Discussion List
How to retry rejected PO lines loaded via FBDI?We have a legacy system that sends files of POs created. This data is loaded into FBDI and imported into SaaS using an integration to load the provided data into the req…
Making a DFF Field Mandatory Based on PO Amount in Oracle FusionSummary: Is it possible to add a condition to a Descriptive Flexfield (DFF) in Oracle Fusion so that if the Purchase Order (PO) amount exceeds 50, the field becomes mand…
How to merge contract documents in to PO PDF reportSummary: Hi Experts, We have a requirement to merge contract documents into PO PDF customized report, not as a separate attachment, rather, PO PDF document should have a…
enabling Redwood: Manage Purchase Ordershello, I am following the setup guidance to enable the manage purchase orders redwood work area from 25A & it references a privilege called: Manage Purchase Orders Using…
Is there a way to differentiate a local purchase order from an international?The international purchase order would be one that includes items that are imported from another country, and that include other types of expenses such as freight or imp…
Audit Reports - "Show Attribute Details" grey outSummary: Audit Reports - "Show Attribute Details" grey out Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi Experts, We got the requirement from externa…
what are the accounting entries when a PO tied to P-card is received and is there a way to automaticSummary: Hi Experts, We have a client for which we are implementing P-cards. Could you please confirm what are the accounting entries when P-card related POs are receive…
Knowledge Article: Update 21A How to Create, Update and Submit a new Purchase Order using the OracleSummary How to Create, Update & Submit a new Purchase Order using the Oracle Visual Builder Add-in for Excel Content Fusion Procurement Purchasing Cloud is rolling out a…Swati Gupta-Oracle 6.5K views 131 comments 6 points Most recent by Kelsey Von Tish-Oracle Purchasing
Need to populate the custom field created on item level to the purchase order line levelSummary: Here the requirement is as below, Requirement: One field should be created at the item master level named "Mandatory List (ML)" with LOVs are YES/NO. And this f…
How to stop the following mailer notification- The task has been completed and no longer requiredSummary: Hello Oracle Experts! When the PO/ PR is approved from Email, once the PO/PR is approved, the approver is getting a automatic notification from the Oracle maile…
How are the functions under Quick Action being picked to be listed?Summary: How are the functions under Quick Action being picked to be listed? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi Experts, Would like to rea…
How to prevent buyer to reopen closed PO or change status from Closed for Receiving to openSummary: Hi, Is there anyway to prevent buyer to reopen closed PO or change status from Closed for Receiving to open. I'm asking about a feature not create a custom role…
How to recognize whether we are using FSM or BPM for approval rules configurations?Hi Experts, We are newly onboarded to Fusion Cloud Application (using PR/PO and FIN modules). As a read through the articles in CCC for approval configurations related t…
Restrict the Supplier and Supplier site LOV in the Purchase Order Screen based on the Group assignedSummary: Restrict the Supplier and Supplier site LOV in the Purchase Order Screen based on the Group assigned to the logged in user which is stored in Lookups. Content (…
PO Status is in "Closed for Invoicing" instead of "Closed" after invoicingSummary: Hi, Currently we want to know if is there any standard option to update automatically the Purchase Order from "Closed for Invoicing" to "Closed" after fully inv…
Purchasing Cloud Update 25A: What's New DocumentSummary: Hello, The Purchasing Cloud Update 25A What's New Document is available in the link below: What's New Document Version (include the version you are using, if ap…
How to Implement the below scenarios in BPA?Summary: We would like to implement the below scenarios in BPA Create a BPA line for accomodation cost per person per night. For example for each person the rent is 200$…
Redwood Purchase Order - Are we going to have the Print PDF option in 25A?Summary: Redwood Purchase Order - Are we going to have the Print PDF option in 25A? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the v…Diego Schenquermam 26 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Elena-Cristina Staniloiu-Oracle Purchasing
Superuser can view all other Buyer assigned POs in PO DashboardSummary: We have a business requirement where a super user should be able to view all other Buyer assigned PO including Open, Closed and other statuses in Purchase Order…
Restricting Access to Closed PO AttachmentsSummary: We need to restrict buyers from accessing attachments for closed purchase order attachements (POs). If buyers need to view these attachments, we want to impleme…
How frequent the API version of would be changed?Summary: How frequent the API version of would be changed? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi Experts, Would like to reach out…
Not able to refer one DFF attribute from another DFF attributeSummary: We have a requirement to restrict the List of values for one DFF attribute at PO Header level based on another DFF attribute from PO Header. For example, we hav…
Knowledge Article: Update 21A How to Create & Submit a Change Order using the Oracle Visual BuilderSummary How to Create & Submit a Change Order using the Oracle Visual Builder Add-in for Excel Content Oracle Purchasing Cloud is rolling out an excel template that uses…Swati Gupta-Oracle 9.7K views 219 comments 12 points Most recent by Kishore Nallana-Oracle Purchasing
How to restrict approver if the approver is available in the approval GroupSummary: How to restrict approver if the approver is available in the approval Group Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): The User "D" is appro…
how to determine sold to legal entity if we are using one time delivery addressSummary: As we are using Indirect PO'S we are interested and looking forward to have an update for defaulting sold to LE based on Requisition 'Deliver to location', we a…
Showing Existing Negotiation Option in Process RequisitionsSummary: Dears, I need to show Existing Negotiation Option in Process Requisitions for a client. Please check the image below. Content (please ensure you mask any confid…
How to integrate Electronic Signature with Adobe E-sign?Summary: Customer wants to enable Electronic Signature functionality using a different supplier than standard ones, Adobe E-sign. I reviewed the documentation regarding …
Task name to auto numbering the contract clauses and Terms TemplatesSummary: Dear All, I want to know what is the Task name to auto numbering the contract clauses and Terms template Also, as i heard that there are a document on oracle gi…
Role to show my data in PO DashboardSummary: Dear All, How could i show my data in PO dashboard? is there any role i need to add ? Also, can i show the data for other users like buyers PO's and requesters …