as required and the employee has to enroll, the offering says voluntary. 99% of our learnings are not voluntary so the reports look off …
Learning Initiative Selecting Users from Wrong PopulationSummary: Hi, We have created a Learning Initiative using Analysis Report Criteria which selects learners from Business Unit A but we have found that the initiative has a…
Employee see Learning Journey twice. Is it a bug?Summary: Employee see Learning Journey twice. Is it a bug? Content (required): As an employee, I see Learning Journey twice. Is it a bug? We tried using the standard rol…
Completed Learning tab missing in the Redwood LearningSummary: Completed Learning tab missing in the Redwood Learning Content (required): Completed Learning tab missing in the Redwood Learning for all the employee. The comp…
How do my administrators upload external certificates?Summary: Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets that support your topic, if applicable):
How do we enroll people from a particular department who have not been enrolled earlierSummary: We want to enroll a course to people in particular department and ensures that course has to be enrolled only to the people who are not enrolled earlier on it(s…
Can we make "Browse" as Default Landing page for LearnersSummary: We have a requirement to make Browse as the default landing page instead of My Learning in New Redwood learning experiences pages. Can this be done, if yes, wil…
Extract Assessment detailsSummary: I need to extract the questions and answers and the answer score per assessment. I can not find this in OTBI. I only per user by using the task score. Has anyon…
Why offering description filed is not shown a full description textSummary: Dear Experts, Please advise why the offering description text is not fully visible under the offering title on the learner's enrollment page. I have used below …
It is possible to make user to take assessment without Rewatch/Retaking the learning Video??Summary: Users have to watch the learning video for every reattempting of the assessment. Content (required): It is possible to make the user take an assessment without …
Notification is not triggering when assign the new course to a learnerSummary: Content (required): Hi Expert, We have assigned a course to the learner but learner didn't received any notification that they received any course. Please sugge…
Initiative helpSummary: Need help understanding the following scenario: Colleague is assigned a piece of learning on 3rd July from an initiative (initiative based on HR work structure …
Learning DelegationsSummary: We have created a role for Learner Managers to delegate their learning/team to another employee. When delegating to an employee (who is not a line manager), the…
How to create course completion alert using resource alerts?Summary: Content (required): Creating an alert which will notify employee once course is completed. Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snip…
Only 'Current Learning' shows under Me > Learning > My Learning in Redwood Learner UXSummary: Hello experts, We have not gone live with Learning Cloud yet. We enabled Redwood UX for Learners in Test instance by enabling the profile options recommended by…
Missing Filters - Learner Redwood PagesSummary: Hello, We recently migrated to Redwood Pages for Learners and Managers and noticed few fields are missing for Learners under "My Learnings" tab (Filters that ar…
How to define Learning Request approvals based on advanced conditions like number of offerings attenSummary: How to define Learning Request approvals based on advanced conditions like the number of offerings attended or based on the price item of the offering Content (…
Oracle Seeded report for Oracle learning for Admin and Line managersSummary: Oracle Seeded report for Oracle learning for Admin and Line managers Content (required): Any reports available for LM or HR where they can view who has done wha…
Q/A from "New Features in Rel 23C" sessionBelow you can see a list of the questions and answers from the session.
Learning Initiatives processing timeSummary: Hello Learning Cloud Experts, Please share your experience with Learning Initiatives that are targeting large volume of Learners (for example, 30,000) or more? …
How can an Instructor get the summary after completing the classroom training for evaluationSummary: How can an Instructor get the summary after completing the classroom training for evaluation Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if …
How to enable the Microsoft Teams integration for Learning module in Oracle Fusion HCM Cloud?Summary: I want to enable and configure Microsoft teams integration for learn module in oracle cloud which will be used for the Virtual Instructor Led Training by the cl…
Create OBTI Analysis for Learning to be automatically assigned to New Hires so many days in.Summary: We would like to start assigning initiatives or courses (whichever will work best) to New Hires within the following days into their job: Upon Hire with 7 days …
Learning Dashboard and Learning BadgeSummary: We have below requirement in Oracle Fusion Learning module. Kindly provide your feedback if there is some seeded functionality in OLC system to cater this requi…
how to query for this attributes from which table we can get these attributesSummary: Content (required): We want to fetch blended instructor led and self paced from bip query Versio n (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snip…
Do you have to resubmit Initiatives every time there is an update to the system?Summary: We have over 100 initiatives running. It seems like every time we do an update they stop working. Is this typical of this system? We can we do to make sure they…
Learning Privilege with CommunitySummary: Our client is facing an issue that an employee is sharing a learning items with other team members via community .The other team is unable to see community Is t…
Strange behaviour in Learning - multiple completed assignments for the same user and courseSummary: We are consistently witnessing odd issues in Learning with the latest being learners who have completed a course having multiple, duplicate completion records o…