Inventory Operations
Discussion List
Packing other orders while investigating skipped items in taskSummary Workaround required for packing orders in task while skipped items being investigatedContent We currently have an issue during skipped items on a task. Our DC co…
Upvoting feature enhancementsSummary Is there a way to upvote some enhancements that were raised by other customers that we also want? Content While raising an SR on error messages for ASN submissio…
Change Picking Flow or Position of Next OBLPN PromptSummary Change Picking Flow or Position of Next OBLPN Prompt to assist in reduction of picking errorsContent We currently pick multiple orders at once on the same task. …
Auto Close OBLPN after one unit pickedSummary Have the ability to prompt for new OBLPN after each unitContent We want to have the ability to break picks on single units. Thus, if there is an order that has 5…
Expand Route Instruction FunctionalitySummary Develop RI logic based on cubed OBLPN and for Non-Con itemsContent In a DC that houses a lot of SKU's and where new SKU's are taken on at a great rate, it is dif…
Serial Number Functionality RequestSummary Creating Serialization validation at packingContent Currently the serialization functionality in the WMS is either very stringent (have to scan serial number at …
RF Android DevicesSummary How do you set up Android RF devices for WMSContent Hi Are there any customers that are currently running Android RF Handheld devices? If you do, how did you con…
Warehouse management APIsSummary list of Warehouse management APIsContent Where can i find list of Warehouse management APIs