Discussion List
Hi all, how to create an EFF in Order Management on the basis of order Type.Summary: We have a requirement to create an EFF in Order Management on the basis of Order Type. We need some EFF fields to be populated and make it mandatory for a speci…
How to make certain attributes on Sales Oder as Mandatory based on Item Master attributes.Summary How to make certain attributes on Sales Oder as Mandatory based on Item Master attributesContent Hello Friends, we have defined few EFF on item master, for examp…
How to avoid order orchestration from creating supply ordersSummary: We have a client requirement where the client is using full MRP planning. They want to enter a sales order for an ETO scenario (ship building) such that this sa…
Purpose of “ Manage UOM Standard Conversions” Should I price all the UOM in price list e.g box of 20Summary: What is the purpose of “Manage UOM Standard Conversions” Then Should I price all the UOM in price list e.g. box of 20 each, box of 30 Each, box of 100 each, etc…
OM Extension error messages are not being displayed line wiseHello Everyone, We defined an OM Extension at On Start of Submission Request to display error messages on sales orders when few conditions are met. When the extension is…
How to see other suppliers' responses for blind and sealed negotiation using supplier portalSummary: How to see other suppliers' responses for blind and sealed negotiation using supplier portal? are there any rules i need to add which grant viewing those respon…
How does Project get the final Selling Price from OM to interface to ARSummary: We are implementing project driven supply chain for our ship building client. For the ETO scenario, they plan to create a sales order with ETO item with zero pr…
how to join pick confirm transaction header id to shipping linesSummary: We have a business requirement to cascade pick confirm transaction header id to the shipment lines. For this we are you looking for tables where these details a…
REST API/FBDI For ModifierSummary: Hi Is there any REST API/FBDI for EBS to Fusion Modifiers data migration . Content (required): EBS to Fusion data Modifier migration Version (include the versio…
In order management old and updated data needed in OTBI in separate lines.Summary: When we create a sales order due to some issues if we cancel the sales order, we are able to see the updated data of the sales order in the OTBI report. The req…
Is it possible to create a WO in unreleased status when it is created against SOSummary We have a scenario where for every Sales order a WO is created in released status automatically without manual interventionContent We have a scenario where for e…
not be processed due to an unconditional constraint on operation VALIDATE on entity Order FulfillmenWhile placing sale order, after complete the approval and release credit check hold, the mentioned error get displayed and DOO will not move for next step. The transacti…
Create a custom field validationA question had once been raised in the community regarding customizing a page. What I need is that on the Dispatch List Revision page I can customize the validation of t…
Not able to fetch data from the API name of an EFFWe want to fetch the data of the estimated price, which is a record of an EFF ,#{row.bindings.EstimatedPriceInfo.inputValue} this is what we are trying by inserting the …Pranav Shourie C 12 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Anuradha - User352 -Oracle Order Management
After a revision Sales order stuck in reservation failure and not allowig updateFor my client, its normal to update the quanity by creating a revision on the SO. But many a times, the revised SO fails reservation and gets stuck there ( Change pendin…
Payment Term Relationship by Product Family and Customer Account Order ManagementBe able to store the relationship between customer account and payment term according to the family/category or item. Example Product Family 1 Account 1000 - Payment Ter…Valentina Talani-Oracle 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Anuradha - User352 -Oracle Order Management
Process Pending and In-Error Genealogy and Installed Base TransactionsHi Team "Process Pending and In-Error Genealogy and Installed Base Transactions" ESS job completed in Error status since 2023. We would like to know the Functionality of…Baskara Sateesh-Oracle 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Satwik Kumar Patel-Oracle Maintenance
"View Recurring Billing Plan" option not available at SO line actions tabSummary: We have a requirement, for user to make the view recurring billing plan option so that it can be edited at the time of creating a Sales order. But the option is…
Can we Restrict access to one or more or all ESS Jobs for all users Or have an approval process?Can we Restrict access to one or more or all ESS Jobs for all or some users Or have an approval process to run a particular ESS Job. I dont want my users to run certain …
Facing an Error when changing the ware house in the Order Fulfillment Lines. How to resolve this?Selected shipping method is not available. Already added the required Inventory org to the Shipment method. Still error is populating. How to solve this?
Remove Documents Attached to PO Email NotificationSummary: When receiving PO Email Notification, it contains many unwanted documents, please check the image below I want to keep only the PO attachment, how to remove the…
Purchase Order Field Mandate in Oracle fusion Sales Order screenSummary: Hi team, We want to mandate ;Purchase Order field in Sales order field page. When I logged in to sandbox the required field is showing disable? when we select e…
OTM to send delivery detail id to WMS in planned shipment loadSummary: OTM to send delivery detail id to WMS in planned shipment load In order Orchestration we have Transportation planning task after reservation task when flow reac…Parimala Bidap 51 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Anuradha - User352 -Oracle Order Management
Can we disable Approval email notifications for Sales Orders only?1) Although we do not have SO Approval rules defined, the Sales Orders are getting stuck in 'Approval Pending' status, sometimes for indefinite period of time. In most c…venkatesh ravi 55 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Anuradha - User352 -Oracle Order Management
Can I create a make to stock item as a make to order item?I currently have an item which is manufactured and stored as inventory. Whenever we have regular sales orders, we ship the inventory from our distribution center. We do …
Ship to Contact and Ship to contact method are blank in sales ordersShip to Contact and Ship to contact method is blank at line level in sales orders. we have added the contact details in the manage customer at both account and site leve…
Defaulting Same sales Credit or Primary sales person on The RETURN order with the Same value of SOWe have a requirement how default the same info ( Sales credit , Primary sales person ) when create Return SO, with the same Value were on the original SO that we are go…
Same rule but different behavior between Test and Production InstanceSummary: I made some changes on Order entry specialist rule (created a custom rule), the goal is to forbid some users to make some actions like Create Revision and Creat…
How to associate original order reference to return order using REST APISummary: Following the documentation above, its mentioned that Patch/Post are methods are not supported for child object originalOrderReference under Lines Content (plea…
Adding image to Item Mater Organization but not reflect on other OrganizationSummary: When I add image to an item i add it to Item master organization, the image should appear in all other organizations, but it doesn't. I set the image primary an…