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Need capability to Split ASN into multiple shipment line for single Drop Ship SOSummary: Client needs a capability to split shipment line by quantities for a Drop Ship SO. Client receives ASN information from their Supplier with multiple tracking nu…Bhavin_Deloitte 4 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Kavita Yetakuri-Oracle Inventory Management
How to Correct Receipt from Service Basis PO Line By Using REST APISummary: Can you please provide a ample payload of how to CORRECT a Receipt from Service Basis PO Line By Using REST API? Content (please ensure you mask any confidentia…Facundo Bodner 21 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by sujatha vasudeva-Oracle Inventory Management
I have Min Max planned at Sub inv level, need to group all items in a single PRSummary: Hello All, I have implemented the Min Max planning at Sub inv level, source type as Supplier. When i run the Min Max report, there are different PR's created fo…
How to Query Available to Reserve Quantity to show in Custom Report or Any calculation (Formula)How to Query Available to Reserve Quantity to show in Custom Report or Any calculation (Formula)
Calling Webservice from Groovy going in infinite loopSummary: Trying to update the price value for the line item using Manual adjustment REST API. Created webservice for the REST API and called in Groovy . When click on "S…
Tax applicability on Inventory Issuance from Misc Issues or Movement Request IssueSummary: Business has a requirement wherein some of the stock which has actually been bought for Sales maybe used for internal organization purpose. In such cases busine…Nalsoft Pvt Ltd 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Aditi Srivastav-Oracle Inventory Management
End dating an IB Asset through Miscelleanous ReceiptWhen a serial number requires refurbishment,, Inventory Control team initiates a Miscellaneous Issue transaction and processes the return under the refurbished SKU (e.g.…
Can Destination Type be linked to Deliver to locations for Picking?Hi Team, Our customer wants to understand, In the Demand Selection tab in Manage Pick Wave Release Rule, can the Destination Type values (Geography or Zone) be linked to…
ship to location field is not available in inventory transactions import FBDISummary: ship to location field is not available in inventory transactions import FBDI Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We have a requireme…Balaji Midhun Kumar Sanagapalli 12 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Alex D-Oracle Inventory Management
Transfer Order Integration with OTM Via OMSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello Experts Our customer's requirement to Plan Transfer Order in OTM. I learned that there is N…Ashish_Kumar 62 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Narayana Rangollu Transportation Management
Material status not working for transaction type=Transfer Order IssueSummary: Case Description: For operational purposes, we aim to perform the transaction of staging lines followed by a ship confirm, starting from the subinventory using …Rajkumar Jayakumar 41 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Adnan Siddiqui-Oracle Inventory Management
How call ESSJobset from API for Finance and SCM Application with 2 Ess Jobs with no input parameterSummary: call ESSJobset from API for Finance and SCM Application with 2 Ess Jobs with no input parameter. what application should be passed for Shipment related ESSJobse…
How to get quantity field pre loaded at Supplier UI Create ASNWhen Supplier creates an ASN is possible to get the quantity field pre loaded with PO quantity in order that Supplier just confirm or Edit?
In single PO Receipt, do we have possibility to receive 5 alternate items against one item?Summary: Requirement: After PO raised for ITEM A, supplier informed that they don't have ITEM A instead they have 5 alternate parts for ITEM A and they will ship the sam…Murugasamy Velusamy-Oracle 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ankit Khandelwal-Oracle Inventory Management
Freeze inventory transactions for selected items as users should not be able to make transactionsFreeze inventory transactions for selected items as users should not be able to make transactions for those items which they have included for cycle count. these items a…Mayank.Tripathi 6 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Adnan Siddiqui-Oracle Inventory Management
Disable Request Cycle Count Transaction Link in Manage Item Quantities PageSummary: Disable Request Cycle Count Transaction Link in Manage Item Quantities Page Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Can we disable the re…Anil Appanaboyina-Oracle 1 view 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Anil Appanaboyina-Oracle Inventory Management
How system is calculating the MIN - MAX quantities at Item based on the Profile PolicySummary: Hello Experts, I would like to understand how system will calculate the minimum and maximum quantities at the item level based on the business input MIN - MAX P…Nalsoft Pvt Ltd 15 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by BalaR-Oracle Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
Transfer Transactions from Inventory to Costing - zero transactions processedSummary: Transfer Transactions from Inventory to Costing - zero transactions processed Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I have created an M…
PO receipt FBDI for receive and deliver process for PO receipt routing set to StandardSummary: hi Gurus, We have a requirement to upload bulk GRN for PO where receipt routing is set to Standard , Is it possible to create receive and deliver transactions u…Sanjeev Inampudi-Oracle 6 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Shabbir M Tahasildar Inventory Management
22A Edit Items history tabSummary: 22A Edit Items history tab we have opt in this feature..does anyone how how to enable different fields? I can only see some attributes such as costing enabled,p…
How to generate only one ERS Invoice against a single GRN (but having multiple Receipts created)Summary: Hello Oracle Experts! We have enabled the send pay on Receipt at Supplier Site level and Invoice Summary Level is set to Receipt. But currently the behaviour is…
Field Encryption in OIC.Summary: Is it possible to encrypt a specific field within a JSON payload while using Oracle Integration Cloud (OIC). Content (please ensure you mask any confidential in…
How to do Mass update for Items attribute "Conversions" under Unit of measure Attribute GroupSummary: I am trying to update the items standard attribute "conversion" value as "Both" under Unit of measure Attribute Group (Main Page under overview) in fusion. Ther…
Visual Builder Studio: Requirement to Hide New Lot IconSummary: Hello Experts, We are looking to Hide the 'New lot' button in the Lots and Serial Numbers Redwood page. I am able to hide the data within the New Lot UI, howeve…
Need OIC Business Event Details After Transfer Order Item Reservation CompletesSummary: Hi Expert, Hope you all are doing well. We have one business requirement to send the Item Reservation error in case of Partial Qty Reserved or No Qty available …
Legal Entity Timezone Setup as Eastern (EST) Since the transaction data are stored in UTC in DatabasSummary: Legal Entity Timezone Setup as Eastern (EST) Since the transaction data are stored in UTC in Oracle ERP Cloud Database Content (required): We have the PO's and …
Can we substitute item in Movement RequestSummary: Hi, Can we substitute an item in Movement Request if the original item is not available in stock? Also, if not can we edit the MR and replace the existing item …
REST/SOAP API to create inventory transactions(miscellaneous Receipt/Issue) in fusion on real timeSummary: We have requirement to integrate a POS system on Real time Basis. We need a API (Rest OR SAOP) Which can create miscellaneous Receipt/Issue, Subinventory Transf…
Rest API for Miscellaneous Receipt in Oracle FusionSummary Rest API for Miscellaneous Receipt in Oracle Fusion Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi, We have a requirement to create Miscellane…
Multiple pick line are getting generatedThe concern is regarding the Picking lines, when user is creating a Transfer order from Org -A (Source Org) to Org-B (Destination Org) and requesting 50 quantities , and…