Discussion List
the status of a purchase order automatically generated from a purchase requisitionSummary: Hi All, We want to set the status of a purchase order automatically generated from a purchase requisition to "Incomplete" Does anyone know the way to set that? …
Defaulting Req Charge Account based on Project Information enteredSummary: We have a requirement to derive one of the segments in our COA (not company or cost center) based on the expenditure organization entered on the PO Requisition …
TAD Mapping Set Input PO CurrencySummary: It is required to have the purchase order document currency as an input in source in the purchasing subledger mapping set creation. Content (required): During t…
Need to get only Item specific UOM while creating BPA and Standalone Purchase Order.Summary: While creating BPA and standalone Purchase order, we need to get item specific UOM. Currently application populates all UOM that are in place. Content (required…
How can I mass update Assign Business Unit Business Function?Summary: How can I mass update Assign Business Unit Business Function? Content (required): In Setup and Maintenance - Procurement - Organization Structures - Assign Busi…User_2025-02-11-06-12-35-024 75 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by CA Nirmal Choudhary Financials – General (READ ONLY)
The overall override limit for the control budget hasn't been exceededSummary: can anyone explain, what is meaning of: The overall override limit for the control budget hasn't been exceeded. for PO funds override ex: we have PO with 1000$ …
From implementation perspective in configuring approval rules, in what ways are BPM better than FSM?Summary: From implementation perspective in configuring approval rules, in what ways are BPM better than doing it in FSM screen? Content (required): From implementation …
Sold-To-Legal Entity disabledSummary: can't select Sold-To-Legal Entity when create PO, set selection: Allow Multiple Legal Entities=Allow in Configure Requisitioning Business Process setup. Tow LEs…
Default Custom document style on Create Orders/AgreementsContent We have created one custom document style for our requirement but when creating PO/BPA standard style coming as default but we want to default the custom style s…Vishwabharath Reddy - Trinamix 111 views 4 comments 1 point Most recent by Ivan Pena-Oracle Purchasing
PO ApprovalSummary PO approval is set based on department listed on Charge account, but does not go appropriately when more than one line distribution.Content Currently our purchas…
Purchasing Document numberingSummary: What is the best practices for purchasing document numbering in Cloud? Content (required): We are looking to enable Alpha numeric number for across regions to i…
How to associate the Match approval level to the Category Name ?Summary : Is it possible to link the Match approval level (3 Way, 4 Way) to the category name ? Content (required) : The match approval level can be associate to the sup…
Where to translate Line Types and Document StylesSummary: I need to translate some PO Line Types and Document Styles we've created, but I cannot find where. No "globe" icon the FSM UI's and cannot find them as lookups.…
Calculation of DFF value based on other dff valueSummary: Hi, Business want to enter initial value of PO on the PO header dff. An in another two dff's business wants to have two values as Saving Amount= (Intial amount-…
Uninvoiced Receipts Accrual Negative Amount when Invoiced Amount is Bigger than Received AmountSummary: Uninvoiced Receipts Accrual Negative Amount when Invoiced Amount is Bigger than Received Amount Content (required): Dear all, Please note that Uninvoiced Receip…
Is it possible to create a logic in a dff according to a field in the system UISummary: Content (required): Hello Team, Our client has a requirement where they want to have a certain dff its' value based on logic from a field in the system. The req…Sushan Peiris 22 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Ashok Sriniva-Oracle Self Service Procurement
Use Dropshipment functionality for expense items ?Summary Is it possible to use Oracle drop-shipment flow for a expense item.?Content Hi, My client provides device installation services to its customers. But instead of …
How to add customer address (receivables) in the Requisition line ?Summary: Our requirement is to add a LOV in the requisition line (field : Deliver-To Location) to allow users to select the customer Content (required): We would like to…
Drive Charge Account for items in Purchasing TAD base on Cost CentersSummary: How could we drive charge /accrual account segments, say we have item x will be charged on 203 as natural account and cost center 1001, the same item will be ch…
Workaround/custom solution to achieve Contractor Request, Contingent Worker Process in CloudSummary Contractor Request, Contingent Worker Process in CloudContent Has anyone implemented a workaround/custom solution to achieve Contractor Request, Contingent Worke…
Import Orders - Procurement BU LOV is nullSummary: Import Orders - BU LOV is null Content (required): Hello I am trying to run the Job "Import Orders" however the Procurement BU LOV is null, hence I was wonderin…
One BU and multiple Inventory organizations located in different citiesSummary: In one Government organization with a head office and multiple branches, located in different cities, we implement One Requisition BU and one Inventory org for …
How to Stop Start Real-Time Supply Update JobSummary: I think, performed some setup, doesn’t remember which is, that invoke process: Start Real-Time Supply Update every minute, from Scheduled process page when canc…
How to exclude descriptive flexfield segments in purchase agreementsSummary: Need to make global segments created in descriptive flexfield PO_HEADERS only appear in purchase orders. Content (required): Is there a way to make global segme…
How to generate Alphanumeric Contract Number Sequence based on Contract Types ?Summary: How to generate Alphanumeric Contract Number Sequence based on Contract Types ? Content (required): Hi Team, We have a business use case wherein we would like t…
How to select the correct LE in the "sold-to" ?Summary How to select the correct LE in the "sold-to" ?Content When we issue PO we need to select the right Legal Entity, but it comes only with the default LE assigned …
To enable DFF for Supplier addressSummary: Requirement – To enable new field in the Supplier address information. Observation - On trying to add a new field using task - Manage Trading Community Organiza…
What is difference between Bill-To BU and Bill-To Location in AgreementSummary: What is difference between Bill-To BU and Bill-To Location in Agreement Content (required): What is difference between Bill-To BU and Bill-To Location in Agreem…Arafat022 449 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Michael Gibby - Huron Consulting Group Purchasing
How to process Invoice & match with PO?Content Scenario: We have a contract with Supplier XYZ. Supplier is a broking company who is going to search best insurance policy for our Company. For this we'll pay br…
Excel worksheets templates used in Oracle Visual Builder Add-in for ExcelSummary: Are the Excel worksheets templates used in Oracle Visual Builder Add-in for Excel (like Mass Close Purchase Order Schedules )are Seeded by oracle or could we de…