Discussion List
AI Assist buttons Is there way to disable to it?Summary: Our IT security team has decided not to enable AI features at this time. Could you please advise on how to disable all AI features in the Learning Module or any…
Child Process in Warning - Sync Microsoft Calendar for Instructor-Led Training processSummary: Unable to process child job , error : Access Forbidden: Required API Permission(s) Missing in Application Content (please ensure you mask any confidential infor…
My Team Record External Learning Select a Person, 24BSummary: The Select a Person within My Team/Record External Learning is not showing a manager's direct reports, even though we selected it in the Selection Type. I have …
New Learning Assignment alertSummary: Hi everyone, I would like to set an Alert for New Learning Assignment in order to let learner receive an e-mail when they are assigned to a new course. I set th…
How do we enable Redwood for only ESS and MSS page, and let the pages in My client groups be in RUI?Summary: Hi Team, For example we have Contact Info page in Employee Self Service, Manager Self Service and in My Client Groups, we want to have it only on ESS and MSS bu…
Learning Specialist is unable to assign a Learning ItemSummary: Hello everyone, I'm facing an issue from the Learning Specialist perspective. I tried to create a required assignment for a Learner but then when I search using…
Courses showing unreconciled changes, when no changes have been madeSummary: We keep coming across courses in our catalogue which show that learners are missing the most recent changes. But we know that no one in the team has made any ch…
DFF Support On Redwood Experience For Request Noncatalog Learning And Record External Learning PagesSummary: Unable to view DFF's set on Responsive but not viewable on Redwood Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Can you please advise if DFF's…
How to Rearrange the Browse, Search, and My Learning tabs bottom to Left side in My Learning PageSummary: Hi Team, We have a requirement to rearrange the tabs of Browse, Search, and My Learning tabs from the bottom of the screen to the left side of the My Learning p…
Redwood Learning for Admin Pages RoadmapSummary: We are trying to pull together a Redwood plan for all HCM modules moving to Redwood and was hoping to get a roadmap for the learning admin pages. Also, if there…
Uploading attachments for enrolleesSummary: Would it be possible for a learning administrator to upload attachments for each learner in an offer? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential informati…
Add filters on the page "Team Learning" on my teamSummary: Hi everybody, I'm in the page "Team learning" as a manager for search a learner. There are some filters down the possibility to search. Is it possible and how t…
Instructor Led Course Alert trigger to LearnersSummary: Dear Experts, When the learner has enrolled in a instructor led course, the he automatically receives a email notification in outlook. We need to change the Sen…
SCORM eLearning Not Marking Course as Completed After Learner CompletesIssue: Attempt Status Not Marking as Completed After Learner Finishes eLearning Description: When a learner completes an eLearning course, the completion status does not…
How to hide Justification field in Assign Learning Redwood pageSummary: Navigate to My Team --> Learning and then select Assign Learning from the Actions drop down box. Is there a way to hide the Justification field? This is for Red…
Hide values "Organizations" and "Directs" from the "Assignee Selection Type" fieldSummary: Hi, In this page (Assign learning starting from "Myteam" with the manager) i want to hide for the "Assignee Selection Type" field the values "Directs" and "Orga…
Skills for Learning: Update/Audit existing skillsSummary: In early 2023 we curated Dynamic Skills to a portion of our learning catalog (~3,000 courses). I would like to audit these curations and convert the majority fr…
Certificate printing by an administratorSummary: Certificate printing by an administrator Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We need the administrator to print learner certificates …
Are there any new guides to use the learn administrator dashboard with Redwood?Summary: Are there any new updates to how to use the learn administrator dashboard with Redwood? Also, any screenshots of how you are using the Administrator Dashboard w…
Ocultar botón "ver más detalles de inscripción" es factible?Buenas tardes, alguien que esté configurando redwood en learning y sepa como ocultar estos botones para que un alumno no suba, descargue o elimine el archivo.
Microsoft Teams and Calendar IntegrationSummary: Dear All, We have enabled the Microsoft Teams and calendar integration with our Oracle Learning system. Does anybody have the videos on the workflow on how thes…
Expected Assignment Date when Learner/Manager Submits Request Noncatalog or Record External LearningHi everyone, Good day! We want to understand the expected behavior in the admin view when a learner/manager submits Request Noncatalog or Record External Learning. Kindl…
REDWOOD: Descriptive Flex Fields for Learning Request are not appearing on Approval WorkflowsSummary: Hi there, Currently we have DFFs set up on our Supported Study Course Offerings (Qualification for Role and Study Assistance courses). Since 24D was applied and…
Redwood - ETA for Tools to Migrate Classic Course/Offerings/Content to Redwood Self-Paced LearningHello Experts, We see in the 24D release notes for self-paced learning, it mentioned— "Self-paced content coexists with courses, offerings, and content items. In the fut…
Classroom and Instructor Pages Not Loading Details Post Redwood EnablementWe are enabling the Learning Admin Redwood pages. The Classroom and Instructor page will not load the "Details" sections, it just continues to spin for our Learning Admi…
24D Redwood - Line Managers are unable to search for their direct report in My Team > LearningSummary: Client on OLC and upgraded to 24D in last week. Previously Manager would go to My Team > Learning and see their direct reports. If they wanted they could click …
Can we tag a guided Journey for specific course on LMS(Learning)Summary: I am trying to have a course specific guided journey for users to print their course completion certificates. Is it a possibility? Can someone guide as to how t…
Redwood Learning Catalogue Error Message: 'Error Response During RestAction'Hi, We are getting the below error message when searching in the Learning Catalogue (Me > Learning > Search > Course > Learn More) - does anybody know why this is? Thank…
How to hide the Actions > Withdraw menu from the details page of an External Learning Record?Summary: In the client's current process, the employee cannot withdraw from an external learning record. Is there a solution through privileges or visual builder? Conten…
Redwood Team Learning: Adding New FiltersSummary: Hello, we have activated Redwood Learning for our client and we would like to know if it is possible to add extra filters on the "My Team Learning" page. We hav…