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Can we disable Approval email notifications for Sales Orders only?1) Although we do not have SO Approval rules defined, the Sales Orders are getting stuck in 'Approval Pending' status, sometimes for indefinite period of time. In most c…venkatesh ravi 51 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Anuradha - User352 -Oracle Order Management
Can I create a make to stock item as a make to order item?I currently have an item which is manufactured and stored as inventory. Whenever we have regular sales orders, we ship the inventory from our distribution center. We do …
Ship to Contact and Ship to contact method are blank in sales ordersShip to Contact and Ship to contact method is blank at line level in sales orders. we have added the contact details in the manage customer at both account and site leve…
Defaulting Same sales Credit or Primary sales person on The RETURN order with the Same value of SOWe have a requirement how default the same info ( Sales credit , Primary sales person ) when create Return SO, with the same Value were on the original SO that we are go…
Same rule but different behavior between Test and Production InstanceSummary: I made some changes on Order entry specialist rule (created a custom rule), the goal is to forbid some users to make some actions like Create Revision and Creat…
How to associate original order reference to return order using REST APISummary: Following the documentation above, its mentioned that Patch/Post are methods are not supported for child object originalOrderReference under Lines Content (plea…
Adding image to Item Mater Organization but not reflect on other OrganizationSummary: When I add image to an item i add it to Item master organization, the image should appear in all other organizations, but it doesn't. I set the image primary an…
Promised Ship Date has to be Friday of the week of Schedule Ship DateContent Hello Friends My customer is requesting to have Promised Date on Friday of the week of Schedule Ship Date. I am getting schedule ship date between Monday and Fri…
Is there any way to show all UOM in Sales Order when adding an Item?Summary: When create PO, PR and other transactions, the UOM dropdown list contains all created UOM Is there any way to do the same in Sales Order when adding an Item? Co…
Sales Order on HoldSummary: When submitting the sales order, it goes to hold because of Credit check The error shown is: New Credit case folder was created. Hope to know the reason for the…Mohammad Hussein 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Anuradha - User352 -Oracle Order Management
How to restrict Work Order reservations from GOP?Due to future unreleased Work orders reservations at GOP , the Transfer Orders and Sales orders reservation is failing due to no stock available as per GOP and pushing t…
Fusion SAAS Application Sales order Creation page > Customer Search > Add New FieldsSummary: Hello All, We have customer requirement to display more fields in Customer Search results while creating Sales order .Currently the search results are limited t…
How can we avoid copying of an EFF Value from KIT Line to Included Line in a Sales OrderHi Experts, We have created an EFF at Sales Order Line Level for storing order quantity to perform few validations in Order Management Extension. Whenever we update any …
How to Default customer Primary Ship to site address on sales orderHi , We have a customer setup with primary ship to and bill to sites. But while creating Sales Order for the same customer , primary ship to site address is not getting …
what are the sql table names for order Management Groovy Extensions?Hi All, I'm working on Order Management Extensions Groovy and I wanted to know the backend SQL table names where this groovy scripts will be stored and I wanted to know …John Peter Noble-Oracle 26 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by John Peter Noble-Oracle Order Management
Which PVO we can use to capture the your price attribute on the sales order line from sales order?We are trying on a customization on the order extensions. As a part of that we want to capture the your price attribute value on the sales order line before the order nu…P.S.Nikhitha Muduliar 22 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Satya Ganti-Oracle Order Management
Shipment line UOM is not the same as requisition UOMIn the process of an Internal Material Transfer (IMT), the Unit of Measure of Manage Shipment Lines pages is not the same as requested Unit of Measure. Summary: When per…
How does the person who raised an order monitor to know that a Customer had received its orderSummary: Our client have a requirement such that when a shipment leaves the warehouse and invoice have been generated they should be able to monitor the shipment or get …
Are there any SOAP/REST API's available to create dynamic EFF configurations on order linesSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets t…
We need assistance in identifying table(s) that capture shipment errorsSummary: Hi Team, We are building a BI report to fetch errors that occur during the shipment process triggered by HighJump via REST API. Currently, the team identifies e…
Customer wants to create a sales order with FOC item only with TAXSummary: Where the number of line may contains quantity but the price for those item lines will be 0 $. and the item has 15% tax , while creating the invoice i need only…
How can we define a limited access to a subinventory?In other words, I am creating a logical subinventory just to track the quantities. Then the quantities will be transferred to the final destination (sales). How can I li…
OM Parameter Relationship for Ship-To Customer is not availableHi Team, We came across the new OM Parameter "Relationship for Ship-To Customer" in 24B OM Implementation Guide. But we don't find this parameter in our application even…
It is possible to automatically cancel Unshipped Sales Order Quantity in Cloud Order ManagementIt is possible to automatically cancel Unshipped Sales Order Quantity in Cloud Order Management (This feature is already available in EBS version)
How to configure delivered-to location?Summary: Where do I set the delivery location that appears on the receipt screen in inventories? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (…Jessica Encarnacion -Oracle 16 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Prakash.Subbiah-Oracle Inventory Management
Order Header EFF Date as GLDate in ARSummary: Hi Team. Business is asking for a possibility to update Order header level defined Delivery Date field as GL date in AR. Currently GL Date will be the shipping …
Approach to Mass Update Ship to, Bill to address and customer contact in sales order headerHello Experts, Can we use salesOrdersForOrderHub Rest Resource to update these details only at header level and what all the field's should be mapped mandatorily.
create work definition for a work order using rest apiDear All, I am trying to create a work definition for a work order using the REST API, but when I use this JSON request body: { "AssetNumber":"test", "WorkOrderTypeCode"…
NASummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable):Abhishek Sinha 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Anuradha - User352 -Oracle Order Management
OM Extension with pick slipSummary: Due to Oracle just controlling the shipment qty with the order qty ( ship confirm qty must be less than or equal to order qty). The pick slip didn't connect wit…