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In HCM Cloud, Security changes are not taking into effect .Summary Some of the roles removed from the role and updated data role and ran Security jobs. But still users have access to removed pages.Content Some of the roles remov…Vasu V 63 views 4 comments 1 point Most recent by User_2025-02-01-07-52-28-628 Applications Security
Report that shows a role and all the duties and privleges it inheritsSummary Report that shows a role and all the duties and privleges it inheritsContent Hi All, I am trying to build a report that shows roles and what it inherits in terms…User_2025-01-30-20-23-15-920 77 views 3 comments 2 points Most recent by Rakesh Lathiya 2018 Applications Security
EL Expression for Navigator and Springboard IconsSummary Using EL Expression to show/hide SpringBoard items.Content Under the My Team > My Team Compensation this feature was activated on our latest 19A rollout. This is…User_2025-01-31-20-06-07-613 507 views 4 comments 1 point Most recent by Rakesh Lathiya 2018 Applications Security
Expose all URLs accessed by users for use by external security products, e.g. CASBSummary Compliance sometimes requires alerts or analytics on specific user access behaviors, esp pages with sensitive informationContent New regulations require not only…User9145272-Oracle 68 views 2 comments 2 points Most recent by Rakesh Lathiya 2018 Applications Security
How to get Product Name(GL, AP, SCM etc) in User Access query(SQL)Summary Looking for table which contains Product name and linked to User RolesContent I have built a query for retrieve all users and their assigned roles in Oracle Fusi…User_2025-01-29-02-06-15-464 215 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by Shesh-82211 Applications Security
HCM Data Loader Templates/Spreadsheets for Data Roles and AoRContent Hello! Can someone tell me where to find the HCM Data Loader spreadsheets used to add/remove roles as well as Areas of Responsibility? Thanks! Becky
User Profiles being InactivatedSummary User Profiles being Inactivated by Send Pending LDAP Requests ProcessContent Hi, We have integrated Oracle with our access management tool and rely on that tool …
Custom Role to have access only to Edit Bank Account on SupplierSummary Role to have access to bank account creation and editing onlyContent Currently I created a custom AP role to only have AP update and create supplier bank account…User_2025-02-04-18-34-53-792 114 views 8 comments 3 points Most recent by C.R.Balaji Applications Security
Auto-provisioning and HR Assignment Status not working with terminationSummary Auto-provisioning and HR Assignment Status not working with terminationContent Hello - We have encountered a strange scenario since the last upgrade to R13 18C, …User_2025-01-28-05-42-54-744 77 views 4 comments 1 point Most recent by User_2025-01-28-05-42-54-744 Applications Security
Goals Admin RoleContent Hi Experts, We need to create a custom role only for admin goals on oracle fusion goal management, does any one have idea that duty roles and privileges I need f…User_2025-01-25-01-17-59-580 77 views 8 comments 0 points Most recent by J_101 Applications Security
Creating a Custom Role to provide accesses to all Business UnitsSummary This article provides a step-by-step guide on how to create a custom role to allow accesses to all business unitsContent To assign data from a business unit for …Alvin Law-Oracle 155 views 10 comments 5 points Most recent by Subhash Valiveti Applications Security
Send Pending LDAP Requests Process ErrorSummary The "Send Pending LDAP Requests" process that runs daily in our pods has run to an error each time since our upgrade to 19A. Anyone else have this issue?Content …
Is it possible to restrict HDL Access to only upload Absence RecordsSummary Is it possible to restrict HDL Access to only upload Absence RecordsContent Is it possible to restrict HDL Access to only upload Absence Records. Currently, with…
What is the control for system admins who are using IT securtiy within Oracle CloudSummary What is the control for system admins who are using IT securtiy within OracleContent Hi, What is the internal control for the system admins who are using IT secu…Farooq Syed, CPA, PMP, CISA 47 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by C.R.Balaji Applications Security
AP Specialist mathcing override priveledgeSummary How to remove mathcing override priveledgeContent Hello We asked Oracle to help us to identify privileged which allows to override the matching process for Invoi…User_2025-01-28-23-04-18-255 45 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by User_2025-01-28-23-04-18-255 Applications Security
View Departments privilegeSummary View Departments privilegeContent Hi security experts,Does anybody know if some view departments priviledges exit?The point is we have an approver that is not al…Volodymyr Faranosov 51 views 1 comment 2 points Most recent by Volodymyr Faranosov Applications Security
Migrate workflows between environmentsContent We are making changes to the delivered workflows and would like to know if there is an easy way to migrate them from one environment to another. Any suggestions …User_2025-01-31-00-15-48-087 77 views 4 comments 1 point Most recent by User_2025-01-31-00-15-48-087 Applications Security
How to Hide - Manage Export Import for UsersContent We do not want all the users have the option for Export / Import in the navigator. How do we hide this for users? We have assigned employee role and we see that …
import export test user ids between systemsContent Security experts, does anyone know of a way to export/import test user accounts? We have over 100 test accounts that we plan on creating in our development insta…User_2025-01-31-00-15-48-087 52 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by User_2025-01-31-00-15-48-087 Applications Security
Supplier Portal- Custom role for supplier to prevent submitting invoicesContent We would like to create a custom role for certain suppliers to prevent submitting invoices via Supplier portal. I see that the seeded role "Supplier Accounts Rec…RGovind 86 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by User_2025-01-28-23-04-18-255 Applications Security
Error 500--Internal Server ErrorSummary I have changed the userID of a user account and changed back to normal, from then if I tried to login as that user, system is throwing Error 500--Internal Server…Sabarish Reddy Ganda 58 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Sabarish Reddy Ganda Applications Security
What kinds of Roles count as taking up a license?Summary Do Abstract Roles take up a license?Content I am working through security and have learned that the Roles count as licenses. Do the Abstract Roles also count as …User_2025-01-23-22-59-09-143 96 views 3 comments 1 point Most recent by Jairo Rojas Méndez Applications Security
R12 - OIM/APM - Support for end users and HR AdministratorsSummary Support for end users and HR AdministratorsContent Hi, With the Release 12, the OIM and APM will be group together in the Security Console. We are designing our …Pierre Maury-45032 64 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by Jairo Rojas Méndez Applications Security
Best practice around seeded rolesSummary Should we create copy of seeded role for Employee/ Line ManagerContent Hi, We were after what is a good practice around security. We are happy using the seeded E…
Security Privilege for Publish Accounting Hierarchies?Summary What security privilege gives access to Publish Accounting Hierarchies task?Content We have created a custom GL COA maintenance role and want to allow it the abi…User_2025-01-30-01-01-13-165 48 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by Sagar P-87023 Applications Security
Trace in setup and mentinaceContent hi how can trace technician when make a change in configuration in setup and maintenance Thanks MahgoubMahgoub S.Mohamed 37 views 1 comment 2 points Most recent by User_2025-01-31-01-53-13-840 Applications Security
Access to BPM data lost with application of 18CSummary After applying 18C to our Production environment, some users are no longer able to see Payables Invoices.Content Was there a change to any Payables Security Role…