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Calculate Total on a Table ColumnSummary Calculate Total (Custom Footer Template)Content Hello, I need a little guidance here. I've added a Custom Footer Template to my table but I am unsure how to popu…Stephen Bryant-131052 17 views 0 comments 0 points Most recent by Stephen Bryant-131052 Visual Builder
Search Refresh & Multiple Delete Issue with ArraySummary I am unable to refresh the search array results on search button re-click & Multiple delete on array is not workingContent Hi Everyone, I have made an editable p…
Disabling specific row columns on a tableSummary Disabling specific row columns on a table in case of an eventContent Hello, My requirement is to disable some specific table row columns on a drop down event on …User_2025-02-04-06-54-05-326 38 views 0 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-04-06-54-05-326 Visual Builder
Table gets updated twice instead of onceContent Hi All, I have a table and a dropdown (oj-select-one) objects. By the option the user clicks on in the dropdown, the table gets updated (te dropdown is used as a…User_2025-02-04-12-06-50-154 4 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Shay Shmeltzer-Oracle Visual Builder
Not able to reset arraydataprovider variableContent I have a table with data populating from arraydataprovider. I have dragged and dropped a select-one element in one of the column and set the value for the select…
How to select the first row using "selection" in vbcs table?Content Hi, I have a ojtable and I want to select the first row of the table by default when is loaded. Can I use "Selection" to specify it, and how do I achieve it?
Data from staged BO is not visible in UIContent I have staged my application and the staged BO has data. But when I run the staged application, data from staged BO is not visible in UI, the data from developme…
Customizing a VBCS Template Design and CSS. (Changes by code source)Summary Step by step on how to customize VBCS Template code as well as graphic components code.Content Hey experts! Enjoy this example focused on customize the design th…
Not able to copy the content from Grid/Flex component from the Live VBCS page.Content Hi Experts, We have developed a search page using VBCS and using Flex and GRID containers for displaying the search results. However, we are not able to copy the…
Customizing a VBCS Template Design and CSS.Summary Step by step on how to customize VBCS Template as well as graphic components.Content Hey experts! Enjoy this example focused on customize the design through sour…
Pagination for oj-table in vbcsSummary Oj-Paging-control tag data attribute data typeContent Hi, I've been trying to implement pagination for an oj-table. I have added the tag to the html page and inc…
Calling a Restful webservice with file object in VBCSSummary What are widget available to upload the file from local directory in VBCS? How to initiate a multiform data request type from VBCS to OMC 19A and send the file h…
Issue with Multi-Select with check boxes in VBCSSummary Issue with Multi-Select with check boxes in VBCSContent Hello, I have implemented the multi select with check boxes with the help of JET cookbook. Everything is …User_2025-02-04-06-54-05-326 147 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Shay Shmeltzer-Oracle Visual Builder
Css and Application ressourcesSummary Is there a way to refer to an image of the application ressources in a css file in VBCContent Hey, my question is if there is a way to set the background of a cl…User_2025-02-05-00-18-30-682 23 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-05-00-18-30-682 Visual Builder
VBCS Data GridSummary using oj-data-grid for showing hierarchical structureContent I am using oj-data-grid for showing hierarchical structure in my VBCS application. The idea is to sh…KarthickSaravanan-Oracle 25 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by KarthickSaravanan-Oracle Visual Builder
Error in components in VBCS Version: 19.1.3Content I was previously using VBCS instance with version 18.4.5 where I was able to install and use components like Export data. Currently I have created a new instance…
Using Oracle Rest APIs in VBCSSummary I can't use Fusion Rest APIs in VBCSContent Hello everyone, I'm newbie at VBCS. Today I have to use one Oracle Rest Api in my application for one of Oracle Custo…
Using Oracle Rest APIs at Physical Android Devices which developed from VBCSSummary I can't use Fusion Rest APIs in Physical DevicesContent Hello everyone, I'm newbie in VBCS. I'm try to use Oracle Rest API in one of my application. Here the api…
offcanvas in Shell page?Summary Hide the film strip the way ERP Cloud doesContent Hello, I've successfully created offcanvas menus in many of my VBCS applications. However, I would like to crea…Stephen Bryant-131052 19 views 0 comments 0 points Most recent by Stephen Bryant-131052 Visual Builder
VBCS : Service Data Provider to Array Data ProviderSummary Converting Service Data Provider to Array Data ProviderContent Hi All, I have a ServiceDataProvider variable which is holding the table data in the page. I just …Nazeer Anantha-145553 477 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Shay Shmeltzer-Oracle Visual Builder
ADF VS VBCSSummary Comparison between two different frameworks highlightings pro and consContent Hello Experts, this is intended for those who want to take a leap to VBCS and are e…
oj table data shrinksSummary Data in oj-table shrinks when columns have data of varied lengthContent I have used a table component in our VBCS screen. When the table populates with column da…
unable to access REST service from Visual BuilderContent Hi all, My requirement is to develop an application using oracle jet(Visual Builder) as Front End and oracle ADF as Back End. I am in my very first month of orac…User_2025-02-04-21-34-46-037 32 views 9 comments 1 point Most recent by Aparna Gaonkar-Oracle Visual Builder
VBCS Application on JCSSummary Deployment of a VBCS Application on JCSContent Hello, I believe we can deploy an Oracle JET application on JCS. However, can we export an application developed i…User_2025-01-31-01-25-02-726 32 views 5 comments 1 point Most recent by Shay Shmeltzer-Oracle Visual Builder
oracle offline persistence toolkit Usage in VBCSSummary How we can use oracle offline persistence toolkit for caching purpose. My intention is that if we get same request from one user then response can be provided th…User_2025-02-04-21-12-48-882 38 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-04-21-12-48-882 Visual Builder
Using Rest Endpoints in Visual Builder Cloud ServicesSummary I can't use any Rest Endpoints in VBCSContent Hi to all, I have Rest Endpoints for sample hr schema's Departments table. I want to use this endpoints in my VBCS …
How to display Donut Graph using Custom Data Object Defined in Module FunctionSummary How to display Donut Graph using Custom Data Object Defined in Module FunctionContent Hi Wizards, I am trying to display VBCS donut graph using custom data objec…
hidden attribute inside any oj tag is not workingContent I had been working on oj text fields and labels to dynamically display values based on some condition. All of a sudden I found that the hidden attribute is not w…User_2025-02-04-14-58-25-903 11 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Shay Shmeltzer-Oracle Visual Builder
Create an event to show a table after a button eventSummary Create an event to show a table after a button event.Content Hi everyone, I have a table where I show a list of files in an FTP directory. I have created an even…
Modify the Table Data which is populated based on REST API(VBCS)Summary how to update table all rows with the selected LOV value on UIContent Hi All, I have a table which is populated based on the REST API. My requirement is I should…Nazeer Anantha-145553 129 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Nazeer Anantha-145553 Visual Builder