Discussion List
Table Selection Listener getting fired everytimeSummary Table Selection Listener getting fired everytimeContent Hi Experts, I have defined a selection listener in the table. Same table has a button at row level. Probl…
Alignment of the Error message for mandatory field validationSummary Alignment of the Error message for mandatory field validationContent Hi, I have a mandatory field validation on my screen. But the validation message is getting …User_2025-01-31-17-46-17-923 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by David Konecny-Oracle Visual Builder
MultipleSelection Event is not workingContent Selection event is not working when using the header checkbox. When selecting the header checkbox the output of the selected row is showing is NULL
Selecting Table rows using Arrow keysSummary Selecting Table rows using Arrow keysContent Hi, Use case - User types in search criteria and tabs out to populate the Search result table. I am able to achieve …
Batch editable table - Next row not editable on abrupt delete of a current editing rowSummary When editing in an inserted row and deleted using right side icon, immediate row becoming non-editableContent Hi, I am trying to use Insert Row as described in B…
Get the upload zip file and encode the file using Base64Encoder and print the encoded output in consSummary Get the upload zip file and encode the file using Base64Encoder and print the encoded output in consoleContent Hi, I have an oj-file-picker component using which…User_2025-01-31-17-46-17-923 23 views 8 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-01-31-17-46-17-923 Visual Builder
VBCS - Train Component - Validation before proceeding to next stopSummary Validation before proceeding to next stop of the train , stay in the same stop if there is an error.Content Hi , I am implementing the train stop in my applicati…
How to change the row color depends upon the selection flag in that record in vbcs?Content Hi All, At my table, I have a column selection_flag. Depends upon that selection_flag value how I change the entire row color or particular column text color in …
Best practices and recommendation to develop web and mobile applicationsContent Hi Experts, Can someone layout the best practices and recommendations that we should follow while developing the web and mobile applications, business objects, a…
Page load with 500/404 Error code –when URL is posted after modifying the parameterContent When entering a URL like https://service-training.mcafee.com/dslkfjdslkfjsdf to access a portal page, instead of receiving a 404 error and the portal redirecting…
SEO meta tag localization for keyword and descriptionSummary Need an enhanced solution for localization of SEO meta tag for description and keyword for different localesContent We need an optimized solution for localizing …
Embedding VBCS page as external UI in My Task page of Process automationSummary Embedding VBCS page in My task page of Process automationContent Hi, How to use VBCS page as external UI in process automation. I have setup external UI connecti…
Call back url for visual builder appContent Hi, when calling a wallet service, I need to provide a call back url for the front end app in order to resume execution after confirming the payment.. The app wi…
How to animate page loadingContent Hello Experts, We have below requirement. a. How can we have dynamic dropdown in VBCS? Combobox or SelectOne component fetches its data before rendering the comp…
Cant able to filter in select-one component in vbcsContent Hi All, In my page, We have select-one filed with lots of records. i want to filter based on typing text but in my case its only highlighting the text. I refered…
Change Background color of landing pageSummary Change Background color of landing pageContent Hi, I want to change the background color of my landing flow (page)?How do I do that. I want to do it only for the…
How to upload multiple files at the same time in vbcs?Content Hi All, How to upload multiple files at the same time in rest API. When I am going to select from file picker I want that count how many files picked how to get …
Combox(one) Component (oj-combobox-one) Issue.Summary In oj-combobox-one user click on lov and select one value from the lov and click on Enter button no events are firing but we have added the keypress event to it.…
Unable to navigate to pageContent I have a page with a table of products and in each row there is a button that will open a new detail page in the same flow. The detail page has an input paramete…
Case insensitive search in VBCSContent Hi All, We have a select one search in VBCS application, in which we need to search values based on case insensitive. Now we are able to search only by giving ex…
Can We make a VBCS Web Application Public?Content i have a VBCS web App, which i want to let any body access who ever has that URL. I have tried the anonymous access option. but i can see that one can load the p…
Disable a button in VBCS temporarily for 5 Sec on Click.Summary Hi Experts , I am able to disable a button on click. but I want it to be disabled only for 5 seconds on click. can some body please help me with this.
Google Maps extending the focusable sectionContent Hi All, We were working on showing the google map along with a few other details as part of capturing form details. We have observed on the mobile app that the f…
Get the value of selected select (single)Content Hi Experts, Created a Type with Account of object type having two string fields (Id, Name) and then created an ADP variable with name AccountLOV and selected the…
Load File Picker & Oracle Object StorageSummary Load file from VBCS to Object StorageContent Hi Experts, My Requirement is to pick a file (Any format, */*) in VBCS using File Picker and upload into Oracle Obje…User_2025-02-06-06-53-05-399 33 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Aparna Gaonkar-Oracle Visual Builder
Dynamic question and answers in VBCSContent Hi All, We are developing a page in vbcs in which we show question and answers. We are now able to retrieve all the questions and answers, but for every question…User_2025-02-05-07-00-39-312 35 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Shay Shmeltzer-Oracle Visual Builder
Is there a way to download the server logs from production?Summary Is there a way to download the server logs from production?Content Whenever we encounter the problem on production, we need to explain the users to reproduce the…
PIE chart in Oracle VBCSContent Hi Team, I'm using the PIC chart component to display the data from one of the available REST APIs (https://api.covid19api.com/summary). Have selected values as …
Change language / translate Input Date component and "required" label for required input fieldsContent How can we change language of the calendar that appears when using "Input Date" component? And how can we translate the "required" label that appears on a requir…
Single (select) componentContent Hi Experts, Can you please help with how to load static data in a Single (Select) (as per oracle jet 9)component? I neither want a business object nor a service …