Discussion List
Report used for Assigning Learning ItemSummary: Report used for Assigning Learning Item Content (required): Hi Team, Please let me know where we can see the report that was used to assign courses to employees…
Integration with Linkedin - Completion of courseWe have successfully integrated and downloaded the HACP courses. However, we have noticed that after the completion of a course it takes a good 5 minutes to update to co…
Custom Course Completion Certificate for Specific BusinessSummary: Business is looking to have course completion certificate for their learners. Content (required): One of the businesses is looking to have a specific course com…
Learning Record ChecklistSummary: Hello Experts, We have a requirement to take Training Feedback from Learner after x days of training completion. I was thinking of leveraging the option of chec…
Why Business Unit and employee id is removed from search output view columnSummary: The business unit and employee email id column is not available in view search output option . The learning specialist want to see learning assignment for all B…
Needs to send a gentle reminder email every week to learners who have not completed the course?Summary: Needs to send a gentle reminder email every week to learners who have not completed the course? Content (required): Can we send a gentle reminder email every we…
Are we able to Lock access to a Learning Program PlanSummary: We have the below scenario where we manage our Plan Cycle Program Plan is created by the Super Plan Administrator for 2022 This Plan is then managed by Local Pl…
Checklist (HCM) Journey with LearningSummary: Looking for best practices and things to watch out for using Checklist (HCM) Journeys with Learning Content (required): Hello, We are working on including learn…
Active status in Specialization?Summary: Our client end dated the Specialization so that the learners will not be able to search for them. As a learner they are indeed not able to search for the specia…
Unable to save and close and Re-Quiz the course?Summary: Unable to save and close and Re-Quiz the course? Content (required): Unable to save and close and Re-Quiz the course? Version (include the version you are using…
Resource Alert Conditional StatementSummary: Has anyone tried to do a conditional statement when creating a resource alert? The requirement is that when less than the assignmentDueDate, a specific message …
Is there a way to put a registration deadline on an offering that will stop all assignments?Summary: We have a need to put an enrollment deadline on offerings so no one can assign to the offering. Content (required): We often have instructor led offerings that …
Stop an Initiative without renewal and start Initiative with renewal - possible caveats?Summary: Content (required): Hi there, I want to check what is your opinion on this scenario. We have a course with Required Initiative on Offering level. There is no re…
Capture the field "Assign As" in an OTBI reportSummary: Content (required): Hi there can we capture the "Assign As" field that is used in Initiative in OTBI report? Thanks bobby Version (include the version you are u…
Withdrawal Request - Learning Admin unable to approve or rejectSummary: Withdrawal Request - Learning Admin Content (required): Hi Team, We are facing error when the Learning Admin trying to approve or reject withdrawal request from…
Browse Catalogue link changedSummary: Content (required): Hi there, We used to use a link that leads directly to the Learning catalogue, but now the link shows no course in the search results. It is…
Options for restricting or excluding select courses and assignments from Learning Specialist viewSummary: Seeking solution design support for securing a collection of courses and their associated assignments without restricting access to person. Most learning specia…
Course 'Y' should be triggered based on the learners most recent completion date of course 'X'Summary: Course 'Y' should be triggered and assigned to the learners based on their most recent completion date of course 'X'. Content (required): There are two safety c…
Is it possible to link an Evaluation to an AlertContent Hi We have a requirement where we want to have additional Evaluations to the one we have linked to an offering. So for example, a Learner completes an offering a…
Get the actual score of one of the eLearning SCORMS onlySummary: Content (required): Hi there, We want to run a report that captures the score of the users. We have normally one theory and one assessment eLearning modules in …
Question Image ResolutionSummary: Dear Experts, Please advise the correct image resolution for the question and answer option. When we have uploaded the image it gets auto stretch/shrink. The ex…
When will OLC support videos with closed captions?Summary: Is there someone from Oracle that can confirm when OLC will support videos with closed captions? Content (required): We need this functionality to allow us to a…
Browse/View all Learning Items in CatalogContent: Hi all- I wanted to confirm that the Advanced Search filters are still dependent on the keyword search. For example, our client wants to be able to see all cour…
No Resource Alerts for Learning Specialist-initated Recommendations?Summary: Scheduled resource alert using learningRecommendations resource is not sending alerts when a Learning Specialist creates a recommendation via 'Add Learner' in M…
Resource Alerts - filter recommendations to notify users who were removed from a WaitlistHi all, Is anyone able to advise on the appropriate Resource and Filter to use within Alerts Composer to create a Resource Alert that would notify users that they have b…
Reporting a Learning ItemSummary: Please, can someone help me on the front-end navigation for how someone reports a Specialization? We thought we turned this off, but we just received another re…
Self-assigned courses with no retrainingSummary: Hello, If a user self-assigned a course it shows as voluntary which doesn't kick in the retraining rules. Is there a way around this? Content (required): Versio…
Getting an Error while searching for a learner or a courseSummary: Getting an Error while searching for a learner or a course. Content (required): When we tried to search for a course or tried to add a learner, getting the atta…
Custom Content Section LOV is not showing in Learning OutcomesSummary: We have a requirement where we need to add Course Names in Learning Prerequisites and Learning Outcomes. For this, we have created a new Section in Profiles- 'C…
Waitlist to Assignment NotificationSummary: Waitlist to Assignment Notification Content (required): Hello Team, Please let me know if there is any delivered notification that will sent to Employees who ar…