Manage Procurement Catalog
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How to display a local catalog on the Requisition screen or within the shop by categorySummary: How to display local catalog on Requisition screen or within shop by category Content (required): From the Requisition home screen the Local catalog is only ava…Anthony Cambria 285 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Ashok Sriniva-Oracle Self Service Procurement
How to Split PO line Schedule after invoice matchingBusiness Send PO to supplier, supplier send invoice -> Invoice is matched to PO. After 1 month , material is shipped to 3 different locations , hence customer wants to s…Kalpesh Salunke-Oracle 11 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Kalpesh Salunke-Oracle Purchasing
Prevent BPA Supplier Item defaultBlanket Purchase Agreement "PA-DEF". Supplier "ABC". Supplier Trading Partner Item Relationship for our item "123 "; Supplier "ABC"; Trading Partner Item "456". When I d…
Can you change the site on a Purchase order after it is approved but before it has been received?Summary: Once the PO is approved, can the supplier site be changed, but it has to be prior to the PO being received
Negotiation Supplier invitation by searching based on supplier product and servicesDears Orace Support, There is no option to search for suppliers based on the products and services The search by 'category name' does not support the hierarchy of suppli…
How to Configure E-Signature Approval for PO InspectionSummary: Requirement is to configure the Approval process for PO Inspection Requisition -> PO -> Receipt -> Inspect ( Approval Process?) -> Invoice FYI : We referred to …
Attachments Missing in PO Document NotificationsSummary: After 24A upgrade, we are unable to see the attachments in the PO Notification emails and getting the below mentioned error message. " An error occurred while c…
change order number table POSummary: Hello, I have already googled for this table but I couldn't find it exactly. I am just searching for the table where the change order number is stored . Content…
What PO update triggers an update to last_update_date on po_distributions_all?Summary: When one of the PO Line is updated for a specific PO, having multiple lines via a change order in the UI, the LAST_UPDATE_DATE is updated with the current date …
Copying DFF from REQ to POEarlier, i used to define two separate DFFs using the tasks "Manage Requisitions Descriptive flexfields" and "Manage Purchasing Descriptive flexfields". Now, i see the b…
Create/Import Purchase Orders with AttachmentsHi All, Need to create/update purchase orders and BPA in bulk along with attachments using FBDI template, currently, there is no FBDI available for attachments. As part …
Import/Create RFQ in bulkHi All, As part of data migration, we are looking to migrate/create data of RFQ from EBS to Fusion including attachments data. Currently, no FBDI is available for the sa…
How to maintain Supplier level item pricing options in system without BPASummary: Hi All, We have an requirement, for 1 item, we have multiple suppliers, do we have an option to maintain different pricing against the item for different suppli…
How to display local catalog on UI for "Add Item from Catalog" actionSummary: after local catalog is created, purchasing categories added from catalog hierarchy screen, followed by adding local catalog to content zone i still can't make t…
Need to display header and footer for Contract Terms and Conditions in the PO PDF based on BUSummary: Need to display header and footer for Contract Terms and Conditions in the PO PDF based on Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Versio…
additional supplier email contact fieldSummary: How to enable additional supplier email contact field in self-service procurement? I did enable the feature from my enterprise. It didnt visible in the window. …
Default Deliver-to LocationSummary: Default Deliver-to Location for Oracle Punch-out Catalog Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We are fairly new to the Oracle Punch-ou…
How to display Supplier details in the PRSummary: I want to get the supplier details in the PR. (Update 24B) Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are u…
Purchase RequisitionSummary: I am getting this error when I tried to create a PR. "Error Close Additional Details Assigned to Work Order is not in the list of values." Content (please ensur…
OTBIWe are working on OTBI in report and anlytics in Fusion, and in that there is a requirement to create below reports through OTBI analysis. PR cycle time Rate of emergenc…Priya Ranjan Jamuar 31 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Priya Ranjan Jamuar Reporting and Analytics for SCM
Procurement navigation not showing on Home screen?Greetings! We've found all of sudden that PROCUREMENT navigation is not showing when we logged in. I check under Home tab as well, but PROC is not showing anywhere , che…
How To Add procurement catalog icon On procurement Home PageSummary: How can I add the catalog icon to the Procurement tab? The purpose is to be used only to consult the Procurement catalog. Content (please ensure you mask any co…
Purge Processed Open Interface Documents Scheduled JobSummary: The privilege Purge Processed Open Interface Documents that is available to seeded role Procurement Manager. What is the benefit of running this process? I have…
Manage Functional Area CatalogSummary Can we have Company / Supplier level restrictions on the Purchasing CatalogsContent Our Functional Area Catalog is controlled at the Master Level, and shared bet…
Procurement DashboardSummary Out of Box Procurement Dashboard in Oracle Procurement CloudContent Hi Experts, I am looking for the Procurement Dashboard (out of the box (Update 20A)), have se…
Based on PO number the requisition amount should populated in PO line level DFFSummary: Hi Support, The requirement is we have created DFF in PO Line level and this DFF should be populated based on PO Requisition total amount in Oracle fusion. Plea…
Is there any way in TAB rule to derive different charge account between internal and external PR?Summary: Hi Guru, We are trying to set different charge account on PR when the source type is Inventory and Supplier, unfortunately in the TAB rule the source type is no…
How to get the supplier external category for punchout map setSummary: Hi There, We are trying to setup a punchout catalog for the first time. If I understand clearly the process, if no mapping set is defined when the requester wil…Kevany Kenny 262 views 9 comments 0 points Most recent by Mariana Castro-Oracle Self Service Procurement
Initiator is not getting updated while updating PO using /fscmService/PurchaseOrderServiceV2We are trying to update Initiator while updating PO using /fscmService/PurchaseOrderServiceV2 Purchase Order Webservice We are including below details to payload ChangeO…
Attachment transfer from GRN screen to AP invoice automaticallySummary: Attachment transfer from GRN screen to AP invoice automatically in Fusion. Contant: Automatic transfer attachment from Receipt (GRN) page to AP Invoice during t…Mohammed Masoodhu Hashir 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Kavita Yetakuri-Oracle Inventory Management