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EPCMCS COPY POV FUNCTIONSummary: EPCMCS COPY POV FUNCTION Hi All, I am try to copy POV form:- "FY24,JAN,Actual,Working" to "FY24,Dec,Actual,Working". I am getting issue there i.e. In this POV "…
Issue running calculation after metadata update and database deployment.I have been running into issues running calculations in PCMCS after December 2024 update. We usually update our customer and account metadata periodically for allocation…
Any performance tuning service provided by Oracle Support?My client possesses a vast amount of retail data combined with a highly complex data model, resulting in numerous intricate data intersections. The whole process of load…Supanut Sinphatsirikul 14 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Don Bean-Oracle Profitability and Cost Management
Can we load to PCM_CalculatedDriverValue?Summary: Is it possible to load driver data to PCM_CalculatedDriverValue? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We would like to clear almost al…SAW23321 27 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Don Bean-Oracle Profitability and Cost Management
Can you prevent users from selecting "All Rules" in Calculation Processing RangeSummary: We have a few GL Allocations where specific Rule Sets must be run one at a time. Is there a way to prevent the users from selecting "All Rules" from the Manage …
Getting "Unexpected error in business logic" when trying to run a ledger calculationSummary: Hi Team, I am trying to run a ledger calc for a POV, but I am getting below error. "Unexpected error in business logic" I tried clearing entire cube and deployi…Harish Kumar C 24 views 5 comments 1 point Most recent by Harish Kumar C Profitability and Cost Management
Designer funsction: Same as source in targetSummary Can we have selecting Same as source option in Mass Edit?Content Hi All, Do we have a option of selecting same as source in multiple rules in Designer > Mass edi…Khushbu Premlani 36 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Alexey Jodzichski Profitability and Cost Management
Write custom rule with NONEMPTYTUPLEHello everyone, I am trying to write a custom calculation to optimize the performance based on Oracle's guidance. But it seems the Oracle standard guidance is not workin…
Cannot Clear Partial Data. Essbase Error(1200503): Duplicate dimensions in a tuple in function [TUPLHello everyone, I tried to run Calculation for July but it showed the error : when I tried to run calculation for June, it ran successfully. How to fix this issue? Thank…
Duplicate dimensions in a tuple in function [TUPLE CONSTRUCTOR] on line [2]Hello everyone, When i ran the model calculation, it showed the error: "Unexpected error from essbase or insufficient data privileges. Cannot Clear Partial Data. Essbase…
Examples of Custom Calculation Rules scriptsSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi all We want to know if we can use ALL the MDX functions for EPCM or if there are ANY limitatio…
Using Multiple Periods in calculations?We have a requirement to use a basis which is calculated from all open periods of a year (FcstMnth:Dec). Is there a good way to calculate this in EPCM? We need to divide…Peter Joelson 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Philip Hulsebosch Profitability and Cost Management
REST API to execute Multiple POVs does not return all Child jobsSummary: REST API to execute Multiple POVs does not return all Child jobs Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): When executing calculation for M…
Is there a way to create Counterparty transactions in EPCM?Summay: For EPCM Transfer Pricing based Application, we want to create counterparty entries of Transfer Pricing Results. Content (required): If Transfer Pricing Results …Sivavignesh V 81 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Gebril Abdellatif -Oracle Profitability and Cost Management
Cube not deployed warning while running the calculations- possible reasonsSummary: What are the different reasons/scenarios for getting the warning 'Cube is not deployed'? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I unders…Rajen Patil 18 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Rajen Patil Profitability and Cost Management
Purpose of using EPCM_GOVERNORS_OVERRIDE_KEY variable in EPCMSummary: Hi, Request anyone to let me know the purpose of using EPCM_GOVERNORS_OVERRIDE_KEY variable in EPCM. It would be helpful if any resource link is shared for the …Harish Kumar C 21 views 3 comments 2 points Most recent by Harish Kumar C Profitability and Cost Management
EPCM Ruleset Sequence ExecutionHow does EPCM execute the rulesets, if there are 5 rulsesets and are all sequenced as "1"? I wanted to understand if the system exectues the rulesets serially or in para…
Rounding Issue in PCMCSWe are facing an issue in rounding decimal places in a file that we are extracting from Data Mangement Interface of PCMCS. In custom calculation rules, the decimal place…Kavita Ganesan 81 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Don Bean-Oracle Profitability and Cost Management
<> filter for attribute retrieving zero member in EPCM Allocation rulesSummary: Error in EPCM custom calculation rule while using for attribute Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): When attribute '' applied in cus…Raama Rao-Oracle 11 views 0 comments 0 points Started by Raama Rao-Oracle Profitability and Cost Management
Can pipeline variables be used in job fieldsSummary: I am trying to run the calculate model job in EPCM and have the sourcepov be a pipeline variable that can be put in when the pipeline is run. Is it currently po…
PCMCS Out-of-the-Box (OOTB): 4.TraceabilitySummary Traceability and transparency within PCMCS - Out of the box featuresContent Traceability is the buzz word in any regulated industry. Being able to prove the numb…
Can we substitution variable in pipelines to execute forecast allocations for multipleperiod in EPCMSummary: Is there a possibility to include substitution variable in pipelines labels to execute forecast allocations for multiple periods in EPCM. We have a requirement …Bhavani Gajula 71 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by Bhavani Gajula Profitability and Cost Management
Job Comments not captured in Calculation Statistics and AnalysisSummary: Job Comments that are provided to model executions are not captured in Calculation Statistics and Analysis. Is this an expected behavior in EPCM? Have seen this…
PCM Custom Calculation querySummary: In EPCM; I am trying to create Custom Calculation rule to copy data across different Entity. The difference is in the primary Entity where the data is loaded it…Muruges89 41 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Risingstar27 Profitability and Cost Management
Use of Substitution variable in Custom Calc in EPCMSummary: Substitution Variables used in Custom Calcs are not working though rule shows as Valid. Content (required): We have a use case where we need to calculate the Cu…Kapil K Nankani-Oracle 171 views 3 comments 1 point Most recent by Raama Rao-Oracle Profitability and Cost Management
Directory/File '/u02/user_projects/instance0/tmp/scratch' does not ExistSummary: Hello! For a second day I'm getting an error "Directory/File '/u02/user_projects/instance0/tmp/scratch' does not Exist" when trying to rum my allocation model. …Alexey Jodzichski 12 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Mark Zacchilli-Support-Oracle Profitability and Cost Management
Substitution variables not captured in Calculation Statistics and AnalysisSummary: EPCM Application/Cube level Substitution variables not captured in Calculation Statistics and Analysis. Is this an expected behaviour in EPCM? This is useful fr…NarayananS 31 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Padmaja Srinivasan Profitability and Cost Management
UDA in EPCM ruleSummary: Can i use UDA in EPCM to filter on the source dimension? I am only getting Attribute option to filter on rules. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential…Nilotpal Bhaskar 31 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Don Bean-Oracle Profitability and Cost Management
Groovy script to run ML calculationSummary: Dear Experts, Im trying to trigger the Run ML in pcmcs Via FCCS ODR Groovy, script validation is fine. "/rest/v1/applications/PCM/povs/2024_At_Feb/jobs/runLedge…Sreekumar Hariharan 141 views 11 comments 0 points Most recent by Amith Kumar Madisetty Profitability and Cost Management