Discussion List
How to break a text line on a tableSummary How can I limit the size of a template to break the text into lines?Content Hello Guys, I have a text being retrieved from an ADP in a table cell, this is being …
Conditional Icon/Image based on table valueSummary How to show different icons in a column based on a value?Content Hello Guys, I have mapped the classes that are created to display icons, example: I'm trying …
How to implement Visual Builder Cookbook style NavigationSummary How to implement Visual Builder Cookbook style NavigationContent Hi Shay/John/David, First of all thank you so much for the VB Cookbook. It's a great resource to…
Table escaping screen sizeSummary My table is having margin on left and passing the screen size, how can i format this?Content Hello, I have a table with many columns that are escaping the screen…
How to display multiple columns in a LOV using combobox/select one - VBCSSummary How to display multiple columns in a LOV using ArrayDataProviderContent Requirement is to display more multiple columns in a LOV using ArrayDataProvider. I have …
Hold action for a specific timeSummary I have 2 actions happening at the same time (Selection of row and check box marking) there is a way that I can hold any of them to not happen at same time?Conten…
Table refresh on value changeSummary Question abount table refresh behavior when cell value with checkbox template is updatedContent I am currently doing maintenace on a page that contains a table i…
Oracle VBCS Biometric AuthenticationSummary is it applicable to login using a fingerprint (Biometric Authentication) ?Content Hello, is it applicable to login using a fingerprint (Biometric Authentication)…
Event on tab (oj-tab-bar)Summary Need to perform action when 1 tab is selectedContent Hi Team, I have a tab bar on page where 2 tabs have been added- 'All Employees in Job Code' and 'Compare Emp…Kumar Saurabh Srivastava 25 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Duncan Mills-Oracle Visual Builder
oj-sample-export-data - color coding the the columns in the exported fileSummary oj-sample-export-data - color coding the the columns in the exported fileContent Hi All, We have used oj-sample-export-data component for exporting the table dat…
How to select checkbox based on booleanSummary I have an array that is returning true in a Boolean field, how can i make this field reflect a checked box?Content Hello Guys, isSelectedOrder: true I have this …
Row level conditions in an ADP tableSummary Row level conditions in an ADP tableContent Hi All, We have 5 rows in a table with 6 columns. If we modify some value in the 3rd column then based on that 4th co…
Page navigation from one application to another in oracle vbcs.Content Hi All, I have created an application in vbcs which contains two applications(Created first application and imported second application inside first aplication).…Muralidharan Kanagaraj-161200 108 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Shay Shmeltzer-Oracle Visual Builder
Auto increment an attribute for every new insertions in BO - SequenceSummary Auto increment an attribute for every new insertions in BO - SequenceContent Hi All, Can we do something like below in VBCS BO? Auto incrementing an attribute Nu…
Enable/Disable columns in a table based on the rolesSummary Enable/Disable columns in a table based on the rolesContent Hi All, We have a table with 10 columns in it, out of which 5 columns needs to be disabled all the ti…
Unable to add "callToAction" chroming style to Export Data buttonSummary Unable to add "callToAction" chroming style to Export Data buttonContent Hi All, We have added "callToAction" chroming style to all the buttons in the applicatio…
How to achieve pagination in VBCS.Summary How to achieve pagination in VBCS.Content Hi All, How to achieve pagination in VBCS. I need to do pagination in VBCS table from REST Endpoint. Scroll policy work…Muralidharan Kanagaraj-161200 33 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Shay Shmeltzer-Oracle Visual Builder
How to select all boolean check boxes in a Table?Summary I need to create a checkbox where the title Select All is placed, how can I do that and make it mark the entire table that is associated?Content Hello, I have a …
How to use oj-sample-input-text-typeahead component in VBCS?Summary How to use oj-sample-input-text-typeahead component in VBCS?Content Hi All, I am looking for a requirement having input text box, on typing it fetches the matchi…
How to scan Bar code or QR code in VBCS mobile app?Summary Looking for a solution to scan bar and QR code using VBCS mobile applicationContent Hello, I have requirement to implement VBCS based mobile application to scan …Abhinav Deshmukh-185336 59 views 10 comments 0 points Most recent by David Konecny-Oracle Visual Builder
How to decide when to Choose SDP or ADPSummary How to decide when to Choose SDP or ADPContent Hello Everyone, I am little confused when to use SDP or ADP. What are the factors that decide which one to choose.…
oj-ext-export-data - adding user instructions in the first few rows of the export fileSummary oj-ext-export-data - adding user instructions in the first few rows of the export fileContent Hi All, I am using oj-ext-export-data component to export the table…
oj-ext-checkbox-switch - make it required field ??Summary oj-ext-checkbox-switch - make it required field ??Content Hi All, We have a form validation in which all other fields have Required property but "oj-ext-checkbox…
oj-combobox-one - serach is not working in the list of valuesSummary oj-combobox-one - serach is not working in the list of valuesContent Hi All, I have oj-combobox-one component, the data is from service connection. It displays a…
how we can share the business object across application in VBCS version?Summary how we can share the business object across application in VBCS version?Content Hi All, We have a few BOs in one application and wanted to use those in …
How to disable the AuditSummary Disable the Audit which is run automaticallyContent Hi All, After the recent upgrade to VB Studio (Version: 20.10.0) the Audit Functionality runs automatically o…
How to fetch the third item from Dynamic choice list used in Combo boxSummary How to fetch the third item from Dynamic choice list used in Combo boxContent Hi All, I was referring to below blog from Shay in which he has showed how to acces…
Restrict repeating values in LOV.Content Hi All, In my case, I need to display only non repeating values in Select one component. For some specific LOV fields am using same service which i have used for…
How to control table default row selection while selecting the rowSummary How to control table default row selection while selecting the rowContent Hi Team, We have implemented action chains on Table Before current row & Table Selectio…
How to provide option for user to select only year as a input.Summary Requirement is to get year as a input from user. Is it possible to display only year and allow user to select them using input date or any other component.Conten…