Discussion List
Withdrawal Request - Learning Admin unable to approve or rejectSummary: Withdrawal Request - Learning Admin Content (required): Hi Team, We are facing error when the Learning Admin trying to approve or reject withdrawal request from…
Browse Catalogue link changedSummary: Content (required): Hi there, We used to use a link that leads directly to the Learning catalogue, but now the link shows no course in the search results. It is…
Options for restricting or excluding select courses and assignments from Learning Specialist viewSummary: Seeking solution design support for securing a collection of courses and their associated assignments without restricting access to person. Most learning specia…
Course 'Y' should be triggered based on the learners most recent completion date of course 'X'Summary: Course 'Y' should be triggered and assigned to the learners based on their most recent completion date of course 'X'. Content (required): There are two safety c…
Is it possible to link an Evaluation to an AlertContent Hi We have a requirement where we want to have additional Evaluations to the one we have linked to an offering. So for example, a Learner completes an offering a…
Get the actual score of one of the eLearning SCORMS onlySummary: Content (required): Hi there, We want to run a report that captures the score of the users. We have normally one theory and one assessment eLearning modules in …
Question Image ResolutionSummary: Dear Experts, Please advise the correct image resolution for the question and answer option. When we have uploaded the image it gets auto stretch/shrink. The ex…
When will OLC support videos with closed captions?Summary: Is there someone from Oracle that can confirm when OLC will support videos with closed captions? Content (required): We need this functionality to allow us to a…
Browse/View all Learning Items in CatalogContent: Hi all- I wanted to confirm that the Advanced Search filters are still dependent on the keyword search. For example, our client wants to be able to see all cour…
No Resource Alerts for Learning Specialist-initated Recommendations?Summary: Scheduled resource alert using learningRecommendations resource is not sending alerts when a Learning Specialist creates a recommendation via 'Add Learner' in M…
Resource Alerts - filter recommendations to notify users who were removed from a WaitlistHi all, Is anyone able to advise on the appropriate Resource and Filter to use within Alerts Composer to create a Resource Alert that would notify users that they have b…
Reporting a Learning ItemSummary: Please, can someone help me on the front-end navigation for how someone reports a Specialization? We thought we turned this off, but we just received another re…
Self-assigned courses with no retrainingSummary: Hello, If a user self-assigned a course it shows as voluntary which doesn't kick in the retraining rules. Is there a way around this? Content (required): Versio…
Getting an Error while searching for a learner or a courseSummary: Getting an Error while searching for a learner or a course. Content (required): When we tried to search for a course or tried to add a learner, getting the atta…
Custom Content Section LOV is not showing in Learning OutcomesSummary: We have a requirement where we need to add Course Names in Learning Prerequisites and Learning Outcomes. For this, we have created a new Section in Profiles- 'C…
Waitlist to Assignment NotificationSummary: Waitlist to Assignment Notification Content (required): Hello Team, Please let me know if there is any delivered notification that will sent to Employees who ar…
SELF-SERVICE LEARNING CATALOG SEARCH USABILITY IMPROVEMENT - Wild Card SearchSummary: Hi Experts, 21D Release notes mention the below new functionality: You can automatically append wildcard characters to the end of learners' catalog searches on …
Where are previous recordings from Anders Northeved regarding Oracle Learning Cloud?Summary: I am trying to locate the recordings that Anders used to share with us from Oracle Learning Cloud Training Series so that I can get a reminder of something rela…
Learning how to remove the 'rate this activity' message when completing an activity?Summary Learning how to remove the 'rate this activity' message when completing an activity?Content Hello , In learning we use specialization. When the learner completes…
Do any other Oracle Learning Cloud customers use NAVEX Global courses?Summary: Our organization uses compliance course programs from NAVEX Global. We have had many repeating issues with the courses from NAVEX not registering a team member'…
My Team Learning EnrollmentsSummary: Is there a way for a higher-level Manager to see Enrollments for his or her entire team of direct and indirect reports at the same time? Content (required): Whe…
Community DescriptionSummary: Community Description Content (required): Hi Team, When we add Community Description, where would that be visible to Employees, I dont see the descriptions when…
Record attendance in bulkSummary Bulk attendanceContent Hi, Is there a way to update the attendance status in bulk in the assignments tab? Currently it seems that you have to click on every indi…
How do I remove Context Segment field on Advanced SearchHi everyone, how do I hide those 2 context segment fields? I can't hide them with personalizations and also not through the design studio. Highlight flexfields does not …
Is there a way to stop autocompletion from changing the completion date in a transcript?Summary: As a hospital system, we are required to show accurate completion dates on transcripts. Autocompletion sets us up for violations with our regulatory agencies. C…
Has anyone used OLC / Alerts to manage Spaced Learning?Summary: Has any used OLC and the alerts to managed spaced learning? Content (required): There is quite a bit of evidence that spaced learning helps with knowledge reten…
How to remove Configure External Providers link for Learning AdminSummary: Configure External Providers setup area to be removed Content (required): Hello Team, Please let me know how to remove 'Configure External Providers' setup page…
Actions personalized in Learning doesn't reflect on Mobile AppSummary: Hi Tema, We have personalized few actions under What to Learn .Like Publish Video and Record External learning experience.Its reflecting in ESS.But they are not…
Actions Personalized in application doesn't reflect in Mobile APPSummary: We have to disable certain actions to be performed via HCM Mobile app as well as from Application for Learning . But after personalization using Page composer ;…
Why do recommendations show on admin UI as 'Not Started'?Summary: When I view assignments at the course level, I can see recommendations appear with a status of Not Started, which surprised me as the learner is not yet enrolle…