Discussion List
How To Sort Output of SDP based on BO ColumnSummary Sorting SDP data based on a column dataContent Hi Team, I have a BO in my VBCS application which has the below columns. This data is being shown in a table in VB…Venkata Chakradhar P 233 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Venkata Chakradhar P Visual Builder
Limit on dropdown filteringSummary Dropdown has a limit of the values in itContent Hi guys, Is there a way how to get a whole or at least more values shown in a dropdown instead of the predefined …
Display 1 record at a time with paginationSummary Display 1 record at a time with paginationContent Hi All, I need to display data from Business Object. As we have lot of columns in tables, we are displaying 1 r…
Grouping of Data into a tableSummary Displaying data into a table after grouping and providing the functionality of updating the information in the table itselfContent Hi Guru's, I have a requiremen…
How to pass $appliction.user.fullName in URL parameter Service Connection Definition.Summary How to pass $appliction.user.fullName in URL parameter Service Connection Definition.Content Hi All, Dear, we are trying to pass system variable to REST API quer…
Dynamic Generation of ColumnsSummary Based on the start and end date need to display the columns in a tableContent Hi Guru's, I have a requirement wherein based on the start and end date values we n…
insertRow(undefined) TypeError: tab.insertRow is not a functionContent Hi Experts, I'm trying to build a page where I can give functionality to the user to add a row in a table by clicking on some button. For this, I have created a …
Showing Nested Collection Data into TableSummary Need to display Parent-Child1-Child2 kind of relationship in table but not able to access Child2 elements inside table column.Content Hello Guys, I am new to Fro…
React native pluginsSummary Import React Native PluginsContent Hi all,In addition to cordova plugins is it possible to import react native plugins?
Offline mobile sync with oracle ATPSummary Storage offline mobile from use Oracle ATPContent Hi All, i like use Oracle ATP in my app mobile and jet offline toolkit but i don't now what storage to user? Lo…Matias Buonavolonta 19 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Shay Shmeltzer-Oracle Visual Builder
Add Custom Font to App MobileSummary Import custom font in app mobileContent Hi all, i need import a custom font and to use in offline mode.Where of resourcw path i will upload?Thanka in advance!
How to Reset Select One Choice Component ValueSummary How to Reset Select One Choice Component ValueContent Hi All, I am trying to reset the Select One Choice Component Value. by using the reset variable component i…Nazeer Anantha-145553 25 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Nazeer Anantha-145553 Visual Builder
Business Process in PCS over app mobile of OVBCSSummary Is soported to use PCS in Mobile?Content Hi All,I will like to use PCS but i don't know if is supported for mobile IoS and Android. In mode offline also?Thanks i…
Conflict using Two SSOSummary Exist any issue to use 2 SSO of differente ISPContent Hi All, I have access to OVBCS using oracle IDCS for SSO.I will have configure my App Mobile to use other S…
Cursor to point at the Newly ADD Record Row on VBCS PageSummary Cursor to point at the Newly ADD Record Row in the Table on VBCS pageContent Hi, We have created a Table and has multiple records with vertical scroll bar enable…User_2025-02-05-15-08-54-217 34 views 0 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-05-15-08-54-217 Visual Builder
Send email with ical eventContent Good Noon! Currently we are exploring new opportunities to collaborate Oracle Learn module with Oracle VBCS. The requirement is to fetch new enrollments from Lea…
How to insert JET Progress loading icon to load a list viewSummary We have a list view that is linked into an action chain and it takes about 3-5 seconds to populate the data into the list view and we want to show a loading icon…
Loading Message UI Blocker in VBCSSummary Is there a way to create a UI blocker for long running actions in VBCSContent Hello experts, My application pages have long running action chains (taking around …User645883-Oracle 41 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-05-18-20-34-650 Visual Builder
De-selecting Row When Using Multiple TablesSummary How to deselect a row in one table when a row is selected in another table?Content Hi, I have a use case where I want to de-select a row in one table when a row …
How to deploy Visual Builder App to Weblogic ServerSummary Generate WAR file out of VB Application and deploy it in Weblogic Server.Content Hi Experts, Using the blog (…User_2025-02-06-06-53-05-399 45 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-06-06-53-05-399 Visual Builder
Populate oj-list-view using custom arraySummary I would like to populate a list view (oj-list-view) using a regular arrayContent Hi, I would like to know how to populate a oj-list-view with normal array; the i…
Implement Table with a filterContent Hi All, I am looking to implement the functionality demonstrated here :…
Unable to implement File Upload in vbcsContent Hi Everyone, I m new to VBCS Visual Builder Application.…
Freeze first few columns on oj-table in VBCSContent Hi, We have a requirement to keep few columns fixed(not hidden when scroll using horizontal bar) when more number of columns are displayed and horizontal scroll …
Programming LanguagesSummary Which are all lenaguajes programming that supports OVBS?Content Hi All, Which are all lenaguajes programming that supports OVBS? Angular, JET, etc? I was looking…
Wrapping of Header Label in oj-tableSummary Wrap the label in the headertextContent Hi, I wanted to display the header label in 2 lines i.e. wrap the label text in the oj-table. Version 31 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Duncan Mills-Oracle Visual Builder
Error while configuring Service Catalog for FA Service using interface CatalogContent while configuring the FA services using, getting error Connection in…
Load HTML content once vb enter event is completedSummary Load HTML content once vb enter event is completedContent I have a page with blank div tags and heading corresponding to that. I have added vb enter event which …User_2025-02-04-23-47-46-987 19 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Duncan Mills-Oracle Visual Builder
How to implement pagination for which uses Service Data Provider(SDP).Summary How to implement pagination inside the and using Service Data Provider(SDP) instead of Array Data Provider(ADP).Content Used within tag. The renders results f…User_2025-02-05-23-49-22-852 167 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-05-23-49-22-852 Visual Builder
How to add decimal converter for oj-input text in VBCS?Content Hi all, I need comma separator in input text field i.e (48,987,987). I have tried below code in VBCS page but it shows error converter="{{ $page.functions.numeri…User_2025-01-31-15-10-49-714 153 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-01-31-15-10-49-714 Visual Builder