How to select checkbox based on boolean
I have an array that is returning true in a Boolean field, how can i make this field reflect a checked box?Content
Hello Guys,
isSelectedOrder: true
I have this field 'isSelectedOrder' inside of an Array that is marked as true... this field is equal an checkbox inside of one table.... how can I mark this checkbox when this value comes as true from my array?
I'm attaching how the table should be returned on the example (nowdays it does not mark the checkbox)
Code Snippet
Table code: <oj-table scroll-policy="loadMoreOnScroll" data="[[ $variables.omniorderPickupOrdersADP ]]" columns='[{"headerText":"Check","template":"cellTemplate","field":"isSelectedOrder"},{"headerText":"Display Code","field":"displayCode"},{"headerText":"Data","field":"dtImplantacao"},{"headerText":"Num Items","field":"numItems"}]' class="oj-flex-item oj-sm-12 oj-md-5" selection-mode.row="multiple" style="width: 100%;height:300px;"> <template slot="cellTemplate"> <oj-ext-checkbox-switch value="{{ $current.row.isSelectedOrder }}" on-click="[[$listeners.ojExtCheckboxSwitchClick]]"></oj-ext-checkbox-switch> </template> </oj-table>