Negotiation Management
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What is the table which stores the outcome for a negotiation? And in which lookup are the various ouSummary What is the table which stores the outcome for a negotiation? And in which lookup are the various outcomes stored?Content What is the table which stores the outc…
How to create a surrogate response that indicates requirements were not answered?Summary: Suppliers submit paper responses to negotations that are missing answers to questions/requirements. How does the Buyer create a surrogate response to reflect th…
Ability to use "Add Predefined Questions" functionality in negotiations without SQMSummary: Ability to use "Add Predefined Questions" functionality in negotiations without Supplier Qualification Management Content (required): hi team - i would request …Abhishek Gattu 73 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Michael Gibby - Huron Consulting Group Sourcing
possible to change the My negotiations infoletSummary possible to change the My negotiations infoletContent Is it possible to change the My negotiations infolet? the infolet is not bringing the information from the …
Route award approval based on overall rankSummary: If a negotiation is NOT awarded to a Rank 1 supplier, then exception approval is needed. Content (required): We have a requirement where in some scenarios clien…
Open Scoring option not available on manage scoring negotiationSummary: I have created a negotiation, supplier response is done and i have closed the negotiation and trying to score the negotiation but manage scoring doesn't have op…
Locked Suppliers still receive notificationsSummary: Suppliers who are in locked status are still receiving communications Content (required): If an invited supplier chooses not to participate in a negotiation the…
In Sourcing will a member of the scoring team consume a paid license?Summary: When a buyer creates a cross functional team to review and score the supplier proposals, will these team members require a full procurement license, a sourcing …
Revise Scoring submitted by the evaluatorSummary: The Evaluator wanted to revise the score which was submitted already. The Scoring is still open. Content (required): The evaluator submitted the evaluation scor…
Is it possible to put a control that negotiation opens only after 24 hours of being published?Summary: To have a control which ensures that negotiation is open for a response only after 24 hours of being published. Content (required): Client would like to have th…
Is it possible to create purchase documents in different Procurement BU to the negotiation?Summary: In testing I have performed it seems that, to automatically create PO from negotiation, the Procurement BU for the supplier site must match the negotiation Proc…
How to close a Negotiation that is in a status of ClosedSummary: Client created a negotiation and closed it. They are unable to cancel or delete the negotiation. Is it possible to cancel or delete this negotiation? Content (r…
Supplier Negotiation Approval - Based on Open dateSummary: We want the approval to be automated if the open date is less than 24 hours from the submission time. We searched for attributes in the approval but there is no…
How to disable or hide Minimum Release Amount field?Summary: How to disable or hide Minimum Release Amount field in negotiation and negotiation PDF. Content (required): Customer does not want Suppliers to submit minimum r…
RFQ - Extension and Closing before close time. HistorySummary: Once the RFQ is closed and awarded. Is there any way to check if the RFQ was extended or closed before the close date. Any history of this data can be seen. If …
Procurement Contract from RFQContent This is on the ability to generate a procurement contract from RFQ What we have observed is that the creation of the base contract (while the negotiation is init…
Relationship between Negotiation & Negotiation TemplateSummary: How to find which Negotiation Template is applied on Negotiation creation. Thanks. Anurag Content (required): I need to know how to find which Negotiation Templ…
Negotiation Error Received by SupplierSummary: My supplier's are responding to a negotiation and received an error regarding questions scoring. Content (required): I reviewed all the questions and although s…
SCM – Evaluate Negotiation Responses with Team Scoring, 3 March 2020, 9 a.m PT - Submit QuestionsContent Submit your questions for the SCM – Evaluate Negotiation Responses with Team Scoring session to have them answered during the live event. Post your questions by …
Negotiation Template for New Round RFQSummary Negotiation Template for New Round RFQContent Hello, why is that we are unable to select any negotiation template while going for a new round RFQ? Use Case: In a…Jaya Chandra-Oracle 37 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Poornima Bhilegaonkar-Oracle Sourcing
TIP: Role for negotiation requirement scoring onlyContent Which role is to be assigned to scoring team members such that they can only do scoring for the sections assigned to them and cannot take any other action? [This…
BPM Notification not triggered when PO created in(Incomplete Status) from NegotiationSummary BPM Notification not triggered when PO created in(Incomplete Status) from NegotiationContent Hi Team, I have Created a Negotiation and Awarded for Supplier ABC. …Sivakoteswararao Mutukuru 28 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by Poornima Bhilegaonkar-Oracle Sourcing
Can you export Sourcing Negotiation Templates from one environment to another?Summary Need to export Sourcing Negotiation Templates from Test to ProductionContent Hi Folks, Does anyone know if it's possible to export Sourcing Negotiation Templates…Matt Goodwin-Higson 45 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Poornima Bhilegaonkar-Oracle Sourcing
Inactive Collaboration team member in NegotiationSummary Inactive Collaboration team member in NegotiationContent We are doing some testing to understand more on this feature released by oracle in 20d. While testing th…
Create PO in decentralized BU out of Sourcing processSummary Create PO in decentralized BU out of Sourcing processContent We have BU A and BU B which is in a centralized procurement relationship with BU C (C is the service…
5 Stage RFB ProcessSummary Is there any option available in sourcing to create 5 stage RBP/RFB NegotiationsContent Our client is a public sector enterprise and they have a requirement to h…
No bid in the negotiation processSummary Is possible NO BID a specific line in the negotiation processContent what is the process to NO BID a specific line during the negotiation process if using groups…
Ideas in cloud sourcing to manage > 1000 supplier\item responsesSummary The analysis tools in Cloud sourcing do not meet our needs when the responses (supplier and item) become large in terms of rows. looking for ideasContent the awa…
Make "Acknowledge Participation" response as a mandatory before sending actual Response to a NegotiaSummary Make "Acknowledge Participation" response as a mandatory before sending actual Response to a NegotiationContent Hi Team, I have a requirement to make "Acknowledg…
Negotiation template missing from LOV upon creationContent Hi, I read the following document: PRC:PON: Create Negotiation Screen is Not Displaying the Templates Correctly (Doc ID 2649996.1) I was quite shocked that this …