Inventory Cloud
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List of users who have access to close the Purchase Orders.Hi All, We wan to gent the user list who have access to close the Purchase order in fusion. Regards, Harshana
Republish option is not getting for "Create Consumption Advice" in Schedule processesRepublish option is not getting for "Create Consumption Advice" in Schedule processes
Report for Confirm Receipts processIs there a report that can be built based on the responses received for notifications on the Confirm Receipts process? The report required is to identify the PO Notifica…
item org across two Bussines units under different Legal EntitySummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): we are implementing new BU under new legal entity the case is the 2 BU have the same items so i w…
What is the best way to do a "Putaway" receipt for 10,000+ transactionsSummary: What is the best way to do a "Putaway" receipt for 10,000+ transactions due to an integration setup error we have 10,000+ Receipts where the "Deliver" has not b…
Asset capitalization using project driven supply chain...Hi All, Our client is using project driven supply chain. where we are moving the inventory items from common sub-inventory to project sub-inventory. When we do that, the…
How to view on hand balance of an Item from Shipment lines windowSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets t…
PO Receipt confirmation - Can we resend the notification?Summary: PO Receipt confirmation Notification - Can we resend the notification? Some requesters say that they did not receive the email notification. Is there any way to…
How to restrict PO Receipt to be returned when the invoice for that Qty/Amt is already validatedSummary: How to restrict PO Receipt to be returned to supplier when the AP invoice for that Qty/Amt is already validated. Eg: if PO has a Qty of 10 and the receipt is cr…
While creating Item Return, how can we add lot/serial captured for a different PO ReceiptSummary: While creating return for an Item, I am able to add the lot/serial which was captured while creating the same receipt. How can I capture lot/serial of a differe…
Extra date on EXPECTED_DELIVERY_DATE from INV_SUPPLY TableSummary: an attempt is being made to create a report for material in transit. for all the PO in transit. using the table INV_SUPPLY the table documentation indicates the…
How to customise the Receive expected Shipments page to show Buyer Name of a PO?Summary: HI Team, Business wants to see Buyer Name of a PO in Receive Expected shipments. In receive expected shipments, we are only seeing Requester name of a po(Delive…
ITEM SELECT AND SEARCHA SCREENSummary: Hi there. In many screens, each time that we enter an item in the item field, system does not validate the entered value (although it's a correct value), and di…
Multiple line Dropship PO ASN through FBDIHi All, Is it possible to upload ASN for Dropship PO having multiple line under one header with FBDI template? (Single ASN - Multiple line)
Min-Max Planning at Supplier levelSummary: Hello All While performing Min-Max Planning at Supplier level unable to Generate the PR/PO Getting this error attached in the below Screenshot. Thanks, Sudarshan
We are looking for REST API payload for passing DFF values for pick confirm APISummary: Want to pass DFF value to pick confirmation API. We have tried using the below API /fscmRestApi/resources/{TransactionHeaderId}/chi…
Define subinventory in the purchase order headerBy making an order with multiple rows for a single subinventory, the customer wants to define the subinventory in the order header and not for each distribution. How can…
Centralized Procurement with multiple requisitioning business units under one legal entityWe have certain requisitioning business units which helps business to segregate the business users/requesters in terms of requisitioning process. Whereas the procurement…
The receiving transactions couldn't be processed for 1 receiving transaction lines.Summary: I am facing the below error while receiving against PO The receiving transactions couldn't be processed for 1 receiving transaction lines. Content (please ensur…Peter Tawadrus 256 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Shabbir M Tahasildar Inventory Management
Hi, How to split the line which mentions item quantity at the Inspect Receipt level.Summary: I want to split the line which mentions the quantity of the item at the Inspect Receipt level for items with Inspection Plan at the time of entering quality res…
Inspecting service items at the time of receiptSummary: Hi Community, We are exploring options to inspect Expense / Service items during receiving. Is it possible to inspect such items in the first place? if yes, Cou…
Receiving ErrorSummary: I had created a PO from the requisition with destination type as Inventory but throwing the below error. Checked all the necessary tasks such as Manage Inventor…
What is the date basis for the Accrual clearing transctionSummary: What is the basis on which accounting date will be considered for the Accrual clearing in receipt Accounting Content (required): Version (include the version yo…
We need the item_id to arrive dynamically while create the po requisitionSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We need the item_itd to arrive dynamically while creating a PO requisition. We have created a DFF…
Shipment don't get Project and Task from Internal Requisition (IR)Summary: I have a question in when doing the process IR > Transfer Order > Shipment > Receipt. In IR, I had input the Project and Task in IR line, but when prepare shipm…
DFF issue at Receipt delivered levelSummary: Hi Can we use same attribute of RCV transaction for different context in OIC request payload for Receipt transaction API ? Receipt creation REST API: /fscmRestA…
Migrating open PO/BPA data form one LE/BU to another LE/BU with in FusionHi Experts, Kindly need your advise on my following situation. Business needs changes on Enterprise structure like LE and BU name changes and create new organization in …
migrating open PO data from LE to another LESummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets t…
We have only procurement license,what are the privileges should be removed form cost Accountant roleSummary: We have PO wit accrue at receipt enabled, we have only procurement license, to run receipt accounting what are the privileges should be removed from cost accoun…