Planning Central Cloud
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How to query inter-org shipping network in Supply Planning Cloud?Summary Query inter-org shipping network in Supply Planning CloudContent I want to query all the inter-org shipping networks (internal org to org transfer relationship, …gouyang 168 views 6 comments 2 points Most recent by RakeshOracle-Oracle Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
Planning Table Configuration - Org Hierarchy UngroupingSummary Planning Table Configuration - Org Hierarchy UngroupingContent When trying to build an Item - Org table to review the forecast Org is not repeating with the Item…Pranay Saxena 17 views 3 comments 1 point Most recent by MukulGoyal Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
Ability to calculate proportions for rolling demand items and seasonal items differentlyContent Hello Experts, In Demantra, we had "def_delta" and "delta" parameters to calculate proportions for rolling demand items and seasonal items differently. Currently…Kaushik Dinkar Mantri 46 views 3 comments 1 point Most recent by Kaushik Dinkar Mantri Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
Explosion for Make items in Supply plan with respect to BOMContent Hi Team, In Supply planning, is there a way that explosion for Make items happens by referring to 'Item Structure/BOM' in first place rather than Work definition…Sarathkumar 63 views 9 comments 2 points Most recent by Sarathkumar Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
How to plan for substitute components in Planning CentralContent We are using FBDI to collect data (static and transactional) into Planning Central. Some of the Bills of Materials have substitute components. How does Planning …RGP 32 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by Yogesh_P-Oracle Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
What is Movement Requests on the list of supply entities of the Collect Planning Data?Summary Movement Requests on the list of supply entities of the Collect Planning DataContent There is Movement Requests on the list of supply entities of the Collect Pla…gouyang 22 views 5 comments 2 points Most recent by Yogesh_P-Oracle Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
Can we plan 'Project-Specific Supply' in Replenishment Planning?Summary Can we plan 'Project-Specific Supply' in Replenishment Planning?Content Hi All, Can we plan 'Project-Specific Supply' in Replenishment Planning? We know that as …Ramesh Choudhary 31 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by Jayesh Agrawal-Oracle Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
Selective MRP RunContent Hi Everyone, We had a requirement from our client on selective MRP Run. In their current business, Plan runs (Once) before the start of their day and after which…Sarathkumar 20 views 4 comments 1 point Most recent by Sarathkumar Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
Measures expression functions are supported only for calculation in “Aggregate & Calculate”Content The following measures expression functions are supported only for calculation order in “Aggregate & Calculate”: 1. Moving_Total 2. Moving_Min 3. Moving_Max 4. F…DinaJacobs-Oracle 97 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by User_TU2ET Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
Can we load sourcing rules to Planning Cloud through file load?Summary Load sourcing rules to Planning Cloud through CSV fileContent We have a lot of sourcing rules to be created on supply planning cloud. Can we use CSV file to mass…gouyang 54 views 3 comments 1 point Most recent by Dj-Oracle Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
Why planned order due date dor supply item (components) pushed out even when attribute Enforce PurchSummary Demand date is 1/15/21. Expect due date for supply item planned order to be 1/15 but it shows 3/4/21Content Using Process manufacturing and Constrained based Sup…
Plan Supply based on actual demand, not forecastContent Customer wants to 'plan to order', not to forecast. They want to use actual demand (presumably, sales orders) as their demand schedule in supply planning. 1. If …Itzik Pripstein-Oracle 68 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by Itzik Pripstein-Oracle Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
Collect 'Cost List' through Collections for use in Demand ManagementSummary Collect 'Cost List' through Collections for use in Demand ManagementContent Hi All, Can we collect the 'Cost List' from Pricing Module through collections for us…Ramesh Choudhary 44 views 7 comments 2 points Most recent by Yogesh_P-Oracle Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
Will Demand History Aggregate to All Other for non-Key Customer in Demand Management Cloud?Summary If Key Customer option is implemented in Demand Management Cloud, will demand history aggregate to All Other for non-Key Customers and forecast is also calculate…User_2025-02-06-06-49-13-829 28 views 1 comment 2 points Most recent by Yogesh_P-Oracle Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
Customizing the collectionsSummary Customizing the Data collectionsContent Hello, We have a requirement to pull in the lot expiry date of the On hand qty so Supply planning can consider this and r…User_2025-02-10-15-03-48-218 48 views 5 comments 1 point Most recent by Dj-Oracle Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
Does Supply Plan considers the Engineering change ordersContent Hello, Does the Unconstrained Supply plan considers the open Engineering change order? changes could be replacing one component with an another component or revi…User_2025-02-10-15-03-48-218 25 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by Sandip Roy-Oracle Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
Customer data is not visible in Maintain supply network model of Supply chain planningContent Hi team, Newly created customer data is not visible in maintain supply network model of fusion supply chain planning, and the sales orders associated with that n…Naveen D-Oracle 33 views 6 comments 2 points Most recent by Dj-Oracle Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
Query for fetching the "Shipments Forecast Status" measure data in the demand planSummary Query for fetching the "Shipments Forecast Status" measure data in the demand planContent HI, I need to fetch the "Shipments Forecast Status" values through a ba…Sanjiiv Chavaan-158651 46 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Sanjiiv Chavaan-158651 Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
EBS to SCP Cloud Integration for Replenishment Planning is it certified and supported ?Summary Replenishment planning documentation mentions that the EBS to SCP integration for Replenishment planning is not certified.Content Documentation states EBS to SCP…Vinay Srinath 44 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Vinay Srinath Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
Behavior of Post Processing lead time with Planning time fence dateSummary Behavior of Post Processing lead time with Planning time fence dateContent Hi Team, Does Post Processing lead time affect Planning time fence date ? we have seen…Renuka Soneja-154959 81 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by MNReddy Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
Question: Is Simulation Set Functionality available in Demand Management?Summary Question: Is Simulation Set Functionality available in Demand Management?Content Hi All, We Altered the 'Planning Method' attribute for few items to 'Non Planned…Ramesh Choudhary 70 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Scott Malcolm-Oracle Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
How to change owner for Planning Analytic objects when migrating Configuration package between cloudSummary How to change owner for Planning Analytic objects when migrating Configuration package between cloud instances?Content During testing, customer created 100+ anal…RamTalluri-Oracle 46 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Cherry Bruns-Oracle Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
Tables/ joins for BI publisher report for audit trail in Cloud Demand PlanningSummary Tables/ joins for BI publisher report for audit trail in Cloud Demand PlanningContent Hi All, We are planning to use BI publisher to create an audit trail report…Kaushik Dinkar Mantri 66 views 6 comments 1 point Most recent by Ankit Arora Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
Question: Question on Shipments History Upload.Summary Question: Question on Shipments History Upload.Content Hi Team, When we upload one record of shipments History through FBDI File, in that case in back end table …Ramesh Choudhary 35 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Hima Bindu Patil -Oracle Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
Unable to upload Purchase requisition via FBDISummary Unable to upload Purchase requisition via FBDIContent Hi all, We are trying to upload purchase requisition via FBDI into supply planning directly . We are using …JennyNguyen 28 views 8 comments 1 point Most recent by JennyNguyen Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
How to integrate data from separate Fusion instance to a Planning Central Cloud instanceSummary How to integrate data from separate Fusion instance to a Planning Central Cloud instanceContent We currently have two Fusion instances: one for US operations and…RGP 14 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Scott Malcolm-Oracle Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
Planning based on dual UOMContent Hello All, We have a requirement where a particular item is stocked in specific UOM and purchased in a different UOM. We also have supply planning which is used …Anand Dhinakaran 57 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Thierry Lamote Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
Q&A for "What's New in Demand-Driven Inventory Replenishment in Oracle Demand Management Cloud"Summary Answers to all the questions asked at the end of this week's webinar, which introduced the new replenishment planning features of Demand Management CloudContent …Srinivas Bulusu-Oracle 289 views 6 comments 4 points Most recent by Srinivas Bulusu-Oracle Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
Shipment history loaded via FBDI not considered in Demand PlanSummary Shipment history at Item-Org-Customer-Customer Site level is loaded successfully but not considered in Demand PlanContent Item has some shipment history from Fus…Vinay Srinath 154 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by User_TU2ET Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration