Inventory Operations
Discussion List
Perform allocation by Customer, Ship To, CarrierSummary How to perform allocation by generic grouping rules?Content We would like to create wave allocation templates that group sales orders by customer, ship-to locati…Bharathkumar Krishnamurthy 23 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Rajiv Kirani-Oracle Warehouse Management
Getting Error at time of Cycle Count through RF ScreenSummary Getting Error at time of Cycle Count through RF ScreenContent Hi Everyone, Getting following error at time of cycle counting through RF screen. Any idea/suggesti…User_2025-02-06-13-39-20-451 10 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ramamurthy Swaminathan Warehouse Management
User-Configurable UOMSummary User-Configurable UOM - current UOM customer use casesContent User-Configurable UOM and Assigning a Primary UOM to an Item-Facility is currently on the planned W…
Item substitutionSummary Item substitutionContent Does anyone know if it's possible to perform Item substitution in WMS? (not LPN substitution)
Control view and order of columns in WMS UI tabsSummary Is it possible to set a default order, or 'view', of the columns in any given screen?Content Hello, Currently in WMS, if I order columns in any tab, for example …User_2025-02-04-16-34-29-464 31 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-04-16-34-29-464 Warehouse Management
How can we disable pop up messages that come up in the RF Device?Summary We would like to disable some of the pop up messages that come up in the RF device when we complete cycle count transactions. Need a way to do this.Content We ar…Bharathkumar Krishnamurthy 32 views 3 comments 1 point Most recent by Rajiv Kirani-Oracle Warehouse Management
Revised Sales Order Lines are not Interfacing to WMS automaticallySummary Revised Sales Order Lines are not Interfacing to WMS automatically Content Hi All, We are working on an Use Case Revised Sales Order Lines should get interfaced …User_2025-02-11-02-17-21-572 25 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Rajiv Kirani-Oracle Warehouse Management
Physical counting in WMS CloudSummary Physical counting in WMS CloudContent 1.) WMS Cloud does not have any Physical counting screens provided. So we have to use Oracle Inventory module to do Physica…
How to inactivate an item codes in WMSSummary Need the procedure for deactivating an Inventory item code if it needs to be inactivated due to various reason like obsolence etc... Content Need the procedure f…
Not Able To Run Update Inbound ShipmentsSummary Not Able To Run Update Inbound Shipments Webservice: Status: 404 Not FoundContent We are trying to call this rest api which results in 404 Not Found Error. /fscm…
API for ASN ImportSummary How to automatically create Advance Shipment Notices from a csvContent Suppliers are sending Advance Shipment Notices in an excel/ csv. Can we import the informa…
Inventory adjustment - Input additional comment linked to the reason codeSummary How to: Input additional comment linked to the reason codeContent When assigning a reason code to a specific item either after cycle count or another process, is…
Item Lot/Control Number Issues When More Then One Exist in Same LocationSummary Inefficiencies when Assigning Active Inventory to IBLPN and Cycle CountingContent Hi, Wondering if anyone else has run into this issue or knows of a work around.…
Matching inventory transactions in WMS and Fusion Inventory CloudSummary Need a common referenceContent Hello, We find it quite difficult to research inventory transactions in WMS and how they correspond in Fusion. It would be really …
Directed Putaway in Active Location with Items having batch numberSummary Directed Putaway in Active Location with Items having batch numberContent Hi All, I am trying to utilize Directed Putaway to Active Location for Items with Batch…
Lot NumberSummary Lot number not getting generated correctly Content Hi Folks. Lot number is not generating correct at item organization level i set item:**** as lot starting Pref…User_RH3GR 49 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-04-14-53-06-415 Warehouse Management
Assets and EquipmentsSummary How to use Assets and/or Equipments FunctionalityContent We are in the process of solution design for a Pepsi Distributor here in Pakistan. The distributor place…
Inactive ItemSummary Inactive Item Content Hi, How to inactive item in child org automatically when it get deactivate in Master Org. we are on 19 D , when i try to inactivate the ite…User_RH3GR 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by User_2025-01-28-18-45-50-135 Warehouse Management
Move Inventory from an 'Active' to a 'Reserve' LocationSummary We need to move Inventory from an 'Active' to a 'Reserve' LocationContent Hi. After transfer a LPN from a 'Reserve' Location to an "Active' Location, the Invento…Sergio Shihonmatsu 130 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Sergio Shihonmatsu Warehouse Management
Mass Account Alias issueSummary Mass Account Alias issue Content Hi team, Can we do Mass Account Alias Issue ? Requirement : Business will move items to virtual Sub inventory and from there ins…
De-KittingSummary De-Kitting at the time of Receiving Content Hi Folks, How to do De-kitting at the time of Receiving through PO. Below is the scenario Business having a phantom i…
Do we have a webservice or rest api for creating and releasing shipping exceptions?Summary Do we have a webservice or rest api for creating and releasing shipping exceptions?Content Do we have a webservice or rest api for creating and releasing shippin…Arijit Pramanik 39 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by User_2025-02-04-12-49-58-154 Warehouse Management
How to handle unmanned sub-inventories in WMSSummary How to handle unmanned sub-inventories in WMSContent We have scenario where each Manned warehouse(facility) is mapped to: 1. Unmanned warehouses 2. Truck Stock S…User_2025-03-08-03-49-56-344 39 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by User_837KY Warehouse Management
RF - Ctrl-X and Ctrl-W functionalities switchedContent Noticed that the 2 RF Ctrl keys "Ctrl-X: Exit App" and "Ctrl-W: Previous screen" functionalities are actually switched. Ctrl-X brings you back to previous screen…