Discussion List
Can we Save the CSV File Data on to the Editable Page instead of the BOSummary: We are following the BDP Recipe to make the page editable and insert the data and Save it there. We are not storing the data to a BO We are then following the f…
Insert Row and Save an Editable PageSummary: We are calling a BIP Report from OIC and not using any BO to store the Data We have made the page editable. How to Insert Row and Save the data on the Page as w…
How to Refresh a Page with ADP TableSummary: We are Deleting the Data from BO and then inserting the data into BO. The Insert of Data is not getting Refreshed on Page. We have used ADP to store the table d…
How to add Input Parameter to a Page to Ftceh the Data of the BOSummary: We want to add a Input Parameter ; Employee Number to the main-start Page and Then Fetch the Data from the BO on to the Page based on this Input Parameter .Plea…
RegEx with if statement (different choices)Summary: Content (required): Hi Experts, I have list of values e.g. in select single components. For each value I want to assign different RegEx pattern. If the user e.g…
How to Insert the Child Objects fetched from External REST API into Business ObjectSummary: Child Objects fetched from External REST API are not getting Posted into Business Object Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if appl…
my groovy script returns only one rowSummary: Content (required): Hi Experts, I used this discussion to re-write the script in different way: Return List of Rows by Groovy — Cloud Customer Connect (oracle.c…
Return List of Rows by GroovySummary: Hi experts, I am trying to return list of rows by groovy, i was trying this code: Content (required): Hi experts, I am trying to return list of rows by groovy, …
Add a Filter Criteria/Search Criteria Based on the based on the Fields of a Business ObjectSummary: Can anybody Please share a Use Case / Sample VB Application for the Serach Criteria of a Business Object on a Page. Content (required): Version (include the ver…
How to send details lines of master in one email notificationSummary: Is it possible to put details records of master records in one email notification. For example list of employees in a marketing department in one email notifica…
How to Insert the data from Business Object into the Oracle Cloud Application?Summary: How to Insert the data from Business Object into the Oracle Cloud Application? There is no REST API to Perform the POST and patch Operation in the HCM Cloid for…
Copy to clipboard a column value from oj-table in VBCSSummary Copy to clipboard a column value from oj-table in VBCSContent Hi All, I have an oj-table (ADP based table), having 5 columns in the table as EmpID, FirstName, La…
Accessing Data between two children through Parent tableSummary: (1)- I am doing send Email notification on insert record in BO1 I need the date from another children BO2. Both BO1 and BO2 are referring to the same parent BO3…
Sending Email notification conditionallySummary: I need to send Email notification on update. Content (required): The notification on update should be conditionally. but on criteria I could not find a way to d…
One Object to be divided to a master details forms and the number of rows is changingSummary: JSON Object as multiple items needs to divide them to master details on a form and the number of rows in details form is dynamic Content (required): Hi Experts,…
Sending a table to database , the data invoked from external API, User will do update and save to DBSummary: API to collection => Update table by user => save table to DB. Content (required): Hi I have this sample consumed from external API. I listed the data in a tabl…
Help Oracle make cloud applications easier to extend!If you've extended an Oracle cloud application in the last year, we want to leverage your experience! Specifically, we'd like to interview you for about an hour on what …
Is there way where we can restrict access to VBCS applicationsSummary I want to give access to only to a specific group to my VBCS Application, any other user(Not member of that specific group)who tries to access the application sh…Jagadeesh Kumar Thontapaka 125 views 10 comments 0 points Most recent by [Deleted User] Visual Builder
Caching for REST APIs in VBSummary Caching for REST APIs in VBContent Hi All, I went through one beautiful blog from Shay on caching the BOs in VB,this is really good to know.…
Field Validators are not working when updating from Postman toolSummary: We have Field Validators and it should work based on roles. When updating Business Object from Postman tool it is not checking the roles and updating the column…
DCS: call API only after login successfulSummary DCS: call API only after login successfulContent Hi All, We have created a sample DCS app and added few links in the shell template. In the shell, there is actio…
VBCS: Tab out from table edit is not triggering "ojBeforeRowEditEnd" action chain but with mouseSummary VBCS: Tab out from table edit is not triggering "ojBeforeRowEditEnd" action chain but with mouseContent Hi All, We are facing a very strange issue with ADP "ojBe…
VBCS: inputNumber with max and min values - throw error if exeeds max valueSummary VBCS: inputNumber with max and min values - throw error if exeeds max valueContent Hi All, We have one editable ADP based table, in which one column value is edi…
Sorting ADP columns (table) wiith Header templates included in itSummary Sorting ADP columns (table) wiith Header templates included in itContent Hi All, We were trying to add sorting property for all the columns in ADP based table, i…
Uppercase: query parameter value in API from Visual BuilderSummary Uppercase: query parameter value in API from Visual BuilderContent Hi All, I have an input text (inpVar) and the API with 10 attributes, out of which Name attrib…
Add $ to only non zero values in number column in oj-tableSummary Add $ to only non zero values in number column in oj-tableContent Hi All, I have used below template for one column in the table,
Executing action chain before export data and get the latest results in the exported csv fileSummary Executing action chain before export data and get the latest results in the exported csv fileContent Hi All, Our curret design is that we have 2 buttons, one whi…
defaulting oj-combobox-many value on page loadSummary defaulting oj-combobox-many value on page loadContent Hi All, For oj-combobox-one -> assign variable is working fine to default the value and it is working fine …
Is there a way to get the current session ID when we run VB app?Summary Is there a way to get the current session ID when we run VB app?Content Hi All, I want to know if there is a way to get the current user session ID when we run t…
Sum of values in a column along with text Total in oj-tableSummary Sum of values in a column along with text Total in oj-tableContent Hi All, I have an ADP based table which has 10 columns, out of which 2 columns are quantity an…