Discussion List
Hide Related Material section in offering page and make it visible only to offering coordinatorSummary: Tried to show the related material section in offering page only to Offering coordinator. I used the ff. EL Expression for the visibility of the section, but it…
DFF - Training SupplierSummary DFF - Training SupplierContent We need a DFF field in the Training Supplier form. We have created a dff in"Custom Attributes For Resource" but this also adds to …
Applications for part-time and full-time studiesSummary: Looking for a way for the Learner to apply for part-time and full-time studies Content (required): We are looking for ideas on how to enable Leaners/employees t…
Activities details missing under offeringSummary: Activities details under offering is missing . I am able to see through the Oracle Seeded learn specialist role, but not through my customized role. Looks like …Saurabh Pratap Singh-Oracle 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Srujan Karanam-Oracle Learning
When we use the Search function in Learning our new Courses do not show up?Summary: We used to be able to Search any Course but now we need to click on Browse Catalogue instead to find the Courses. However an employee needs to be able to Search…
Delete course/records assigned by ManagerSummary: We have encountered an issue where courses assigned by Manager is not able to put delete status using HDL. Since Oracle document says deletion of course assigne…
Some of the learners don't see the offering under the courseSummary: Recently we're getting complaints from our employees that they don't see the offering under the courses they're registered for. We mass register them under thes…
Need to add the skills and qualification in the My Client Groups tabSummary: Hi Team We have received a requirement from client and they are interested to add the skills and qualification in the my client groups, if anyone can help us to…
show data offering and activity in one level(in one row table)Summary: i have requirement for show alert assign training to learner for show data offering and activiry in same table data. is it possible for create data like below: …
Auto Assign in LearnContent Hello...is there any way to automatically assign course/initiatives in Learn? Example...a new hire is automatically assigned to a compliance course without manua…
Deletion of Course and Specialization using HDLSummary Deletion of Course and Specialization using HDLContent Hi, Is it possible to delete the existing courses and specializations using HDL? I am getting an error whi…
Getting Maximum Expected effort to pull into report?Summary: Maximum Expected effort not rendering results in OTBI. This field is managed at the Course level under general information>Basic Information>Other Details when …
Confirming to Terms and ConditionsSummary: Hi Experts, have anyone came across a requirement where employees have to click on a Terms and Conditions prompt after a completion of an activity. Content (req…
Need Single Choice answers and Test answers on one BI Report??Summary: I cannot seem to pull Single Choice answers onto my Assessment report for Learn. Content (required): I have created a BI report to pull Text Answers, but cannot…
Is there a way to skip row for Null Values?Summary: I am making a resource alert, where in we will put in the message the Activity description. However, if there is no description, the data will just write null a…
Is there a way to skip row for Null Values?Summary: I am making a resource alert, where in we will put in the message the Activity description. However, if there is no description, the data will just write null a…
How to include only specific data in the table in Alerts?Summary: Hi. Is there someone here with an idea for below requirements? Thank you! I am making an alert with conditional message. For example, a learner enrolled in 3 co…
Filter if All requests are rejectedSummary: I have a requirement. An Alert that notifies learner if ALL requested courses (let's say in a day) are rejected For example, I enrolled in Course A, Course B an…
delegationSummary: Content (required): Hello, I would like to understand the behavior of proxies in case of organizational changes Specifically: 1. What happens to the delegation …
Offering ApprovalSummary: We have a requirement where it is based on the Maximum Price of the Course, we have created a rule for Courses and Specializations to: a. auto approved if no pr…
How to manage on-the-job trainingSummary How to manage on-the-job training within the Learning moduleContent Hi all, Within the Learning module we need to manage on-the-job training, a type of training …
How can I approve members' request to join the community?Summary: We have an open community and 13 members are on the waitlist to get access to the community. Content (required): Created an open community for our course catalo…
WLF Alert Composer in Learn 22B- Turning on alerts after we have gone liveSummary: We turned off alert composer in Learn at Go Live. We would like to turn them on now. We want to ensure messages are not sent out to end users who already comple…
No timezones for start/end time in alertsSummary: Hi, There are no timezone displayed anywhere in the alerts, so no way for the learners to way in which time zones activities are. So far the only way for a lear…
Is there any way to Merge training from one learner to anotherSummary: I need to merge training from one user number to another user number. I think the only way is one by one manually adding the completions. I'm hoping someone has…
Unable to connect to Skillsoft PercipioSummary: Is there some significant difference in the way Oracle LMS connects with Skillsoft vs Percipio? We could integrate Skillsoft content in the past but connecting …
Inactivating an end-dated assignment initiative within a community - possible negative effects?Summary: We have monthly courses that I add to a community catalog, with that course I create a monthly assignment. We have a start date, an end-date, and a due date for…
Inactivating an end-dated assignment initiative within a community - possible negative effects?Summary: We have monthly courses that I add to a community catalog, with that course I create a monthly assignment. We have a start date, an end-date, and a due date for…
Not able to search the learning item from my teamSummary: Content (required): Hi Expert, When we have logged in as a Line Manager and going to Learning and when we are using search by learner and search by the manager …
Need to remove the some task.Summary: Hi Team, Can any one who knows what privileges are required to delete the following TASK from the learning module? My Client Group> Learning> Configure Alerts, …