Discussion List
Error in Sales Order Change Management integration with WMSSummary: Error in Sales Order Change Management integration with WMS Content (required): We have defined the required configuration that should allow Sales order updates…
What is the purpose of Fields 'Latest Acceptable Date' and 'Earliest Acceptable Date' on sales orderSummary: What is the purpose of Fields 'Latest Acceptable Date' and 'Earliest Acceptable Date' on sales order ? Does it have any impact on the scheduling? Content (requi…
SO line in Picked Status should NOT allow cancellation unless Shipment is back orderSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello Experts There are occasions where OM team cancel the SO line which are in Picked Status wit…
Can we pass DFF data from the Transfer Order to DFF Accounts Receivables?Hi, We have a client requirement where an internal requisition would be created for export orders which a specific currency conversion rate. This internal requisition wo…_Rajat_Kumar_ 51 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Prakash.Subbiah-Oracle Inventory Management
Ability to update ship method on transfer order/sales order(created through enrichment rules)Summary: Need the ability to update the ship method on the transfer order or sales order created from the transfer order using enrichment rules. Content (please ensure y…
OTBI Subject Area for Transaction Tax Determinants in Order ManagementOTBI Subject Area for Transaction Tax Determinants in Order Management
Sample API Paylod to update the Sales Order header Freeze Price FlagSummary: We are trying to update the existing Sales Order through REST API to update the Freeze Price Flag. We need REST API working samples with request payload and URI…
Sales Order to Purchase Order Conversion for Non-Inventory Items in Back-to-Back Process (Drop Ship)Summary: Hello Experts, Is there a way to convert a Sales Order to a Purchase Order in a Back-to-Back process (drop ship) when the item is not an inventory item ? Destin…
Showing Item Image in Sales Order and Manage Item QuantitiesSummary: Is there anyway to show Item Image in Sales order when enter item and in Manage item quantities task when search it? Regards, Content (please ensure you mask an…Mohammad Hussein 21 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by MANALI BISWAS-Oracle Product Development
Referenced RMA line always overridenHi @Victor Martin, @Shyam_Patel, @Thierry Lamote, @Lynn Warneka-Oracle, When we are creating a Referenced RMA, the Line always seems to be Overriden, because of this, if…
eecdsDear all, Can you please check the possibilities to issue the pallets during shipping instead of WO closure, as the current process of pallet consumption is creating var…
pallet variationThe exact problem is we are receiving the pallet. We are adding the cost to the finished good. The finished good cost of how much finished good one pallet can accommodat…
Can we customize Order Orchestration not to insert demand record in mtl_demand when SO scheduledSummary: Is there any way: 'Not to insert the demand record into mtl_demand table when the sales order lines are schedule in Order Management, Such that these sales orde…
Clearing of Overridden Field in the Sales OrderThe Overridden field in the sales order line is enabled under multiple scenarios. When this Overridden field is enabled for multiple lines in the sales order , then any …
How to create a Subinventory Level Sourcing Rules for Order ManagementSummary: We have a requirement to create Sourcing Rules based on Organization and Subinventory for Global Order Promising Content (please ensure you mask any confidentia…
Business expectation is to auto (split/select) the lot and serial based on shipped quantity enteredSummary: Business expectation is to auto select the lot and serial based on shipped quantity entered . If the lot does not have sufficient on-hand quantity shipped split…
Unable to get subinventory in Pretransformation ruleSummary: Unable to get subinventory in Pretransformation rule Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We are creating a pre-transformation rule to…
The PO E-Mail notification cannot be delivered to the recipientsSummary: When all buyers create PO's, all suppliers can't receive PO email notification and send an email to the buyers as shown in the image below Hope to get a solutio…
how can we add an incremental BOM in sales orderSummary: We have a business requirement for a ship building client. They have an initial basic BOM of the ship vessel to start with. However, as the manufacturing (work …
What is the functionality of the field About this record in view option in OMHi, Can any one please let us know what is the exact functionality of the field ' ABOUT THIS RECORD' in the view option in Manage Orders in Order Management. When we que…P.S.Nikhitha Muduliar 14 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Anuradha - User352 -Oracle Order Management
Retain the old price in the sales order even after new price is updatedSummary: Hi, we are using customer specific price list and in that we are using Tier based price list , like for this quantity ranges, a price is applicable. The scenari…
Need PVO for QP_PRICE_LIST_CHARGESSummary: Hi Team, Can you provide PVO for the table QP_PRICE_LIST_CHARGES Regards, Praneetha G Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (in…
Rest API to Skip Current Assignment in BPM Workflow NotificationSummary: Hello TEam, I am trying to use the below API to perform the action "Skip Current Assignement" in PR approval workflow notification. But receiving error, could y…
OM OTM WMS are used to process SO,system not allow to create rev or cancel order after WMS interfaceSummary: order created in OM and through task transportation planning interfaced to OTM after response from OTM interface order to WMS once order interfaced to WMS syste…Parimala Bidap 21 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Anuradha - User352 -Oracle Order Management
SQL to find Material Transaction for Dropship Sales OrderSummary: SQL to find Material Transaction for Dropship Sales Order Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): we are looking to get a SQL to find Mat…
Pallet Variation in Sales OrderHello, I have the following scenario: the client is a manufacturer. He is creating work orders in manufacturing and producing items. As an estimation during work orders,…
Is it necessary to use Configurator for seeing TIAs at the time of creating Sales Orders?We have created an ATO model with option classes and optional items. TIAs are set up in the item class and all applications were selected in the Application Scope. But w…
Issuance of palletsCan you please check the possibilities to issue the pallets during shipping instead of WO closure, as the current process of pallet consumption is creating variances whi…Anthony Sleiman 11 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by Anuradha - User352 -Oracle Order Management
How to enable the Date Increment Procedure for the Custom ESS jobSummary: There is a business requirement to schedule the custom ESS job for every week and the date needs to be an increment of 7 days in the argument parameter. As of n…Yuvaraj Meganathadu 222 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Yuvaraj Meganathadu Supply Chain Orchestration
Credit Check on Sales Order using REST API or WebserviceSummary: Credit Check on Sales Order using REST API or Webservice Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We have to perform Credit Check on Sales…