Discussion List
Change language / translate Input Date component and "required" label for required input fieldsContent How can we change language of the calendar that appears when using "Input Date" component? And how can we translate the "required" label that appears on a requir…
Single (select) componentContent Hi Experts, Can you please help with how to load static data in a Single (Select) (as per oracle jet 9)component? I neither want a business object nor a service …
Error while using ADP to populate tableSummary I'm passing a ADP trough input parameter to other page but i'm having issues to see this in a tableContent Hello, I have a ADP that is populated in a 1st screen …
Import external Javascript in VBCSSummary Import external Javascript in VBCSContent Hi, I want to use JS (https://lindell.me/JsBarcode/) to generate bar code. As per docs: https://lindell.me/JsBarcode/, …
Google Place APISummary Integration with Google Places APIContent Hi All, I am trying to implement the google places API in VBCS and I'm getting an error that the function is not define…
Arrange table 2 based on grouping of data in table 1Summary Arrange table 2 based on grouping of data in table 1Content Hi All, I have below table on VBCS page coming from API. Table 1: ID Name 12345 ABC 12345 XYZ 99999 R…
How to hide a button in a particular page which is defined in shell?Content Hi All, I was created a button in shell page. after implementing that, i need to hide that button in particular page. please anybody help to solve this. Thanks &…
How to translate a particular word(loading) in index.html in Visual BuilderSummary I am trying to check if its possible to add translations to a particular word using $application.translations.(keyword) and update the keys for each locale in th…User_2025-02-04-21-30-53-416 24 views 0 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-04-21-30-53-416 Visual Builder
Editable table $current.mode from navigation to edit from a button clickSummary Editable table $current.mode from navigation to edit from a button clickContent Hi .. How to click on a button to convert the row current mode from navigation to…
Horizontal Scroll bar not appearing when there is no data in tableSummary Horizontal Scroll bar not appearing when there is no data in tableContent Hi, We have an ADP based table which has more than 20 columns. When there is no data in…
API documentation to access ALM-GIT api'sSummary Making REST api call to ALM-GIT to get the list of Merge requestsContent Hi All, I am looking the API documentation for accessing ALM-GIT which is in Visual buil…Neelesh Patil-251713 64 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Shay Shmeltzer-Oracle Visual Builder
how to show oj-progress-circle against a specific row on a button click specific to a rowSummary how to show oj-progress-circle against a specific row on a button click specific to a rowContent Hi, I have an ADP based table. I am showing a button as one of t…
Implicit objects of Visual BuilderContent Hi Experts, I saw that there are few implicit objects(application, page, variables, etc.) of VBCS as per the oracle official documentation https://docs.oracle.co…
favicon in vbcsSummary favicon in vbcsContent How do I show favicon for my VB webapp?
Reset oj-select-single components value in UISummary Placeholder of oj-select-single does not show as an item in LOV when the required property is falseContent Since oj-select-one is deprecated we are transitioning…
Populating Select List with multiple valuesSummary populate the list with multiple values and filter by those values.Content I am trying to populate the list with multiple values to gave the user ability to filte…User_2025-02-04-18-05-40-641 18 views 8 comments 0 points Most recent by Shay Shmeltzer-Oracle Visual Builder
Dispatching a REFRESH event, after data mutationSummary Issue after an actionContent Hello, I'm receiving a flood in log of the following message snippet and attached. Also, my table is not fetching the data because i…
Dynamic question and answersContent Hi All,We have a requirement of displaying Questions with answers dynamically in our VBCS page for users. How can we achieve this functionality.Questions and ans…User_2025-02-05-07-00-39-312 6 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Shay Shmeltzer-Oracle Visual Builder
Calendar In Oracle vbcs.Content Hi all, We have a requirement in vbcs to display calendar based on data received from rest service we need to mark the dates given as per image which i have shar…User_2025-02-05-07-00-39-312 52 views 12 comments 0 points Most recent by Duncan Mills-Oracle Visual Builder
Change group and decimal separator in an input numberContent In Brazil (BRL currency), the group separator is the dot and the group separator is comma. it is possible to make this change when converting the input number fi…
Paging Control not working in a TableSummary Basic paging control not workingContent Hello, I'm trying to replicate the Paging Control mentioned in https://www.oracle.com/webfolder/technetwork/jet/jetCookbo…
Where do you see the option of Direct (Bypass Proxy) in VBCS Version Where do you see the option of Direct (Bypass Proxy) in VBCS Version I am trying to create a VBCS application that can be called out of Oracle In…
Fire notification message specific to a componentSummary Fire notification message specific to a componentContent Hi, I am firing a notification of error type in my action chain on a button click based on some conditio…VBCS Learner-230793 24 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Shay Shmeltzer-Oracle Visual Builder
File Upload in OCEContent Hi All, We have followed and implemented the below URL to upload files in Oracle content and experience. But couldn't able to complete the upload. Please refer t…User_2025-02-05-07-00-39-312 44 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by David Konecny-Oracle Visual Builder
Filter criteria in SDP created from REST integrationContent Hi Experts, Calling the Integration REST in the VBCS. I am directly binding the table with the REST endpoint that is creating the SDP. Now I want to filter the d…
working-with-multiple-row-selection-tables-in-visual-builderSummary multiple-row-selection-tables-in-visual-builderContent Hi All We have a requirement for multiple row selection in a table. For this we have created a table with …
Can we store images/files in VBCS?Summary Can we store images/files in VBCS?Content Hi Gurus, I have created a VBCS web application, and added File Picker component in it. Now once we pick any file, are …
Display horizontal scroll bar of a tableSummary Need do display the horizontal scroll bar on the topContent Hello, there is any way / propertie that I can display the horizontal scroll (that by pattern is down…
How to get a ZIP Folder, during BUILD of a Web App in VBCS ?Summary How to get a ZIP Folder during the BUILD of a Web App in VBCS ?Content We have created web apps in VBCS and also build it successfully. After the BUILD , we did …
How to break a text line on a tableSummary How can I limit the size of a template to break the text into lines?Content Hello Guys, I have a text being retrieved from an ADP in a table cell, this is being …