How to select all boolean check boxes in a Table?
I need to create a checkbox where the title Select All is placed, how can I do that and make it mark the entire table that is associated?Content
I have a table with some checkboxs with an event attached to it....
I need to implement a "master checkbox" (instead of the title "Select All" on attachment) to mark all the boxes, how can I do that?
Also, will I get to the checkbox implementation... the on select event at the rows will be started?
Code Snippet
<oj-table scroll-policy="loadMoreOnScroll" data="[[ $variables.omniorderPickupOrdersADP ]]" columns='[{"headerText":"Select All","template":"cellTemplate","field":"isSelectedOrder"},{"headerText":"displayCode","field":"displayCode"},{"headerText":"dtImplantacao","field":"dtImplantacao"},{"headerText":"numItems","field":"numItems"}]' class="oj-flex-item oj-sm-12 oj-md-5"> <template slot="cellTemplate"> <oj-ext-checkbox-switch value="{{ $current.row.isSelectedOrder }}" on-click=[[$listeners.ojExtCheckboxSwitchClick]]"> </oj-ext-checkbox-switch> </template> </oj-table>