Discussion List
Item Pack - Receiving and Inventory TransactionsSummary Unpack Items Packs for Receiving and Inventory TransactionsContent We have a business requirement w.r.t the following scenario:1. Individual Items (T Shirt Red X…
Edit Serial Number after receiptSummary Can we edit serial number associated with items after receipt is done ?Content Suppose if incorrect Serial number is entered while receiving items and then if we…
UOM Standard conversions for Base Unit of MeasureSummary In EBS, All Base UOM, defined conversion value as 1, for ex 1 BOXES = 1 BOXES, Cloud Base UOM's are not available in UOM Standard conversion UOM Name LOV.Content…
How to restrict the user to use only primary or secondary UOM instead to select any UOM on miscellanSummary How to restrict the user to use only primary or secondary UOM instead to select any UOM on miscellaneous transaction screenContent Does anyone notice that by def…Kaleem Khan 48 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Piyush Potdar-Support-Oracle Inventory Management
Transfer material allocated to a project within one organization to another project within other orgSummary Transfer material allocated to a project within one organization to another project within other organizationContent Gurus, we have PDSC enabled. How can we tran…
Is it possible to add a trigger in the 'Edit Shipment'Content Hi, The requirement is to update the Shipping Method of a shipment based on the 'Gross Weight' update. Example: Shipment: 1010 / Shipping Method: UPS Air 2nd Day…
PO Receipt (Timeout) Error when importing PO receipt using FBDISummary The receiving transaction cannot be processed because an error occurred in package name RCV_PROCESSOR_PVT.lock_transaction_entities with error code -54 and error…
Can we use 'project driven supply chain' without having licenses for manufacturing, maintenance andSummary For 'Project driven supply chain' functionality to work in Inventory module, is it mandatory to have licenses for other modules like order management, maintenanc…Srikanth Raghavendiran 38 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Srikanth Raghavendiran Inventory Management
Enable Serial Control for ItemsContent Hi, We have a requirement to enable serial control for few items. To do this firstly we need to find all open and pending transactions for that item. Can anyone …
MIn Miax report - Subinventory Min Subinventory MaxContent Hi Experts i need to develop BIP report using below fields, do you have sql logic from Sub inventory ,pls share to me it would helpful to my development Open Req…
Pick single line from multiple LocatorsContent Hi, We have a scenario where the Requested Quantity is 10 for Item1 on the pick. But availability is divided as below: Item Sub-Inventory Locator On-Hand Item1 L…
Need to perform IMT using the price listContent Hi, We have a requirement to transfer the goods across the orgs. (Across LEs) using the predefined prices in price list and not at the inventory costs. Case-1: A…
Template for Physical Count Records upload not availableSummary Template for Physical Count Records upload not availableContent Hi In Release 11, Template for Physical Count Records upload not available. Is there any way to u…
How to run a Custom Shipment Report as a part of Send Shipment AdviceSummary How to Run a Custom Shipping Report as part of Send Shipment AdviceContent We have built a custom report for Shipment which has two Parameters Order Number and S…Abhijeet Deokate 74 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Lynn Warneka-Oracle Inventory Management
To Get Inventory PO Receipt Notification To Requester And BuyerContent Hello Experts Can any one suggests how do a Buyer and requestor will get notification when Inventory Item (Not expense ) received in Warehouse?
need FIFO for Lot numbers during FBDI Miscellaneous IssuesSummary FIFO during FBDI Inventory transactionsContent My client is using FBDI to do Miscellaneous issues of a lot controlled item. They want to Oracle to figure out wha…
How to autopack packing units lines in shipment via rest apiSummary How to pack automatically packing units lines in shipmentContent Hello, I need to know if there is any way to autopack packing units lines in shipment via webser…Hugo Cortijo Navascues 13 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by Hugo Cortijo Navascues Inventory Management
Manage transfer order page is allowing to search multiple TOSummary Manage transfer order page is allowing to search multiple TOContent All Search screens in Oracle, i believe when i searched with different values in different fi…
Can we Create Approval flow for ReceivingSummary How can we create approval flow for ReceivingContent Hi Team, I have one requirement , where customer wanted to setup the approval flow for GRN. As and when we r…
Is there a way to turn off warning messages on various screensContent A warning message pops up upon updating the secondary qty while doing miscellaneous transactions - is there a way to turn this off or prevent this from popping u…Sindhu Mohan-189276 24 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Sindhu Mohan-189276 Inventory Management
Can we have Physical Inventory Tags for Serial Number Ranges instead of single Serial numberSummary Our client wants to see serial numbers in range instead of single serial numbers in physical inventory tags, if single serial number, it will be huge task to cou…
2 shipping numbers for 1 transfer orderContent Internal requisition created, approved, one inventory ORG. transfer order is made, when shipment is created, two shipping numbers is appears for the same transfe…
Change Organization not shows my new defined inventory OrgSummary Change Organization not shows my new defined inventory OrgContent Dears, I did define new inventory org on test instance along with new BU but when I switch to i…
Locator flag restriction issue with Create pickSummary Locator flag restriction issue with Create pickContent Dear, Locator restriction flags are enabled on item master, as this flags provide the flexibility to the u…
Source organization for Expense Transfer OrdersSummary Ability to default to Source Organization to the actual Inventory OrganizationContent Hi all We are having an issue with the following scenario and hope an exper…Marcus Comins-242598 38 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Peter W-Oracle Inventory Management
Can we default the Sub-Inventory at the time of Receiving?Content Hi, Can we default the Sub-Inventory at the time of receiving on "Receive Lines" screen Based on Organization. Like I choose ABC as Organization while creating R…VarunMittal2005 47 views 10 comments 0 points Most recent by Lynn Warneka-Oracle Inventory Management
LPN Inventory Managment CloudSummary LPN in Inventory ManagmentContent In Oracle Cloud Inventory module, LPN is not available during inventory transactions except for outbound process of sales order…
Implementing Restrictions on Create Receipt Screen.Content Hi, We can create Receipt against PO or ASN. Can we implement logic like if a PO has no ASN then we can't create a Receipt. E:g I am having a PO "PO123", we have…
reason code in null in the un reference supplier returnsSummary where to define the reason code for the LOV and used in the un reference supplier returnsContent where to define the reason code for the LOV and used in the un r…