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Adding PCS Embedded UI Components as RequireJSContent I have a VBCS application that is connected to a process server (PCS). I am able to use the embedded UI components via iframes because they are in the same ident…Christopher Maggiulli 17 views 4 comments 1 point Most recent by Christopher Maggiulli Visual Builder
POST method on REST Service is not workingContent Hi All, I am using VBCS business objects to store the accounts data and using this information to create accounts in sales cloud using standard reset services. W…
Two way binding with oj-bind-for-eachSummary I have a oj-bind-for-each bound to a page variable of type string[] it populates fine but doesn't clearContent I have a page variable called serialNumbers of typ…Christopher Maggiulli 18 views 4 comments 1 point Most recent by Christopher Maggiulli Visual Builder
Using $regex in AttributeFilterOperatorSummary How to use regex in filter filterCriterionContent Hello Experts, I have a webservice endpoint which has some filterCriterion defined to restrict the data. The fi…
Using the pattern attribute on oj-input-text elementSummary Is there any support for the pattern attribute for text inputsContent HTML5 introduced the attribute pattern for text (and other) input types. It takes a regular…Christopher Maggiulli 15 views 0 comments 1 point Most recent by Christopher Maggiulli Visual Builder
Visual Builder - Use Oracle JETContent Hi, Are we able to define own UI components using oracle JET instead from the list of UI components in the panel? For example, it does not have accordion compone…
Is there any way to control when a "permanent" notification disappears?Summary I want to control a notification through a different action chain / module, or set a timer on the transient propertyContent I have an error notification that fir…Christopher Maggiulli 15 views 0 comments 1 point Most recent by Christopher Maggiulli Visual Builder
Edit page gives 404 errorSummary EDIT page created from quick links using a service connection throws 404 errorContent Created an Edit page using quick links and REST API service connection as t…
Getting error using FA REST APIsSummary Using FA REST endpoint in building visual app throws errorContent I am trying to use REST API to build visual apps in VBCS. I am successfully able to make the GE…
Combo box backed by an Array shows value and not display value on adding new rowSummary Combo box backed by an Array shows value and not display valueContent I have combo box shown in a custom Template inside oj-bind-for-each tag When I choose the f…
Is it possible to convert a VBCS project into an OJET project?Summary Can we start with a VBCS project and then eventually convert it into an OJET projectContent Hello experts, I wanted to check if we can start with a VBCS project,…
Extending Oracle ERP cloud with VBCSSummary Maintain Xref table for Order management cloud as a webform in VBCSContent Hi Team, We are implementing Oracle Order Management (OM) cloud to capture orders from…
How to show the fields apart from id, value in a combo when the user selects an optionSummary How to show the fields apart from id, value in a combo when the user selects an optionContent We have an LOV which is built on the Business Object which has addi…
Dependent Lists in a Table backed by an Array in Visual Builder Cloud Service VBCSSummary How to define dependent LOVs when the LOVs are shown in a table and each dependent LOV needs to refresh based on the source of the same rowContent Hi, I have an …
Embedding a drill-down page inside the main pageSummary Trying to embed a page generated by a different URL inside a VBCS pageContent Hello Gurus, I have an SR Routing VBCS page as given in the top section of the atta…
Passing multiple parameters in "Navigate to URL" action nodeSummary Is it possible to dynamically pass multiple parameters while calling an external URL through "Navigate to URL"?Content Hello All, I am new to VBCS and have some …
Custom Table with ChartsSummary custom table with row specific charts in vbcsContent Hi, I've been trying to implement the following custom table jet recipee into VBCS http://www.oracle.com/web…
In-built Advanced Search Option in VBCS applicationContent Hi, There is an Advanced Search option in the VBCS Classic application as mentioned in the below blog, which gives a wide variety of search options based on diff…
While creating Visual Mobile Application, unable to reference a nested object array attributes fromSummary Tried to populate a variable with the output of a REST endpoing of a BO for editing purposes, however, unable to reference a nested object array attribute as req…Vidhya Valantina Venkatesh 28 views 7 comments 1 point Most recent by Vidhya Valantina Venkatesh Visual Builder
How to use components from jet Cookbook to oracle VBCSContent I tried to consume Oracle JET provided cookbook example (Basic Table) code into Oracle VBCS. Refer These images(VBCS1,VBCS2). But in VBCS JS page i get error sho…Shakila Murugan-90549 48 views 1 comment 2 points Most recent by Shay Shmeltzer-Oracle Visual Builder
How to Migrate Jet application to Oracle VbcsContent Hi all I have one general question. I have developed an sample application in Oracle JET, is this possible to migrate that whole application to Oracle VBCS. I ju…Shakila Murugan-90549 37 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by Shay Shmeltzer-Oracle Visual Builder
A List of ediable items is being displayed in a JET Collapsible element. However, on each navigatioSummary The expanded collapsible item if it closes for each item's edit, it is frustrating to expand the element and then edit the next item. The updated values are corr…Vidhya Valantina Venkatesh 23 views 4 comments 1 point Most recent by Vidhya Valantina Venkatesh Visual Builder
Select (One) Field always shows the first value of the list, though the value of the variable mappedSummary When firing a notification post loading the data, the data in the variable is correctly displayed, however the field in the Page UI, displays only the first valueVidhya Valantina Venkatesh 23 views 4 comments 1 point Most recent by Vidhya Valantina Venkatesh Visual Builder
How to achieve the functionality of upload files / images in VBCS mobile application? Can we use PHPSummary Need pointers to some resources which can help us do the same.Vidhya Valantina Venkatesh 44 views 3 comments 1 point Most recent by Duncan Mills-Oracle Visual Builder
How to use file browser componentSummary How to use file browser componentContent Hi, We have requirement to browse the file, read it and show the content on the screen . Please let me know if somebody …Abhijeet Khanapure-10949 29 views 5 comments 1 point Most recent by Abhijeet Khanapure-10949 Visual Builder