Custom Code
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Replace My Application FavIcon with Custom Image/LogoSummary: How to Replace the My Application FavIcon with Custom Image/Logo. Replace main Replace Main header and add Input Text Box to Display Fields There and also Remov…
How To Add Row in the Top (First Line) of the Editable TableSummary: We have made the Table Editable . We also want to add Row in the First Line of the Table and save the Data. Can anybody Please share a Sample Application zip fi…
Special Request to (Shay Shmeltzer)->Issue while calling BIP ExternalReportWSSService by ConnectionSummary: I have registered a BIP report, whose default output is XML. My requirement is to populate the extracted XML data in ADP. I have followed this link, but it is n…
Base64 to pdf error: cannot downloadSummary: Hi experts Content (required): I am trying to download files from external database and they are pdf. i used two different functions but non of them works. i tr…
How to handle post-refresh for Visual Builder FA ExtensionSummary: Hi Everyone We have utilized Visual Builder in FA to construct certain pages that make use of third-party APIs. Our intention is to transition to the PROD envir…
Add a Filter Criteria/Search Criteria Based on the based on the Fields of a Business ObjectSummary: Can anybody Please share a Use Case / Sample VB Application for the Serach Criteria of a Business Object on a Page. Content (required): Version (include the ver…
How to send details lines of master in one email notificationSummary: Is it possible to put details records of master records in one email notification. For example list of employees in a marketing department in one email notifica…
Prefix a three-digit year with a zero on tab out in a date fieldSummary: Unlike Oracle Fusion Cloud, where the date field is refreshed to 4 digit (prefixed 0) if you enter 3 digit year and tab out, VB is not converting the year to 4 …
Is it Possible to Insert the data Fetched from External REST API into a Business objectSummary: Is it Possible to Insert the data fetched from External REST API into a Business object. That is GET from External REST API and POST it into the BO How to achie…
ButtonSet in two linesSummary: Is there a way to display the button set buttons in 2 lines? (in mobile app) Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Cod…
Facing issue with calling SOAP Service in Visual Builder FA ExtensionSummary: Hi Team. - We are trying to call Fusion BIP SOAP web service from Visual Builder FA Studio. When we are running the application we are getting below error https…
Not able to give style for PDF .Summary: Hi guys I'm successfully generating a pdf now but the issue now is that I'm unable to give any style to the pdf like change the width of the table. Could you pl…
Batch Editable Table IssueSummary: Values are not Storing while editing the table. Content (required): Hi All, We are using BDP table approach for editing table , As we have to implement Multipli…
Copy to clipboard a column value from oj-table in VBCSSummary Copy to clipboard a column value from oj-table in VBCSContent Hi All, I have an oj-table (ADP based table), having 5 columns in the table as EmpID, FirstName, La…
how to get Server url from an service connection in VBCSSummary: Hi, We have a requirement where we need oracle SaaS url in VBCS app. We have a Service connection to call BIP reports which has server url contains correspondin…
sample VBCS application which can generate excel fileSummary: Hi Experts I want to create a VBCS application which can create a excel file and download the file on click of a button. is there any recipe or cookbook or a sa…
refer external libraries in VBCSSummary: Hi Experts I want to make use of external JavaScript libraries i.e. after i include the script tag in HTML like below, I want to refer them in JavaScript functi…
In File picker how do i get the Base64 data for a particular file?Summary: Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets that support your topic, if applicable):
Accessing Data between two children through Parent tableSummary: (1)- I am doing send Email notification on insert record in BO1 I need the date from another children BO2. Both BO1 and BO2 are referring to the same parent BO3…
Constraints with Visual Builder Excel Add inSummary: Constraints while creating a new and editing an entry using Visual Builder excel add in. Customer wants to work with below Cost Accounting screen through worksh…
Getting error when trying to open a dialog using module functionSummary: I want to open a dialog box whenever I click on the button but getting an error. Content (required): Hi, We have developed an VBCS application last year and mov…Jagadeesh Kumar Thontapaka 63 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by sailesh_cloudare Visual Builder
How to connect scan reader sensor tool to my applicationSummary: How to connect scan reader sensor tool to my application. The receipt shows using only mobile and reading image. But I want to use scan reader. Content (require…
detect row changesSummary: Content (required): I have an editable table in which I add editable rows and within the row I can record the data. I have a SAVE button that reads all the line…
Sending Email notification conditionallySummary: I need to send Email notification on update. Content (required): The notification on update should be conditionally. but on criteria I could not find a way to d…
While saving the record facing error.Summary: Hi Experts, 😊 Hope all are doing well. I am currently working on creating a custom application. The functionality is that we are using 2 different API’s, one is…
How to uncheck/disable/deselect row selection based on condition in multiple select table in VBCS?Summary: Content (required): Hi All, There is a requirement in my application. Using SDP, we are displaying a table. Row as Multiple is the selection mode for this table…
Error Handling in VBCSSummary Is there any way to handle exception in action chains similar to try-catch block in Java?Content If I run an action chain and there is an error thrown at middle …
How to prevent page navigation if the external API not responding with result ?Summary: I am using external API from database but in case user put a number in the form and submitting, the page navigation is conducted even if the API has no result. …
search/filter data on table with for required columns based on custom service dataSummary: search/filter data on table with for required columns based on custom service data Content (required): We have a client requirement like to search(auto suggesti…
VBCS App Look & FeelSummary: How to make VBCS look and feel similar to fusion? Is there any fusion/standard css available which we can use in our app development for fusion? Content (requir…